Aarrrgghh! Game keeps crashing on same date of second season. Crash dump file created. Bang goes Cheltenham's glorious rise from League Two...
Just drew my FA cup 3rd tie with leeds 0-0. My assistant said the fans hate losing to one of our closest rivals...But I drew...
Thank you for both your answers you master. Have a good one.
Diego costa gets played one on ne with goalie, knocks it past him, runs towards the ball with the goal wide open, REFERE BLOWS THE WHISTLE FOR FULL TIME ><

seen it multiple times he blows during crosses into box etc, but the weardest part is the players instantly stop what they are doing and heads for the dressing room. now THIS is an outrage of a bug.

The referee wil land can NOT blow the whistle while there potential goals incomming.

Only time i have seen that before was when i played in the junior league myself, and we had a fat lazy ref. I did exacly what costa did and was going to make it 3-1 but ref was jsut looking at watch and blew jsut when i ran the ball over the finishingline.

Now i did not happily walk towards the dressingroom i caa say that much....
Goalkeeper distribution

Even though you instruct your team goalkeeper to pass shorter he just lumps it upfield all the time and this has cost me. Is this a bug?
Even though you instruct your team goalkeeper to pass shorter he just lumps it upfield all the time and this has cost me. Is this a bug?

It's not a bug, just a shortcoming in the engine. Unless your team plays with a very defensive line, and without instructions to get forwards (as individuals) then the goalie MAY distribute the ball to a player. This problem is not just down to the pass shorter instruction. It also applies to quick throw and distribute.

I've noticed that with even a deep defence and a straight, defensive back four, at certain stages of the game the back four have pushed further upfield... just as I instructed THEM not to, so the poor goalkeeper has no choice.
Two bugs that have annoyed me most so far:

1. Goals out of nothing

I'm watching the highlights of the match. For example, the time is 02:30, and I watch through to 04:30 without a break in the match play. Suddenly a goal appears out of nowhere, and without any action on the pitch.

2. Ratings change

For example, in the last match I played, Coloccini was given the Man of the Match award, yet his rating was 6.6. Once the match was over and I looked at the report, his rating had risen to 8.3. Similarly, I go to praise or admonish a player on a good/bad performance on the pitch, only to find their rating change once I get the opportunity.
Winger inside forwards beat 1 man then instead of crossing waits for the next defender and tries to buy a corner by kicking it off the defender instead of crossing when you've got 3 or 4 players waiting in the box. Brilliant. The amount of corners I'm having is out of this world. But I suppose it happened in one game at one point in time many moons ago so the fact it's happening all the time is totally normal.
The winger instead of cutting it back at the byline constantly dribbles toward and on some occasions into the near post.
Anyone else find that about 95% of free kicks end up hitting the bar/post? Must've happened to me about 15 times now.. I use Jamie ward as free kick taker and his stats aren't even that great for free kick taking but I can guarantee he'll bit the woodwork each time! Then he got injured (shock) and my replacement kick takers keep hitting the bar. Even those who have awful free kick taking stats. Wonder if anyone else has the same thing happening?
It's not a bug, just a shortcoming in the engine. Unless your team plays with a very defensive line, and without instructions to get forwards (as individuals) then the goalie MAY distribute the ball to a player. This problem is not just down to the pass shorter instruction. It also applies to quick throw and distribute.

I've noticed that with even a deep defence and a straight, defensive back four, at certain stages of the game the back four have pushed further upfield... just as I instructed THEM not to, so the poor goalkeeper has no choice.

Yeah i thought that might be the case because when the highlights are shown the players seem to be too far away for the goalkeeper to pass and i play a normal defensive line.

Thank you for helping me out mate

Unless people are posting these on SI forums, this thread is fundamentally useless. I really should check in more often
Unless people are posting these on SI forums, this thread is fundamentally useless. I really should check in more often

If you close this thread people will just open a new thread every time they come across a bug, in which case the thread does serve a purpose so ill re open it.
If you close this thread people will just open a new thread every time they come across a bug, in which case the thread does serve a purpose so ill re open it.

So it's just a junk thread? Fair enough. I hope they dont expect SI to read these frequently, if at all.
So it's just a junk thread? Fair enough. I hope they dont expect SI to read these frequently, if at all.

You never know, if they recur often enough maybe they get forwarded to SI
You never know, if they recur often enough maybe they get forwarded to SI

Most of these (that are actually bugs) have already got bug reports on the SI feedback thread. SI have a hard time tracking that as it is. And unless they are sending some kind of pkms/save game files, there wont be much they can take form this feeback.

I'm all for bug reporting, but people really need to be doing it in the right place.
Most of these (that are actually bugs) have already got bug reports on the SI feedback thread. SI have a hard time tracking that as it is. And unless they are sending some kind of pkms/save game files, there wont be much they can take form this feeback.

I'm all for bug reporting, but people really need to be doing it in the right place.

I agree if i had bugs to report id do it over on the SI forums, nevertheless this thread still serves a purpose, even if its only to save us the trouble of closing a ton of threads asking if is this is a bug.
The thread is also useful in clearing up misunderstandings and deciding what actually is a bug and what isn't, in addition to feedback from other users on if they've experienced the same, and whether or not it's already been reported.