CHRIS Does this update contain all changes for bradford city
Before i download this and start a new game can anyone tell me what Rangers budget is as we have approx £9 Million to spend after the sales of Thomson and Wilson and all the wages
Will you have to start a new game every time you come up with an update. If so its a little pointless if people want to be realistic ur may aswell making a whole new one at the end of transfer window are u not or am i wrong?

---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 PM ----------

Before i download this and start a new game can anyone tell me what Rangers budget is as we have approx £9 Million to spend after the sales of Thomson and Wilson and all the wages

You actually being serious use wont even get 9m to spend in real life youl be lucky if u get 1m haha. How does it feel to wake up every morning during the summer reading in papers about who celtic are linked with? How does that make you feel? Must be depressing is it not?

Celtic Champions 2010/11 " We Welcome The Chase "
When yous overtake our world record league titles you can say we welcome the chase and watch this space Martain Bain has said Rangers will back Walter Smith in the market and why would i be depressed we are the Champions again in the champions league and Celtic will be out after getting hammered by the Mighty Braga

P.S: Sorry for that rant on your thread Chris
OK so now on the other Clown boards yous are saying Joe Ledley is **** now. Wait a min where use not in for him yesssssssss yous where use where desperate for him and now the mighty Celtic have him he will turn out to be a brilliant player the same with our other transfers. There ye go David James coming uptae Glasgow on Monday for talks Bellamy rumoured anol what use would do for them to come to use haha. Martin Bain said he would back use haha, he aint done it yet has he...Naw! If he was gonny back him he would of done it by now .

next season it will be MEN against WEE DAFT BOOYS
OK so now on the other Clown boards yous are saying Joe Ledley is **** now. Wait a min where use not in for him yesssssssss yous where use where desperate for him and now the mighty Celtic have him he will turn out to be a brilliant player the same with our other transfers. There ye go David James coming uptae Glasgow on Monday for talks Bellamy rumoured anol what use would do for them to come to use haha. Martin Bain said he would back use haha, he aint done it yet has he...Naw! If he was gonny back him he would of done it by now .

next season it will be MEN against WEE DAFT BOOYS

I think you need to get a grip Leldley is a good player but he is not worth the 30 odd k he is rumoured to be on and all the talk off transfers are you forgetting celtic sold boruc and are going to sell mcgeady your team are still **** and ginger haird little **** is going to change that (i'm talikng about lennon) we are after that french defender Beloaune (sp) and i've heard good things about him we were going to sign eagles but the gready wee **** wasn't worth what he was wanting and you talk about men use have signed Daryl Murphy he is hardly going to set the world alight and if you want to talk more about send me your msn and stop cluttering up this thread
Rangers. :wub:

Celtic are scum.

Sorry for the off-topicness.
Stop spamming guy's jeeze it's Scottish football, PM each other :S