Banks warned to prepare for Euro Break-up

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I know.

Aye, but they took that risk.

Moody's, S&P and Fitch are all part of the problem though. They have been done in for lying about credit ratings and were intrinsic to the current economic climate. They dictate credit ratings so it benefits them, not what actually is true.

AFAIK, we know they will collapse anyway.

I should have been clearer in my initial statement, i was talk about passing when it comes to lending them money to bail them out so they dont have to deal with themselves. Joel made that point much better than i did anyway
I should have been clearer in my initial statement, i was talk about passing when it comes to lending them money to bail them out so they dont have to deal with themselves. Joel made that point much better than i did anyway

I'm of the opinion that nobody should be lending them money anyway, because right now, all it's doing is giving money away (which will disappear) and further devaluing our currencies by printing loads more money, which is stealing from everyone.
Did Germany and France really think we were going to let them regulate our financial services - one of our only productive areas - without our control? And then let them set our budgets? Thank God we vetoed.
And people are still whinging that we've been more isolated now-even though Cameron still wants to keep trading with Europe. Get a grip peeps. He's looking after the country and would prefer not to cripple the country even further. Least he had the balls to do it. Brown would've quite happily kissed the EU's **** just to appease them.
And people are still whinging that we've been more isolated now-even though Cameron still wants to keep trading with Europe. Get a grip peeps. He's looking after the country and would prefer not to cripple the country even further. Least he had the balls to do it. Brown would've quite happily kissed the EU's **** just to appease them.

Do people not realise that we're still part of the single market, still have access to free trade and labour, access to investment etc.? All we've done is not give up our sovereignty to save a currency we don't even ****** use. People are criticising Cameron for making this deal for his "friends in the city", even though all he has done is protect our only trade area making a surplus. If the EU leaders aren't prepared to make concessions to suit our needs, then it is not a treaty worth us signing up to. Sarkozy is throwing his toys out of the pram because we're one of the only nations in the EU strong enough to not bow down to Franco-German needs. France and Germany now essentially runs Europe. There's already monetary integration, interest rates are set at a rate to suit those of Germany and France, because they're by far the biggest economic contributors to the EU. When small countries like Ireland go under and suddenly need their monetary policy control, they're screwed. Now we have fiscal integration, certain countries have no effectively lost the majority of control over their own economies, all in an effort to fix a problem that should never have existed. The Euro is a failed economic experiment, created in the interests of France and Germany, and being saved in the interests of France and Germany.

If anyone's to be criticised, it's the lack of movement from EU leaders. Sarkozy and Merkel are perfectly aware how crucial our financial services are, we're a world leader in them - the only thing we're a world leader in. With a slight more negotiation on their part, there would be 27 countries signed to the treaty. It may not have been the perfect outcome, but Cameron was put in a position where he had no other option.
It's going to be interesting to see what happens, when this treaty is formed between the other members. Safe to say it's going to have a very unhappy ending. I suspect there's going to be a financial catastrophe of epic proportions. Even I could see myself when it first came out, the Euro simply would not work. The recession that's happening now in some countries is going to be a picnic compared to whats going to happen further down the road imo. It's going to be absolute ****.
There's going to be a lot of tension down the line, we're certainly not going to sit back and be marginalised easily. How the ones in this treaty expect to enforce rules on those out of the treaty without their input is beyond me. Let alone the fact that 26 countries have just lost a large part of their sovereignty to France and Germany without their people ever having a say on it.

<3 Milliband saying Cameron mishandled negotiations too. People may think what they like on Cameron, but Milliband is just ridiculous.
There's going to be a lot of tension down the line, we're certainly not going to sit back and be marginalised easily. How the ones in this treaty expect to enforce rules on those out of the treaty without their input is beyond me. Let alone the fact that 26 countries have just lost a large part of their sovereignty to France and Germany without their people ever having a say on it.

<3 Milliband saying Cameron mishandled negotiations too. People may think what they like on Cameron, but Milliband is just ridiculous.

Well Milliband and Labour can just shut their traps. Labour is the reason why our economy is utterly ruined so they can't say a dam thing. The EU Judges could have made us hand over millions upon millions of pounds to help out other nations without any chance of arguing it whatsoever. But it's definately going to change things a lot within the EU now. Be a case of "Pah! English! Always thinking of themselves!" Well yes mate. Because we don't want to end up like you mugs. Just to satisfy Tory Euro Sceptics? It's to make sure we don't go down the same roads that Italy and Greece are to economic destruction.

I'm also thinking if this is actually could be the death knell for the EU aswell, and not just the Euro. When things get worse, the people aren't going to take it much more. There's a real chance there could be a few governments, or just the current leaders, getting booted out of office.
How can the opposition not understand that losing fiscal control is bad for the country economically? How is the EU controlling our budgets not be considered true economic isolation? The argument that we 'didn't gain any safeguards' no, we didn't, but we didn't lose anything either. Staying as we are is beneficial relative to the choice of Germany and France having free reign over our financial services.
How can the opposition not understand that losing fiscal control is bad for the country economically? How is the EU controlling our budgets not be considered true economic isolation? The argument that we 'didn't gain any safeguards' no, we didn't, but we didn't lose anything either. Staying as we are is beneficial relative to the choice of Germany and France having free reign over our financial services.

By doing this too, it also shows that we're beginning to concentrate on forging stronger trade ties worldwide.

Besides, the opposition only want to believe what they choose from the misguided and doom merchants. The way the BBC reported the whole thing was just amazing-made it sound like the end of the world. Yeah course it is. Putting ourselves first should not be allowed should it? Douchebags
Just saw some Frog wants to punish Britain for vetoing it. Lawls.

I saw that too. They want to get rid of our £3bn rebate or whatever? Like they're going to provoke one of the only net contributors to the EU. We're essentially being scapegoated here for being right.
I saw that too. They want to get rid of our £3bn rebate or whatever? Like they're going to provoke one of the only net contributors to the EU. We're essentially being scapegoated here for being right.

France - I hate ze capitalist Britizh and ze arrogant Americanz... Oh, hello Germany! Britain, America; we love you!
France - I hate ze capitalist Britizh and ze arrogant Americanz... Oh, hello Germany! Britain, America; we love you!

Haha. I love the justifications for signing away their sovereignty without even asking their populace. "Yeah, this whole taxing, spending and setting interest rates ourselves thing is so overrated."

And it's one thing what the politicians of Europe and what the people of Europe think of Britain's decision. From what I've heard most respect Camerons newly discovered cahonas.
Haha. I love the justifications for signing away their sovereignty without even asking their populace. "Yeah, this whole taxing, spending and setting interest rates ourselves thing is so overrated."

And it's one thing what the politicians of Europe and what the people of Europe think of Britain's decision. From what I've heard most respect Camerons newly discovered cahonas.

Same the misguided/ignorant douchebags in this country/opposition can't do the same thing.