Release: 24th March 2006
Capote is a 2005 biographical film that follows Truman Capote (portrayed by Philip Seymour Hoffman) on a writing assignment for The New Yorker in a small Kansas town where he investigates the gruesome murders of a local family. The film follows the events in Capote's life during the writing of his non-fiction novel, In Cold Blood.
It's got a good story but it isn't the most exciting film ever made, seeing as I fell asleep when I was watching it, but the second half of the film is better than the first and the story starts to get more interesting.
Capote is a 2005 biographical film that follows Truman Capote (portrayed by Philip Seymour Hoffman) on a writing assignment for The New Yorker in a small Kansas town where he investigates the gruesome murders of a local family. The film follows the events in Capote's life during the writing of his non-fiction novel, In Cold Blood.
It's got a good story but it isn't the most exciting film ever made, seeing as I fell asleep when I was watching it, but the second half of the film is better than the first and the story starts to get more interesting.