Auction Game

Perks Results

1 - + 2 training facility - lewie100
2 - choose a player - athomash
3 - +5000 seats on stadium - CrookdMoe
4 - +5PA to any player - IndiBlue
5 - +500 reputation - RTvD
6 - +2 youth facilty - Kubalionzzale
7 - +15M cash - Znik
8 - +2 junior coaching - KillerRoo
9 - +30M cash - hansie95
10 - pick a player - djs1
11 - +1 junior coaching - Lineciogne1998
12 - +5M cash - AverageJoe
13 - +1 training facility - Telstar
14 - -10M cash (sorry) - camusss
15 - +10000 seats on stadium - MrWisdoman
16 - +10M cash - Matt419
17 - -3 point deduction (sorry)
18 - +5 CA to any player - Osulim
19 - +1 youth facility - Nomadic
20 - +100 reputation - webby1999

athomash and djs1
- you can choose any players that wasnt picked yet
I will post new round after I finish with finding best players for my team (Trans) in Telstar chairman game

I will take Mayke(RB) please mate
Last edited:
was very tempted but i lack defenders,need more balance in the squad

I know mate, but still superstar is a superstar, Luis Suarez can score more goals than lack of defense can concede ;)
but, hey, you are the decision maker, I am sure you made a good one

Rules are same as always
you can bid for max 5 packs
you cant offer more than you have in balance
you send bids to me in PM and highest bid wins the pack

A bit of change in packs so now we have regional packs
In Defend packs you get a goalie and 2 defenders and in Attack you get 2 midfielders and a striker (or winger/striker)
Round ends 28.08 at lets say 2PM Greenwich time

Central European Defend
Central European Attack

South European Defend
South European Attack

Eastern European Defend
Eastern European Attack

UK&Irish Defend
UK&Irish Attack

South American Defend
South American Attack

As you can see regions are from FM so there you can check which countries represent which region
GOod Luck!!
The one and only great manager Nuno Espirito Santos, is for sale, bidding start at 1 mill. Ending as soon as i am comfy on the price :-)
