Biggest mistake your Clubs made?

Letting the Yanks take us over, then letting them sack Rafa.

rafa won 3 trophys in 7yrs ansd spend over 120 in transfers with only 1 over riding success. he had to go watch roy do thing with less money
Letting Mike Ashley take over.
Selling James Milner
Signing Michael Owen, Duncan Ferguson, Stephane Guivarch and god knows how many more.
Not signing a bunch of players, who then became very good.
Hiring Graeme Souness, Ruud Gullit, Kenny Dalglish
Sacking Bobby Robson and Kevin Keegan(1st time around)
Possibly missing out on Hatem ben Arfa this summer.

I could go on and on.
Telling Steve Morison he wasn't good enough to play in the football league and releasing him.
Selling Mark Bunn.
Letting Akinfenwa leave.
Buying Djema-Djemba & kleberson

selling stam & beckham

not buying evds after schmeichel left

letting the glazers buy the club

Djemba-Djemba and Kleberson - long term replacements for Keane and Scholes LOL
Kleberson was signed to try and lure Ronaldinho to the club as Beckham replacement - epic fail... but if we had signed Ronaldinho i doubt we would've had the money or need to sign Ronaldo so not all bad

Selling Stam was huge mistake and choosing not to spend to replace him was just as big, Laurent Blanc was past it

Bosnich in for Schmeichel and briefly Taibi were both just awful - i was a huge fan of Vds before we signed him but when he went to fulham we had already signed Barthez who was one of top 3 keepers in the world at the time... not for long tho
shearer would of never gone mate a true loyal footballer (unlike most if not all fottballers these days)

You say that but from what I know he would have considered it. SAF has said that is one of his regrets, Shearer is a true footballing great and would have loved him to see him in a United shirt.