What can they do though? The decision lies with the referee and his officials.
They could ban henry for a couple of international games but surely if the referee gets it wrong it is up to fifa to give the appropriate punishment themselves
They could ban henry for a couple of international games but surely if the referee gets it wrong it is up to fifa to give the appropriate punishment themselves

How can there be an appropriate punishment in this case? One team has been robbed of a chance of competing in the most prestigious tournament in the world of sport.

Banning Henry is also out of the question as it would set a dangerous precedent in world football. He committed a foul, why should he be banned? There are plenty of tackles, dives and handballs that are missed every game. Should each of these be looked at retrospectively?
How can there be an appropriate punishment in this case? One team has been robbed of a chance of competing in the most prestigious tournament in the world of sport.

Banning Henry is also out of the question as it would set a dangerous precedent in world football. He committed a foul, why should he be banned? There are plenty of tackles, dives and handballs that are missed every game. Should each of these be looked at retrospectively?
I dont think everything should be looked at retrospectively only things that have a direct result on the match outcome and i think everyone wants to see their team win farely and want cheating to stop. i think fifa should hand out punishments for these things more often and with such a high profile incident this could be the place to start and show that they wont tolerate cheating
That was a fustrating match, i wish i could travel there too.
its a bad decision, and due to having irish blood in me im ****** off somewhat, i think sepp blatter is an asswipe and should never have seeded the draw
I dont think everything should be looked at retrospectively only things that have a direct result on the match outcome and i think everyone wants to see their team win farely and want cheating to stop. i think fifa should hand out punishments for these things more often and with such a high profile incident this could be the place to start and show that they wont tolerate cheating

You've missed the point, if FIFA go back and make a decision on this, they would HAVE TO go back and look at every incident missed by the referee, as they would set a precedent. Which could be looked at by independent arbitration bodies and force FIFA to look at evry missed decision.
You've missed the point, if FIFA go back and make a decision on this, they would HAVE TO go back and look at every incident missed by the referee, as they would set a precedent. Which could be looked at by independent arbitration bodies and force FIFA to look at evry missed decision.
Yeah thats true but they have to try and stop it somehow or players will just carry on doing it.
Unfortunately, these sort of things happen in football. It causes Teams/Nations millions of pounds but also the competition. Henry, like Maradonna should be remembered for doing what he did. A player, once admired by all, will now have to live with that on his reputation. He is a cheating, thief who i hope gets a ban, like Eduardo, for 'Deceiving the referee'.
i agree kirtley somewhat, but however a ref cannot be in 10 places at once, its just not possible, if players do it then thats really sad, when city play not saying were perfect but we dont dive ever
Don't dive ever? Check this out.

[ame=""]YouTube- given saves[/ame]

I feel for Ireland,i think they have been totally shafted.
that has nothing to do with city, but he is by far the best keeper in the prem, that lucas save was one of the best ive ever seen, pure class
that has nothing to do with city, but he is by far the best keeper in the prem, that lucas save was one of the best ive ever seen, pure class

lighten up, twas a joke, cba searching for specific city ones.
i know im glad you posted it not annoyed, i dont take this website seriously enough to shout at you for going off topic, those saves were amazing
We were cheated out of a place at Euro 2008 so i know exactly how they feel. Gutting
i agree kirtley somewhat, but however a ref cannot be in 10 places at once, its just not possible, if players do it then thats really sad, when city play not saying were perfect but we dont dive ever

Just another argument for goal-line technology.
thierry henry, thierry henry, la la la la la, thierry henry, la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la, thierry henry!

being english/NOTHERN irish, i loved seing this =]
The referee seemed to be in a bad spot for the free kick, if he was in a better position he would of seen it. But the linesman has no excuse for missing the handball(s).

Putting yourself in Henry's shoes though you can kind of see why he did it. With the chance of putting your country into the World Cup tell me you wouldn't do the same thing if you had the opportunity?
Guarentee if Gerrard or Rooney done it, it would be swept under the carpet, these things happen in football, Henry is still the best player i've ever seen.