below are my exsperiances useing the tactic.
my team consists of great goalkeeper
below average defence but not terrible
a great midfield
average attack
very well blended team
Season goal top half of Finish with with Getafe LIGABBVA time have been managing them 5 Years
First 11 games 5 wins 6 draws very high scoring matches then after that my strikers seem to go dry and couldent score to save there life and ended up losing loads of games due to this i had no choice but to change tactic after game 25 or would have ended up losing my job I think.
So switched to 541 mid attacking due to midfield being my strongest part of team in hope to get some goals.
So this seems like great tactic if strikers are scoring but if they on goal drought I wouldent recomend it.As for the draws I think that more down to my below average defence. Hope my input is of use to some people