Brazilian boy dies after masturbating 42 times non-stop.

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I know your not supposed to speak ill of the dead but....what a ******!
if it was 42 times a YEAR. then that like something something (LOL)

but 42 at one day, nonstop, GOD DAMNIT MAN. did he use like viagras or something. LOL

boy got EPIC ***** times. for sure he's gonna die!!!

and how is the mom know it was 42. ???
How did they know he masturbated 42 times?
I mean seriously , it's sounds fake...
Even if the videos are just tiny previews off the net of about 20mb, He would need 325 terabytes of storage for them alone.

Yeah!! Sure ;)
17 millions videos and 600 million pictures would require a quite large amount of space on your harddrive. I don't even think the hardcore paedophiles could compete with that.
Jay from the inbetweeners? Kind of thing he would say
*looks around* Are you really living in 2011?
Brazil isn't a poor country, but the population is certainly poor. Not Africa standards, but they are very poor compared to the western world. I think that is what he meant.
Brazil isn't a poor country, but the population is certainly poor. Not Africa standards, but they are very poor compared to the western world. I think that is what he meant.

The problem in Brazil is inequality, your average brazilian is by no means poor, but there are some who are very poor and there are a few who are very rich. Nothing exclusive to Brazil, though. Happens here as well.
How did they count how many times he masturbated and how many images he had? It seems pretty impossible to rack 600 million pictures up let alone look for them and count them. Also, I doubt a badly molested ***** would show signs of an exact number of times he masturbated. I smell something and it doesn't smell good.

that's what the forensics said when they walked into the room
Died after only 42 times? Someone's not doing it properly.