Couple from Largs win £161m EuroMillions Jackpot

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May 1, 2009
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The Euro-Millions jackpot of just over £161,000,000 has been claimed by Colin and Christine Weir from Largs in Ayrshire, Scotland (which is about an hour and a half away from Falkirk btw, so if you have read 'falkirk area' anywhere, it's not true, they are closer to Glasgow)

EuroMillions winners Colin and Chris Weir: 'It was 4am and we opened a bottle of wine' | Mail Online

I watched their press conference on Sky News earlier, and they seem like a proper down to earth, nice couple, and they seemed real sensible and not too big headed either, he said he wouldn't get rid of his Suzuki, and wouldn't dive into anything straight away and would take things slowly, so good luck to them... im just jealous of the money they are making, £10 per minute in interest, and a place behind David Beckham in the rich list :O

What would you do with that money?
Should put the question: ''How would you spend 161 million?''

How I would spend it:
1 million acres of land in Argentina is up for sale for about 8 million pounds so I would snap that baby up, probably buy alot of cars and a house in Monaco. Buy up a town on the Croatia-Venetian peninsula and convert it into my personal paradise along with converting a castle up on the hill overlooking the beautiful Croatian/Venetian sea line into a huge mansion and then put there rest into a Swiss Bank and probably spend 20+ million buying England a World Cup. If I was really pushing it I would spend 40 million on buying myself a FIFA presidency and then sorting that mess out... Sad thing is, those are what I would actually do with the money.
Didn't the guy say he was going to get a box at Barcelona? Sure I read that somewhere.

Anyway, I think it's a rather hard thing to think about, it's a massive sum of money. If I was them, I wouldn't have come public. Sure you have to wait 6 months before you can spend anything, but your 15 mins of fame can cost you allot, just imagine all the people that would ask you for stuff.

Personally, I would get out of the UK for a bit, go on holiday for a month or so. Then come back, evaluate what I currently have, what I want to have (aka Laaambo), buy it, sort a new house, or two, then just live off the interest, playing golf 3 times a week, watch football on the weekends (obvs season ticket at Newcastle) and go on holiday 4/5 times a year.


Also, wouldn't give any of it to charity, because I am a ****, would probably give my family all money so they could retire. Apart from that, depending on how much you win, I doubt I would give any to friends, mainly because I have allot of friends, and it would cost me allot of money. :)
Buy a football club !

Speaking of that, he got asked a question about what scottish football teams he supports, and he said he supports scottish fooball as a whole, but if he had to choose, it would be the two thistles in his life, partick thistle, and largs thistle... well largs are a scottish junior team, i wouldn't be surprised if he donated some money to them
Was talking about this earlier with my family...

This is in no order, but, I would donate a million or so to various charities, such as, WWF, Cancer Research, Oxfam, etc.

I would give my family members enough money so that they can retire and move to wherever they want.

I would give my closest friends money so that they can live a comfortable life (obviously not as much as I would give my family, but still it would be a lot of money).

Buy a house in Chelsea and a season ticket at Chelsea.

Buy houses in Los Angeles, Florida, Monaco, somewhere in Costa Blanca, possibly Moraira or Xàbia and a town for myself that would be my own little paradise like Jamie said.

I would buy a massive plot of land somewhere (also like Jamie said), not actually sure what I'd do with it, but I'm sure I could think of something.

Some nice cars, at least one for each house.

My own security team...just because I could.

I would invest my money in some businesses, perhaps a football club, but I don't know.

My own private plane to travel me around the world to watch big/exciting football games, as well as some golf and tennis tournaments and some NBA and NHL games.

My own private leisure centre. With a football pitch, a golf course, tennis courts, a gym, a 'mahoosive' swimming pool, table get the idea.

Loads more! But my minds gone blank. I think it's the idea of being flithy rich floating around my head!

Oh, and perhaps my own lottery? Not sure how, maybe just like a raffle thing or another idea would be to start a thread and everyone posts and I put their post number into a generator and whoever it selects would win say 500k to a million...shame I didn't win, although saying that I didn't even enter. Should have done, y'know what they say? "If you don't buy a ticket - you don't win the raffle!"
Since i never put what i would do in the OP... here it is.

Obviously i would give money to my family, and a couple of friends i would let them have a generous amount, maybe 100k would lead them a comfortable lifestyle. I would buy the house that i live in at the moment in county durham, but i would probably move down south in Dover, and keep that house for visiting... i would also have a house in scotland, a house in france, a villa in florida and a villa in Tunisia. I wouldn't have any super mansions though... I would buy a decent sports car, a small car, maybe an sri astra and a range rover, and i wouldn't have a private jet, i would be happy sitting in first class on an airliner. Maybe a new Xbox as mine is about done, and i do Media at college i.e. editing and filming... i would probably buy myself an Apple Mac, with Final Cut Pro, then get an HDPVR and edit Gaming videos in my spare time, and probably end up setting up my own film and video editing business, i have been informed that i am a pretty beast editor and thats what im looking to do with my life anyway, so yeah i would still go to Uni to do that.

I would also get myself a box at St James Park and Ibrox, let some friends and family go there whenever they liked... then donate some money to the Peterlee parish council so that they can maintain Peterlee better, and i would donate money towards a new town centre if the plans were to go ahead. I would pay for everyone on FM Base to become a Premium Member for 2 years, because i am that kind |)

And that would just be bought by living off of the interest. ;)

Other than that, i wouldn't act any differently, i wouldn't buy different food, i might wear more expensive clothes than what are in Primark, but it wouldn't be much more expensive... a pair of jeans from Officers' Club do just fine.
Excellent news for the kids then. By the looks of them they won't live past 70.
They look shattered just from spraying the bubbly.
Me and my mate have talked about how we would spend it virtually every day at work that it was being rolled over.

I wouldn't buy more than I need, like 5 cars, that's pointless. Probably just a mansion for me and my family, nice car etc, all the material things I want. Since i'd have so much time on my hands i'd want to learn new skills, e.g. hire people to teach me other languages.

I heard there's a whole island already built up just off the caribbean for 45m, i'd probably buy that, give some money to friends, and then just sit on the interest. I'd visit vegas a few times a year, maybe even get on some episodes of high stakes poker ;)
Hm... I would buy Exeter's Ground, and turn into a block of flats- And then merge Exeter with Torquay, sell the best-players and watch them crash and burn. Then I would take-over Argyle, and march them into the Premier-League and make them the most successful team in English History.

.... Or just buy lots of food.
Well I would give £1M each to my immediate family, clear my mortgage, keep my leon as a runaround car, buy a 78 Porsche 911 targa or maybe a Ferrari F430. Buy a holiday home in southern Spain, a lodge in the Alps and a few apartments in major cities as investments. Would aslo set up a tab in my local and pay for all drink in 1 night. Would give £1M to my local soccer club to pay for our new pitch and clubhouse. Also give £1M to the football team. Still leaves me with £120M+ to live off the intrest and play golf