Jan 6, 2016
Reaction score
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Remi Garde facing uncertain future at Aston Villa F.C

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Remi Garde’s job at Aston Villa has come under scrutiny after it has been revealed that he is not happy as to how the players are performing in his first few weeks in charge. In a recent interview with TalkSport, Garde said that, “there is no life in any of these players, they have no confidence, they have no spark of energy, and nobody seems to be taking charge on the pitch. We are severely lacking in ‘leaders’ and the recent departures of Fabian Delph and Christian Benteke have left a sour feeling around Villa Park’

Garde is said to be at the ‘end of his tether’ with some of the players, and you would feel that it is only a matter of time before he snaps, and leaves Villa Park after only a few days in charge. This news has not gone down well with the board, with them hoping that with the departure of Tim Sherwood, Garde would have the ability and the patience to stick around and deal with the players

More on this news when we get some, I’m Rob Turner, and this is Sky Sports News.
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Tension building throughout the squad

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After the reports had circulated that Remi Garde was not happy with his current squad, and that he felt that they were not optimistic enough for the upcoming season, several of the Aston Villa first team were not happy about how Remi had handled his opinions on Talk Sport. Players such as Gabriel Agbonlahor, Brad Guzan and Alan Hutton all expressed negative opinions on the gaffer due to his poor opinions of each of their commitments to the season.

Agbonlahor: I am outraged as to what Remi has been saying; it is not our fault that we are not completely up for the challenge of the season. We just lost our 2 best players to other team in the league, making them a lot stronger than they were.

Guzan: not to mention the fact that we have just lost our captain after his surprise release by previous gaffer Tim Sherwood, so we are 3 players short, and these are 3 players who kept us in the premier league last season. Not all the blame can be pinned down to us, we are working our buts off to try and get our club back to where it used to be, challenging for Europe season after season, whereas Garde is just standing there moaning at us for not performing tasks that even the best of teams couldn't perfect.

​Hutton: I’m struggling to see a way through this. I’m not too sure if I want to stay at the club anymore if I have to deal with Remi being in charge. He is bringing the whole team down, and we need our good morale for the upcoming season, which is sure to be a tough trek for us.

So there you have it, the manager is not happy, the players are not happy, and I don’t think the board will be too happy after hearing this. I’m Rob Turner, and this is Sky Sports News
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Remi Garde sacked as manager of Aston Villa

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Reports are circulating in from Villa Park that Remi Garde has been sacked as Aston Villa after only a few weeks in charge, most likely to do with the poor squad harmony that has risen since his arrival. Garde had been considered to be doomed from the start, and his decision to take over a ‘constant sinking ship’ has proved to be too much for him. What this will now do to his reputation in World Sport is unknown, but hopefully he can find a job soon that will allow him to show his incredible footballing skills and management abilities. Just before this post, we received the press conference that was held at Villa Park involving the Chairman – Randy Lerner, Managing Director – Tom Fox and Director – Robin Russell.

RL: We are here today to announce the sacking of our manager Remi Garde. It comes with great displeasure that we are being forced into a situation that leaves us with only this decision. We want a manager that knows how to control there squad, and has the patience to deal with them in rough times like these, but we felt that Remi wasn't cut out for it. All 3 off us will be answering any questions that come our way.

Press: Hi, Steve Wander from TalkSport, I just wanted to know whether it was, in your opinion, your decision to release Remi from his contract, or do you feel that it was the pressure of the players that eventually dropped the hammer?

RL: I feel that it was a mix of both. Of course it was mainly to do with the problems arising with the players, but we ourselves here also felt that it might be quite challenging for a foreign manager to arrive here in the greatest league in the world and manage a team with such problems as ours. So yes, I believe it was a mix of both.

Press: Linda Turner here from BBC Midlands, I would just like to know whether you have had any contact by the fans of the club as to what they felt about the sacking of Garde?

TF: Most of the views that have emerged from the fans are fairly positive, as admittedly they didn’t feel as if the appointment of Remi was a good one in the first place. They weren’t to sure about the idea of a foreign manager coming in a trying a new style and formation from far away leagues, as they wanted a similar manager to Timmy (Sherwood) but of course having slightly more success.

​Press: Rob Tranters, Sky Sports News, I was like to know if you had any candidates in mind as to who would be the next Aston Villa manager?

RL: of course we have had a long hard think about who we want to take the club forward, and we haven’t decided entirely on a specific person yet, but I can say that the new manager will be a British manager. We want this to happen because I feel as if we need to start from the basics and then make our way up. Sitting here now I can see the looks on you faces, and I can see which names you have in your mind. Harry Redknapp… Alan Shearer… Brendan Rodgers… there are many candidates to look at, but when we find one, we will let you know.

Okay that’s it for the press conference, I hope you have all enjoyed it, and I wish you a safe travel home. And I also wish Remi the best of luck in his future endeavours.
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Good start mate. Keep it up. Going to be a challenge.
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Managerial Roundabout Continues

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It has been 6 days since the sacking of Remi Garde at Aston Villa Football Club, and there has still been no confirmation on if a new manager has been agreed with the club. With have reports understanding that there have been reports in from my colleagues that there have been interviews happening in the past few days involving current and unemployed managers, Randy Lerner and Tom Fox. However, we have information suggesting that these interviews having been the most successful. One manager in the running was Harry Redknapp, but apparently he was holding out for the England job, so that didn’t go through. Another was Martin O’Neil, the current ROI boss and the ex Aston Villa manager during there time in the top half of the league, but that has also fizzled out, with O’Neil looking to focus his time on the national team rather than a club team.

There are a whole load of other names been tossed to and fro at Aston Villa, but they don’t seem to be gaining any ground. We have however received the odds from the bookies on who they think will be the next Aston Villa manager.

Brendan Rodgers 6-1
Roy Keane 8-1
Mick McCarthy 12-1

And a rank outsider, an unknown British man from Essex named Thomas Lane 45-1, and it would be remarkable if he was to get the job over the more experienced choices, but maybe that is what Randy and Tom would want, a fresh new face to shake the league up, but again it is highly unlikely. Although, this is the premier league, and anything… can happen.

I’m Rob Turner, from Sky Sports News
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Villa Park. 9am. 30th​ June 2015

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Randy Lerner: okay, new day means new interview, lets hope this one can finally be the one that will accept the job and take us to the next level. Already we have had successful manager came in for interviews, and then throw us out like garbage, people like Harry Redknapp – ooh I want to become England Manager, dream on mate – and then Brendan Rodgers – ooh I’d prefer a more successful team to manage, like Chelsea or Tottenham, okay mate steady on, just try for the Northern Ireland job, more of your type of team. Umm, Sharon

: Yes Mr Lerner

RL: Who do we have coming into today my dear?

S: oh well its… umm… its…

RL: Well, spit it out dear

S: His name is Thomas Lane, he has no previous managerial experience, only just received his coach badges, young, born in Essex…

RL: Your telling me that the last person to come in for an interview before the season starts in an unknown ‘boy’ who has no idea how to manage, but thinks he can take over a premier league team. Oh this will be fun, send him in.

S: Right you are sir.

This is Mr Lane, sir.

RL: Ah Mr Lane thank you for applying for the job here as manager of Aston Villa, I understand that you have no managerial experience whatsoever?

TL: That is correct Mr Lerner.

RL: Please, call me Randy. Now what makes you think that you have the ability to manage such a prestigious team such as our own?

TL: Well, I know that I have only just become equipped with the idea of management, but I firmly believe in what you said in your press conference, about the sacking of Mr Garde, and how you wanted your team to go back to the basics of football and start again, and I believe I have the ability to, like myself, work from the beginning and see where it takes myself and the club.

RL: I see, so you’re suggesting that you’re most likely going to be playing a basic style with the team. I like that, shows the confidence that you have at the moment to try something that most teams wouldn’t dare to try and do, especially with the formidably 4-2-3-1 formation going around. Now, how would you handle the downpour in finances, considering our lack of money might be problematic for the team?

TL: I will not be trying to spend big. I won’t be buying players ***** nilly because of how much better they are, I want to purchase players that can fit the style of the team, and not take the limelight away from the whole squad. I am happy to work on a small budget, if it’s for the best of the team.

RL: What about the players, how would you handle a problem arising within the squad?

TL: I would tackle it straight on. If a player is annoyed at lack of game time, I will see whether he fully deserves it or not. If a player is upset by my treatment of a player, I will sit them down and have a conversation about it. I want to be very hands-on with the players, make sure that they know that I’m a here if there are any problems.

RL: Well, I will say that I think that went very well. I will discuss with my colleagues, Tom and Robin, about this interview, but I can say I’m very impressed. I will get back to you soon if I have any news. Sharon, please show Mr Lane out.

S: Certainly sir. This way please.

​TL: Thank you Mr Lerner for the interview, I hope I have impressed you enough…
Good story to it so far, will be interesting to see if Mr Lane gets the job ;)
Great start to the story. Ill be following.
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Aston Villa hire unknown manager

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RL: You are all probably eagerly awaiting the news that I have for you today. Myself, Tom and Robin have finally decided on the manager that we want to take us forward as a club. Now, you may be slightly surprised by who it is that we have chosen, as he isn’t probably someone you would have expected considering the calibre of managers we have had come in for interviews. But, I full believe that this is the right man to take us forward. I give to you, Thomas Lane.

TL: Hello everyone, I am extremely honoured to have been given this wonderful opportunity to manage a team with such great history, and hopefully a great future as well. I will aim to keep this club afloat this season, and hopefully, if given the time, I will look to improve each year, and finally get us back to where we belong, challenging for Europa football again. Any questions?

Press: Ryan Warren, Birmingham Mail. Do you feel that your ambitions for the club are matched by the chairman?

TL: I do yes, our discussions are often creative and there are a lot of good ideas floated which promise good things for the future.

Press: Matthew Mills, Do you feel the expectations asked of you this season have been fair and realistic?

TL: If the club is to really progress towards the higher reaches of the game, everybody has to be ambitious and aim high.

Press: You’ve taken the step into management despite being just 26 years old. Critics have suggested that you will struggle to command respect in a dressing room that contains players older than you are. What do you say to that?

TL: It’s a very valid point to bring up; it is unusual for the manager to be younger than some of the players. I can only hope it won’t be an issue.

​Press: Ryan again. What made you take this job?

TL: I believe in their philosophies and feel that this is the ideal place to take my career to the next level.

Thank you for coming, I hope I have answered enough of your questions. Lets hope this will be a good season for the Aston Villa supporters, and I wish you a safe journey home. Good night.
Your probably wondering by now why I went with Aston Villa, and what my aims for the season are. First off, I don’t support Aston Villa, I am an Arsenal fan, but I decided not to do a career with them because I doesn’t feel right doing a career with a big team and having all of the money right at the start, so I went with the next team down, Aston Villa.

The aim of this save is to first try and balance the books. The team is in some serious financial issues, and I want to try and stabilise that. I also want to, in my first season, stay up. I don’t care whether that’s in 17th​ or 7th​, I just want to stay up at the end of the season. From then on it is just improving the squad, and moving up the table until we can get close to Europe, get into Europe and eventually somehow do well in it. The added bonus of the premier title wouldn’t go a miss either.

The reason why the save is called Breaking the
Midcard, is because you rarely see a team in the bpl split the top teams in the league; Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man Utd, Man City, Tottenham, it is rare that one of these teams will drop off and another team will take there place. it has happened a few times recently, but only with the likes of Southampton and Everton splitting them up. The only was a mid table team breaks that top 6 or 7 is if one of them plays bad, never if the mid table team plays good. its rare to see a mid table team come higher than Man Utd when both team play well. in this save, i want to split the pack up, and prove that you dont have to capitalise on a poor season to finish high, just outplay them.
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The Current Squad


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Brad Guzan – Our number 1 keeper. 4 star current ability and 4 star potential is very tasty. Definitely going to be playing for the next few years to come. Pictured Above

Mark Bunn – 30 years old and not too much left for him. Might look to see if I can sell him in the window for a bit of money

Jed Steer – 23 years old. Of course he’s not as good as Guzan because he is only young. 3 ½ star potential rating looks all right. Might start him a few cup games, or maybe loan him out if I can get another keeper in.

Full Backs:

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Alan Hutton – decent right back but at the age of 30 he might be starting to drag on. Still though 3 ½ star ability could keep him playing for a year or so.

Juan Angel Crespo – most likely going to be my starting right back this season. Aged 28, just signed by Cordoba at a very cheap price, looks very good. Pictured Above

Leandro Bacuna – 23 years old, good potential, most likely going to be 3rd​ choice behind Hutton and Crespo but he can play in a variety of positions so that could benefit him in the long run

Kieran Richardson – left back is definitely a position that needs strengthening in this window. Aged 30, 2 ½ rating, might be saying goodbye to him soon.

Jordan Amavi – now this kid I’m looking forward to. 2 star current ability is a good starting point at the age of 21, but the 4 ½ star potential is something to look forward to.

Centre Backs:

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Micah Richards – definitely going to be my first choice centre back this season. Strong in the air, 27 years of age. 4 star ability. Looks very nice for the season ahead. Captain Fantastic. Pictured Above

Jolean Lescott – another 4 star centre back, but at the age of 32, I feel like he will start this season, but after that he might not get many games. But still, 2 4* players at the back is a nice start.

Philippe Senderos – probably going to be the 6th​ choice centre back this season, and the age of 30 his chances are limited. Might see if I can get a bit of money for him, maybe.

Jores Okore – another incredible young player on the books at Villa. 4 ½ start potential is very nice, and the 3 star current ability will definitely see him get some game time this year.

Ciaran Clark – nice backup to have in the squad. 25 years of age shows he can still grow a bit in potential, but nice to have on the bench.

Tiago Ilori – now this is someone I have to see if I can get permanently next season. On loan from Liverpool for the season, and that 4 ½ star potential looks very nice. Might cost a bit, but I’ll see what I can do

Defensive Midfielders:

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Idrissa Gueye – one of the bets players in the squad in my opinion. Most likely going to be playing him at CM rather than CDM, but I know that he can still do a job there. Pictured Above

Ashley Westwood – another very good CDM for the team, and at the age of 25 I know he can still grow to become even more of an influence in the team.

Carlos Sanchez - again another very good CDM. This must be the best position in Villa’s team, as there are so many great players in the midfield, I don’t know how I’m going to fit them in
Central Midfielders:

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Jordan Veretout – another great central player that Villa possess, and at the age of 22, he could come to have a long future at the top of world future if he keeps on growing. Pictured Above

Gary Gardner – at the age of 23, Gardner still has time to grow, but being only 2 ½ star means that I’ll probably send him out on loan for the season to build his stats

Joe Cole – 33 years of age. Coming to his last legs. Probably going to be quite difficult to sell him but I’ll see if someone wants him on loan for the season.


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Scott Sinclair – very good left midfielder, and really the only quality player on that side, so I might look for a backup in that position, but I don’t feel that he’ll replace Sinclair anytime soon.

Adama Traore – very young right midfielder with bags of potential. Definitely going to keep him here instead of sending him out on loan, as I feel he could have an important role this season.

Charles N’Zogbia – someone that I might look to sell on but only if I can get an adequate replacement at Right Mid. On a lot of money, so it would be nice to free up the cash.

Jack Grealish – now, this is the player I’m looking forward to. The formation that I’m playing might not suit him completely but I am definitely getting him involved someone. Pictured Above

Charles Gil – another recent signing with very good potential. 22 years old and 3 ½ star ability can’t go a miss. Start training him to be a good left midfielder might help as well.


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Jordan Ayew – aged 23, very good potential but not great current ability. Will look to get him some games this season, but maybe a more experienced strike up top might help.

Gabriel Agbonlahor – best striker at the club and rightfully so. Very quick and good finishing. Need him to be firing if we are to do well. Pictured Above

Rudy Gestede – brought in as a replacement for Benteke, and hopefully just as prolific. Very tall with an eye for goal, could be a good partnership up top with Gabby

Libor Kozak – good backup to have when one of the better strikers gets injured, but still not a great substitution to have, so maybe a striker could be a possibility as well.

Positions that need strengthening:

I feel that the left back slot is a major position that needs to be sorted out. Another left midfielder wouldn’t be to bad, and then also maybe a striker that can challenge Gestede and Agbonlahor. Of course the money might be an issue here, but I feel that if I can get rid of some of the dead wood then I might be able to get some of these players.
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This is the formation that I will be going with for the season. It is a traditional 4-4-2, as I felt that as the chairman wanted to go back to the basics, nothing is more basic than a 4-4-2.

As usual it is normal goalkeeper instead of a sweeper keeper. For the right and left back I went with a wing back for the right back, and a full back for the left back. The reason for this is because I want the right back to be able to get forward and get some crosses into the box. At centre back there is a limited defender and a ball playing defender. Due to the attacking wingback, I wanted someone who could stay back and not move forward, whereas a ball playing defender next to him allows him to have more free roam as to where he wants to move.

On the right I have a wide playmaker, which means that he will move inside and outside, whilst also allowing the wing back to surge past him. On the left I went for a winger, mainly due to the fact that I wanted him to get forward and support the attack. In the centre this is a normal central midfielder, just to sit in the middle and look for possible counter attacks for and against us. However I went with a roaming playmaker next to him just to allow him the opportunity to move around more, and I find this position to be key for the tactic.

Up top we have a complete forward and an advanced forward. These two compliment each other very well as they allow for the complete forward to drop of and the advanced forwards to stay higher up.

The team mentality is set on Control, and the team shape has been set to Flexible. There are also 8 instructions been set on the players as well. They are: Play out of Defence, Run at Defence, Play Higher, Push Higher Up, Close Down More, Use Offside Trap, Higher Tempo and Prevent Short GK Distribution.
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Youth Squad

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In terms of the youth squad, there are really only 3 players that I’m looking forward to seeing how they develop in the future.

Jake Humphries – 16-year-old central midfielder. Decent potential of 3 stars. Might see if I can send him out on loan this year or just leave him in the U18’s for a bit of game time. Who knows, maybe he could replace Ashley Westwood in the future.

Andre Green – 16-year-old right winger who is already at a 1* ability, which is brilliant already, but the 4* potential is the thing that excites me the most. He’s got good speed, good dribbling and he can play on both wings. Might look to see if I can sneak him a game or to against weaker opposition. Might see if I can get N’Zogbia or Sinclair to tutor him for a bit

Rushian Hepburn-Murphy – 16 year old striker who is at a similar stage to Andre Green in terms of his current ability, and he also possesses a 4* potential for the future. Very quick, got great finishing already, and he has a 19 for determination, which shows that he will strive to improve in the future. Might see if I can get either Agbonlahor or Gestede to tutor him for a bit


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Now I can see why we have Green and Hepburn-Murphy in the youth team. Having a state-of-the-art training facility and some superb youth facilities is a great thing to possess. Hopefully we can pull some great youth talent when the March Youth Intake rolls around.


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As you can see, our overall bank balance at the club is a measly 9 million pounds, and that is what the club has in its bank. This season, I have been given a transfer budget of… £0. I knew the financial situation was going to be bad, but I didn’t think it was going to be this bad. We are going to seriously start getting some of the older players of the wage bill so that we can start getting the money in quicker, or we will just have to focus on loans and free transfers this season.
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Pre Season Fixtures

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Some tough games that I can see in this pre season, especially the game against FCP that will show if we have made any development in our play. Some winnable games against the likes of our reserves and the Asian teams, hopefully. With any luck we may get a few victories on the board for when we play against the toughest start I have ever had on this save. Man Utd – Away, Everton – Home, Chelsea – Away and Arsenal - Away
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Aston Villa sign Michu

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Aston Villa have made their first move in the transfer window by picking up 29 year old free agent Michu, after his release by Swansea City. The Spanish international has been capped once by the national team, and whilst at Swansea he scored 28 goals in 67 games.

Manager Tom Lane has said that ‘he is very pleased that this opportunity has arisen. Michu is a fine player with premier league knowledge, and that will always come in handy. I brought him so that we could have some experience up front, and to also challenge the likes of Agbonlahor, Gestede and Ayew for a place in the starting XI’

Lane looks like he is having the resort to free transfers and loans this season, and the shoestring budget will have to come into effect. Expect many more ins and outs as we get them.
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Aston Villa sells Philippe Senderos

Aston Villa have made their first sale of the Summer Transfer Window by allowing Philippe Senderos to move to FC Kobenhavn for a reported £975,000 which could rise to £1.3 million. The decision to sell Senderos was a hard one for the manager, as he said that, ‘despite Philippe being one of the better players in our squad, I thought that his ageing body wouldn’t be able to cope with the bpl much longer, and we needed the money due to our dire situation’

‘I hope the best for Philippe in his future games, and I hope that he finds some first team football at Kobenhavn.’

So, now that Aston Villa have freed up 1million in money, does that now see them start to look for more deals to add to there depleted squad, more on this as we get it