Question #4.1

Since many of you answered the same player, I have to ask a another question about Q#4.

How many assists did the he* give?

*man who gave the most assists

Everyone is allowed to answer it, since even I don't know the right answer.

Because RTvD , conorc98 , stokecfc and dejpi16 got the same amount of points in Question #2, they will have to guess how many goals each of the leagues top scorer scored.

Because naterr and Gearoid both answered Question #3 correctly, they will have to guess how many goals C.Ronaldo scored.

Because naterr and xlightx both answered Question #4 correctly and Question #4.1 same and closest to the correct answere, I'm going have to ask you to guess the amount of assists again and please don't answer the same answer.
wow this got interesting lol...

Ok so Q3 i'm going to say 6 goals.

and Q4 I'm going with 5 assists instead.
Question 2 + Goals scored

Liga BBVA - Messi - 28
BPL - Van Persie - 26
1. Bundesliga - Lewandowski - 26
Serie A - Llorente - 22
Ligue 1 - Ibrahimovic - 28
BBVA - Messi 25
serie A-Llorente-23
Liga BBVA - C.Ronaldo 26
BPL - O.Giroud 22
1. Bundesliga - R.Lewandowski 22
Serie A - F.Llorente 28
Ligue 1 - E.Cavani 26
liga bbva- 28

bpl- 23

bundesliga- 27

serie a- 19

ligue 1- 24