Bring back the cane in schools


Nov 23, 2008
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Bring back the cane in schools, say one in five teachers
By Sarah Harris
Last updated at 1:50 AM on 3rd October 2008
Comments (44) Add to My Stories Illustration of a schoolmaster about to administer corporal punishment to two pupils
One in five teachers would like to see the cane brought back in schools to help discipline unruly children, a survey has revealed.
They would back the return of corporal punishment because they have had enough of deteriorating pupil behaviour.
The research comes amid rising concern about poorly behaved children who routinely flout authority both in school and out.
The Times Educational Supplement (TES) survey of 6,162 teachers found that overall, 20.3 per cent backed 'the right to use corporal punishment in extreme cases'.
Support was strongest among secondary school teachers, with 22 per cent backing the idea compared to 16 per cent of primary school teachers.
But only 12 per cent of heads and deputy and assistant heads agreed with its return.
Supply teacher Judith Cookson told the TES that she 'strongly' supported the return of corporal punishment.
She said: 'There are too many anger management people and their ilk who give children the idea that it is their right to flounce out of lessons for time out because they have problems with their temper.
'They should be caned instead.'
And primary teacher Ravi Kasinathan said: 'There is justification, or an argument, for bringing back corporal punishment, if only as a deterrent. I believe some children just don't respond to the current sanctions.'
But John Dunford, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said: 'Thankfully, corporal punishment is no longer on the agenda, except in the most uncivilised countries.
'I am sure that this barbaric punishment has disappeared forever.'
Corporal punishment was banned in state schools in 1986 but remained legal in independent schools until 1998.
A survey, carried out by FDS International for the Times Educational Supplement in 2000, showed that 51 per cent of parents favoured the return of the cane, with 47 per cent against.
Almost a quarter of the 1,000 parents polled thought disruptive and badly behaved children were among the biggest problems in Britain's schools.
And in July 2004, Barry Matthews, then chairman of the Professional Association of Teachers, claimed that corporal punishment was an effective way of disciplining children.
He told the PAT annual conference in Bournemouth: 'As a child I knew there were certain actions that could reap unfavourable returns.
'I did not enjoy having the cane or having to stay in after school any more than the next person, but I knew that if I stepped out of line I could be subjected to some kind of punishment.'
Responding to the latest TES survey, a Department for Children, Schools and Families spokesman said

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Bringing back the cane would never come back, parents are way to protective now.
tbh i don't care as i'm not at school anymore :D but i wouldn't want my brother or sister to be hit
you cant bring back the cane, while not wanting parent to smakc their won kids.

besides if a stranger ever smacked my kid [hyopthetical since i dont have one], whether he deserved it or not, they get more than a smack back from me
Typical daily mail article, despite most teachers being against it they spin in favour of their readership's views.
I'm at school, going into year 10 next year and despite me being a kid and obviously not wanting to get hit. I honestly wouldn't want it too come back into schools, mainly because it's just wrong.. it's basically teaching violence. It's telling kids that if they use violence, they will get people to do what they want.
got to feel for some the teachers the **** they go through like chavs and bullys etc would be gettin smacked every day lol
tbh if they did bring back the cane then i think that the teachers would be hurt more than teenagers as i know some people who acctually would kick the **** out of the teachers if they hit them with the cane and some parents wouldnt be happy.

There is no way that it will be brought back as Madsheep said parents are hardly allowed to hit their kids now.
you cant bring back the cane, while not wanting parent to smakc their won kids.

besides if a stranger ever smacked my kid [hyopthetical since i dont have one], whether he deserved it or not, they get more than a smack back from me

My family lived in India for a while with my dad's job and they don't always use the cane, but smacking is generally accepted in the schools there.

One day, my sister comes home crying cause she got slapped in class. Boy, let me tell you. It took all I had not to wail on the guy that hit her. I went down to the school and gave him a good shouting match though. That was just my sister, if that was my son or daughter? I imagine it would be what I felt multiplied by a thousand.
Don't know if they should bring it back (and they'll never be allowed too anyway), but it worked when I was at school. I got it twice (for being an a**hole and deserved it.) It certainly kept me on the straight and narrow in class (most of the time) because their was a line and I knew not to step over it. Good kids didn't get cained so it wouldn't affect them, but it might stop there being so many a**holes in school. There's NO line nowadays and that's the problem. Kids can **** all over teachers and nothing gets done about it. Quite often, this behaviour follows them into adulthood -- that's where the major problems start.
Don't know if they should bring it back (and they'll never be allowed too anyway), but it worked when I was at school. I got it twice (for being an a**hole and deserved it.) It certainly kept me on the straight and narrow in class (most of the time) because their was a line and I knew not to step over it. Good kids didn't get cained so it wouldn't affect them, but it might stop there being so many a**holes in school. There's NO line nowadays and that's the problem. Kids can **** all over teachers and nothing gets done about it. Quite often, this behaviour follows them into adulthood -- that's where the major problems start.
im of the view discipline starts at home though, my mum smacked me as a kid, but you knew if you got one you really deserved it
if teachers hit me or my mates theyd get it straight back and its the same really with 90% of my school also there would be less of like learning and more disruption i think because there would be more fights/arguments :L
im of the view discipline starts at home though, my mum smacked me as a kid, but you knew if you got one you really deserved it

That's it -- people get too uptight about this kind of punishment. You don't get it unless you've been doing something you know **** well you shouldn't have been doing in the first place. And if you don't want it then it's very easy not to get it -- just don't be a complete a**holes when others around you are trying to learn etc...

On the other hand, if people are going around smacking for minor things then that is totally wrong and they will be punished for it eventually.

---------- Post added at 01:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 AM ----------

if teachers hit me or my mates theyd get it straight back and its the same really with 90% of my school also there would be less of like learning and more disruption i think because there would be more fights/arguments :L

No offense, but that is the attitude the article is aimed at.
That's it -- people get too uptight about this kind of punishment. You don't get it unless you've been doing something you know **** well you shouldn't have been doing in the first place. And if you don't want it then it's very easy not to get it -- just don't be a complete a**holes when others around you are trying to learn etc...

On the other hand, if people are going around smacking for minor things then that is totally wrong and they will be punished for it eventually.

---------- Post added at 01:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 AM ----------

No offense, but that is the attitude the article is aimed at.
the problem is that i dont think the schools can find that balance. and also if parents arent gonna smack then at home, there is no way they'd accept it at school
the problem is that i dont think the schools can find that balance. and also if parents arent gonna smack then at home, there is no way they'd accept it at school

That is very true -- that's why it'll never come back imo.
the problem is that i dont think the schools can find that balance. and also if parents arent gonna smack then at home, there is no way they'd accept it at school

thats the whole being hit point never been hit at home my mam and dad dont belive in that il accept being shouted at if ive done something wrong but being hit is just to far i think
It's a typical Daily Mail article designed to incite debate, and it's working! Realistically, the cane/belt will never return in this era of health and safety. They have to do something to clamp down on unruly behaviour mind you, it's beyond the joke what some kids can get away with now.

Often, the problems come from parents putting their kid on a pedestal, eg "little Timmy would never have swore in class, it must be someone else's fault". Ironically, this attitude gets worse in wealthier areas.
Don't live in the UK but have spent substantial time ther and travelled around the world. I'm probably one of the last generation who got corporal punishment in school as a kid. I'm all for the cane. It's still common in Asia and the difference in student behaviour is miles apart from western countries. A well behaved kid usually equals a well behaved adult. And most of the time they'll geet a double dose of it at home

Someone said the cane taught violence. Well, we live in a violent world, it's not made of fairy floss and marshmallows. If you want to lie, cheat, steal, extort, hurt and bully as an adult you go to prison. Prison is where where you get a cellmate named Bubba who gets violent with your sphincter. The cane/corporal punishment maybe violent - but it teaches something about very real consequences.
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