How about Wojciech Scezesny? Has anyone had any experience developing him?
Has anybody here tried Benik Afobe? IRL, he is really highly rated but have never tried him in the game..

He used to go my school, he left in year 10, he's absolutely amazing, no joke we used to say things like left foot top right and he'd do it everytime !
Havard Nordtveid(sp) turns out to be rated 4 stars on the team report after 3-4 seasons, and is better than vermealen, just needs to be loaned out and/or maybe tutored
When I play with Arsenal I always look at my youth/reserves before i buy anyone. Even if it means 1 step back for 2 steps forward apart from Goalkeeper where I commit cardinal sin and BUY someone decent.

Wilshere, Lansbury, Gibbs, Ramsey are all great players along with Walcott Nasri Fabregas