Made my bids. Another well run auction game, cheers for doing it Ben :)
Slapped round the face with the £0.1m fish by Nixon on Kompany, gutted :( Very happy to get Ibrahimovic for such a cheap amount though!

Will make my bids now!

Rene Adler - Bayer Leverkusen
Nixon: £16.2m
Kris: £10m

Guillermo Ochoa - America
AussieOchoa: £27.6m
GodCubed: £14m


Bacary Sagna - Arsenal
CalumE5: £21.1m
Calum: £19m

Cristian Zapata - Udinese
GodCubed: £22.5m
Nixon: £15.2m

Alex - Chelsea
GodCubed: £18.5m
Nixon: £18.2m

Martin Skrtel - Liverpool
GodCubed: £22m
CalumE5: £21.1m

Alexander Kolarov - Manchester City
Dan: £13.1m


Jeremy Toulalan - Lyon
GodCubed: £24.5m
Nixon: £21.2m

Nuri Sahin - Borussia Dortmund
Calum: £14m
Dan: £6.2m

Luka Modric - Tottenham
CalumE5: £21.1m
Kris: £20m

Lionel Messi - Barcelona
GodCubed: £59m
Kris: £35m

Ryan Giggs - Manchester United
CalumE5: £11.3m
Calum: £10m


Carlos Tevez - Manchester City
Kris: £25m
Nixon: £21.1m

Andy Carroll - Liverpool
CalumE5: £21.1m
Kris: £12m

Raul - FC Schalke
Calum: £12m
Dan: £11.1m

Bargain of the round: Personal favourites were Tevez and Sahin, some steals in there though.

Overbid of the round: Ochoa or Skrtel, can understand the Ochoa one though. XD​
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Giggs for £11m, Messi for £59m. What a steal. ;)
If I don't receive bids from Jonesy next round he may be removed, my VM's are fooked atm. :S
What is this I see? Is it Calum making sensible bids on an auction game?!
Huh, really didn't expect to win Messi. He's a good price considering Sneijder went for 75 mil though, dammit!

Got the best striker/midfielder in the world and the best goalie in the world. In other words, I have a ******** first team of:

V. Der Wiel - Mexes - Zapata - Clichy
Toulalan - (someone)
Messi - Sneijder - Gervinho

So all I need is a DM and a shedload of backups.

EDIT: Skrtel isn't up btw. Have a feeling I may have won that for a stupid overbid.

EDIT2: Yes he is. Scratch that.
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League 2 quality there GC, you wait until you see my team and better yet, my finances
3 of my bids were runner-up to GodCubed. Stop stealing my team.
:O !!!!!

Sahin for 14 million woooooooohoooooo

and got Raul cheap aswell |)
Maicon Vermaelan Pique Marcelo
? Song Sahin ?
Raul Higuain​

all i need now is two cheap wingers and a few backups
Maicon Vermaelan Pique Marcelo
? Song Sahin ?
Raul Higuain​

all i need now is two cheap wingers and a few backups

And a spell checker for your goalkeeper ;)
Maicon Vermaelan Pique Marcelo
? Song Sahin ?
Aha! I see Calum's plan now. Not content with playing a salad in goal, he'd been spending big, safe in the knowledge he's playing a formation with only ten players.

Aha! I see Calum's plan now. Not content with playing a Roman emperor in goal, he'd been spending big, safe in the knowledge he's playing a formation with only ten players.


I forgot to put Gonzalo Higuain in :$