Bring back the cane in schools

hahahaha, brong back the cane? WTF, i have just left school at 18, if a teacher gave me the cane, i would whack them back, there is a few teachers i wouldnt need an excuse to give a big smack on the mouth.

And it's an attitude like this that makes you wonder why they don't bring the cane back.
And it's an attitude like this that makes you wonder why they don't bring the cane back.

What because at 18, i would hit someone back if they hit me? There is plenty of teachers who are rude, petty and general dickheads all the time to students. There behaviour is similar to these students "who deserve the cane." We live in Modern Society where plain Acts of Voilence should not be and is not accepted, Why should this change in a school. If i was in a pub winding people up, would it be accepted for someone to hit me round the back of the head with a piece of wood? So why should schools be any different.
I've always been brought up with the mentality that if someone hits you, then you hit them straight back.

If a teacher was to hit me, then I would definitely hit them back. Whether I deserve it or not, they should not be hitting me for the simple fact that I'm not their child. If my mum hit me, then I'd take it as I deserve it. Same with my dad, but if a stranger hit me they'd get it straight back.

I personally got hit a few times as a child, nothing major but a few slaps for things like swearing at my mum when I was 6, and biting when I was about 1. It did me no harm, and taught me right from wrong, and whether it's frowned upon or not I will be bringing up my children (when I eventually have them) the same way my mum brought me up.
What because at 18, i would hit someone back if they hit me? There is plenty of teachers who are rude, petty and general dickheads all the time to students. There behaviour is similar to these students "who deserve the cane." We live in Modern Society where plain Acts of Voilence should not be and is not accepted, Why should this change in a school. If i was in a pub winding people up, would it be accepted for someone to hit me round the back of the head with a piece of wood? So why should schools be any different.

Cos its a school, and this is where a child is taught how to act in the world.

Obviously - the problem starts at home,as I think Billy mentioned earlier - but there needs to be something more strict in place at school, so kids don't think they can get away with murder. I've seen some of the little ***** knocking about around my area who are 16-17. They think they can go around, doing what they want and saying what they want. I went to school with them too, and they did exactly the same thing.

Now I don't know if this is because their parents simply didn't give a **** and let them have free reign of the house, or if it was because our headmaster and teachers at school simply weren't strict enough on them. It's my firm belief that there needs to be something in place, not necessarily the cane, in order to keep specific children on the straight and narrow - the ones who think they can break the rules, that is.

There is absolutely no respect in the classroom nowadays for the teacher. Some teachers may act like dickheads, but maybe that's a good thing? Playing the idiots who do it to them at their own game.
Cos its a school, and this is where a child is taught how to act in the world.

Obviously - the problem starts at home,as I think Billy mentioned earlier - but there needs to be something more strict in place at school, so kids don't think they can get away with murder. I've seen some of the little ***** knocking about around my area who are 16-17. They think they can go around, doing what they want and saying what they want. I went to school with them too, and they did exactly the same thing.

Now I don't know if this is because their parents simply didn't give a **** and let them have free reign of the house, or if it was because our headmaster and teachers at school simply weren't strict enough on them. It's my firm belief that there needs to be something in place, not necessarily the cane, in order to keep specific children on the straight and narrow - the ones who think they can break the rules, that is.

There is absolutely no respect in the classroom nowadays for the teacher. Some teachers may act like dickheads, but maybe that's a good thing? Playing the idiots who do it to them at their own game.

Still Voilence shouldnt be an answer to a teachers failings to control there class, We had some of the biggest ***** in the world at our school, but still a cane would of been no good to these, it would of maje them even worse, they would see voilence as a better thing, they're limits of "how far they would go" would go up. There parents should be dealing with it, i agree with you there, but to simply say bring it back in schools and voilence is the answer is stupid.
Still Voilence shouldnt be an answer to a teachers failings to control there class, We had some of the biggest ***** in the world at our school, but still a cane would of been no good to these, it would of maje them even worse, they would see voilence as a better thing, they're limits of "how far they would go" would go up. There parents should be dealing with it, i agree with you there, but to simply say bring it back in schools and voilence is the answer is stupid.

I didn't say it was the root of all problems being solved. I did mention that there should be something in place, not necessarily the cane.

Violence isn't the answer you're right, but in some cases I think that it might just strike fear back into the kids eyes so they respect the teachers. Some kids think they can walk all over the staff at school. You could get the best teacher ever, but if the children won't agree with them, what can they do? That's a whole class disrupted. You can send the child out but not forever. Can't move them into another class that he can disrupt. So do you expel the child?

I'm not saying the cane should definitely be brought back, nor am I suggesting that violence is the answer - I just think there needs to be something in place so kids are made to know that the teacher is the king of the castle, so they don't walk all over them and ruin the lesson for everyone else.
I didn't say it was the root of all problems being solved. I did mention that there should be something in place, not necessarily the cane.

Violence isn't the answer you're right, but in some cases I think that it might just strike fear back into the kids eyes so they respect the teachers. Some kids think they can walk all over the staff at school. You could get the best teacher ever, but if the children won't agree with them, what can they do? That's a whole class disrupted. You can send the child out but not forever. Can't move them into another class that he can disrupt. So do you expel the child?

I'm not saying the cane should definitely be brought back, nor am I suggesting that violence is the answer - I just think there needs to be something in place so kids are made to know that the teacher is the king of the castle, so they don't walk all over them and ruin the lesson for everyone else.

That is the answer, Kick them kids out. They dont want to be in School. No-one wants them in school. So why not kick them out, and then they become societies problem, they can be taught a lesson by society. They can get the hiding they need of society.
That is the answer, Kick them kids out. They dont want to be in School. No-one wants them in school. So why not kick them out, and then they become societies problem, they can be taught a lesson by society. They can get the hiding they need of society.

But there's another loophole the schools want to avoid. They don't want the trouble of expelling a child just for disrupting a class, even though they know that is the correct way to go.

It's a tough subject haha, but something in school needs to happen.
30 years ago, from what i heard teenagers was repectful to adults or older people, now they are little ****'s (i am 15 lol) they don't care about what they do and are feared by adults when you see a group of teenagers! yea bring back the cane teach the little ***** some discipline. respect your elders!!
My ICT teacher would take the **** and bring in a Baseball bat.

Only because he is a manc and supports Everton, In a Liverpool school... That's not a good combination.
They can bring it back next year, because I leave then, but if it comes back now, i'll give em' a back hand!
Hitting me wouldn't help my discipline, my discipline's fine, I've like never been in trouble in school, getting hit would just want me to take revenge. I agree there are too many ASBO'S and 'Chavs' walking the streets but that has to be handled another way

The attitude that if you do something wrong you get punished by recieving physical pain is archaic. Hey, why not start chopping peoples hands off for stealing too?
Hitting me wouldn't help my discipline, my discipline's fine, I've like never been in trouble in school, getting hit would just want me to take revenge. I agree there are too many ASBO'S and 'Chavs' walking the streets but that has to be handled another way

The attitude that if you do something wrong you get punished by recieving physical pain is archaic. Hey, why not start chopping peoples hands off for stealing too?

But there not gonna hit for you no reason though? :S
I've just left school, but if they did bring it back, looking at some of the people who were in my year at school, a lot of teachers would just get hit back tbh and it would elevate the situation to a whole new level, which is just pointless.
People arguing for the cane consider this scenario, you are on the school field or wherever for lunch, somebody comes up to and starts to be aggressive towards you or saying something that is offensive or upsetting and you react by hitting them, you then get in a fight.

The teacher comes along, grabs you both and you are sent to get the cane, it does not matter that you were just defending yourself from the abuse of somebody else, you will both get the cane, you will not be allowed to explain yourself because the teacher will just assume anything either of you say is a lie. So now you are both being caned, what does that teach you? It teaches you not to defend yourself from 'bullies' as the man will just strike you down twice as hard, it teaches that the only way to stop violence is through violence. It's almost like being jumped by someone in the street, you defending yourself and hitting him a few times until he runs off, the police watching the whole thing then come along, take you to a cell and beat the **** out of you. It's wrong!

I don't know about you but that's something that is going to **** you up in the head more than anything, you will not be fixing the problems of today you are just going to turn them into zombies afraid to do anything incase they are punished violently. Now I know getting the cane used to be the norm, but think about it this way, today's system is not perfect, however if I had children, I know I would not want the school taking a punishment as severe as that into their own hands. I certainly wouldn't stand for it and it seems totally unethical for anyone to sit here and say 'I would be okay with my child being hit with a cane to teach them a lesson' **** that.
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