Breaking news!!! has Martin O'Neill resigned

Nothing about it on SSN. I hope he hasn't, would be a massive loss to English Football and Aston Villa before their semi-final.
I doubt he would. Nothing on Skysports or BBC.
I hope he hasn't as someone said above,
be a great loss to villa and english football :/
Maybe that could be the reason they got demolished by Chelsea, if they found out before the game it's bound to affect their performance.
****, what a loss to Villa. Wonder if that free's him up for a job at one of the Liverpool or City if one of their managers leaves.
I doubt he would leave Villa, but then strager things have happened.
This is going to mess Aston Villa up IMO if it happens.
Wow, thats pretty lame, stupid American Owners ******* up English teams again.
Wow, Wow, WOW

I fuel another rumour. Has he been offered Rafas Job at the end of seaon. and feels he couldnt do right by villa and put 100% into finishing above he possible new club.
I don't believe it until SSN tells me
No Scott, doubt that has happened. LOL
On Scotts point I would welcome him at Liverpool along with Milner and Young :)
Why can't you just post the links here?