Bring back the cane in schools

I think the cane should come back, even though i'm 15.

Not only is education getting worse, but youths lack respect and discipline.

Hopefully I won't get hit though.

My Dad told me when he was at America, they used to cane and belt kids. He said that his Brother got hit by a teacher once, so my Dad pushed him out the window! True story!
What we need is a modern equivalent punishment...Taser? (6)
Where I come from, they were the last to use the birch in public in the UK / British Isles (not in schools) until a Scottish guy got it and his mother complained to human rights (lol). That was a great deterrant until it was banned.
They cant bring it back, Its "Assault" if you ask me, nothing more than child abuse, as themadsheep said, if someone smacked my kid i would do more than just smack them
I think the cane should come back, even though i'm 15.

Not only is education getting worse, but youths lack respect and discipline.

Hopefully I won't get hit though.

You don't get the cane if you abide by the rules. If you're a proven ******* then you get corporal punishment
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I'm all for caning fans of rival clubs as children. Particularly bluenoses.
That's the thing, if your kid is getting caned all the time then you should really be looking closer to home rather than punching teachers in the face.

I should get it for my terrible spelling and grammar in some of my posts in this thread, lol.

It'll never come back anyway -- at least it's highly unlikely too.
Also i agree that kids are little ***** to be honest, i am quite good at school and do my work, call me a nerd or a geek but i want to live a good life when im older, not be a drunken chav living off benefits. I just think that Headmasters should be stricter. My old school in England have just appointed an Ex Army Man as the headmaster, my friend (who is good at school) says hes a nice guy if you follow the rules, his younger brother who frankly is the complete opposite, absolutely hates him and thinks hes a ******. This headmaster really shouts at the kids and kids are actually sort of afraid of him, he doesnt threatten to call home, he actually does it.
Nah, don't give teachers and 'the man' the power to exercise that kind of discipline. Corruption is a terrible thing.
Nah, don't give teachers and 'the man' the power to exercise that kind of discipline. Corruption is a terrible thing.

Agreed, but have you seen the state of our youths? I'm looking foward to get my qualifications then leaving tbh.
I personally would appreciate it back - too many kids walking the streets now think they can get away with anything, I think those people need a get a good hiding to be taught some respect and discipline.
I personally would appreciate it back - too many kids walking the streets now think they can get away with anything, I think those people need a get a good hiding to be taught some respect and discipline.

I wish you lived on my street.
My old school was like a mini-military academy. The kind that makes you wear uniforms and make you stand in line every morning. The rules were quite strict - from the length of your pants to the style of your hair. And the cane reigned supreme from the lowest grade till graduation day. Those who broke the rules were duly punished without hesitation. I was one of the lucky few that hardly ever gets the stick. Some were not so lucky. More than just a few thugs were suspended in my time. There was no room for ego or teen rebellion.

In the end, I think it worked. Most of the students graduate with flying colours. And me? Well I think I did okay, could've been a lot worse off. And would I be willing to send my kid to such a school? Of course. The teachers are not insensible monsters who're only looking to beat kids, as opposed to what most people think. They're parents themselves, and I think most of them know how to handle kids. And if my kid got a whack on the palm, it's probably because he deserved it. If he's hurt, then that's a different case. It's very difficult for them to learn obedience and respect otherwise, since they spend a whole lot of their time in schools away form their parents' eyes. If they can't learn from schools, it becomes extra-hard to do so at home.
I think if we are to get physical again to teach children respect, then it has to start at home.

Parents don't seem to strike their children anymore, even when they are being completely disrespectful. This seems to feature predominantly in white families, as I have many black/Asian friends with younger siblings who still get a good whack if they're acting up.

I was hit a few times as a kid. Nothing major, just some open-palm stuff when I went beyond a verbal ear-bashing. I don't think it did me any harm. Sure, I acted up in school a bit, but it never went too far, and I passed with relatively good results at the end of it.

You can't re-introduce something like this when it isn't happening at home. Parents should be encouraged to take action themselves, rather than relying on others to do it for them.

Of course, this thread is pointless as the source is the Daily Mail.

Edit* Football section?
There have always been kids who think they are 'chavs' or whatever you want to call themm even before the cane was abolished so to say that there is any link between the amount of youths causing trouble and the abolishment of the cane is completely ridiculous.

Personally I think there was a return of the cane there would be a lot of teachers dead, or at least getting a regular beating by, I mean teenagers today would not stand for it, and although I agree maybe some deserve it you cannot cane a ten year old for being 'naughty' it's just completely unethical. Considering how politically correct the country has become, trying not to offend anybody, I mean you cannot even have sports day in case the kids who don't win get upset there aren't going to take a complete u-turn and now start beating them.

The only possible reason teachers would want this back is because they can't control pupils, that's mainly down to the fact they cannot teach, or what they are teaching doesn't interest the students.
**** yeah, there was loads of little ***** running around my school. Lack of punishment.
Many years ago when I was at school the cane was used mainly as a deterrent. You knew if you crossed the line you would get it. Unfortunately those who did get caned it did not improve thir behaviour one bit. Most after leaving my school have always been on the wrong side of the law and have been put inside or have become drug dependent.

Its the discipline at home which makes a difference. Its a parents responsibilty to teach a child right from wrong and self respect. Trouble is most parents dont have a ******* clue themselves these days and thats why kids run riot.
There have always been kids who think they are 'chavs' or whatever you want to call themm even before the cane was abolished so to say that there is any link between the amount of youths causing trouble and the abolishment of the cane is completely ridiculous.

Personally I think there was a return of the cane there would be a lot of teachers dead, or at least getting a regular beating by, I mean teenagers today would not stand for it, and although I agree maybe some deserve it you cannot cane a ten year old for being 'naughty' it's just completely unethical. Considering how politically correct the country has become, trying not to offend anybody, I mean you cannot even have sports day in case the kids who don't win get upset there aren't going to take a complete u-turn and now start beating them.

The only possible reason teachers would want this back is because they can't control pupils, that's mainly down to the fact they cannot teach, or what they are teaching doesn't interest the students.

completly agree. The cane simply has no place in our society.
hahahaha, brong back the cane? WTF, i have just left school at 18, if a teacher gave me the cane, i would whack them back, there is a few teachers i wouldnt need an excuse to give a big smack on the mouth.