I also think there needs to be a breakdown on certain criteria of leagues for lower leagues.
For example in the ELP there is a big difference from just blue south to if you start with a custom database of tier 10. Also the ELP is going to be away different starting out than a league like Iceland or Australia. Some leagues you go for straight promotions cause of the money you get from tv rights and money for finishing places (I know in Iceland finishing first was like 500K and in England you get like that in League 1 or two). Granted I have not played in all of the leagues you can, never tried Asia yet, so this might be a little harder to do, but running a lower league club from say ELP or La Liga is going to be totally different than from like a league like Scotland, Iceland, or Australia.
A lot of the same principals apply, but mostly how to save money, even make money, to what type of players you should get on your team is different. Also do you go for straight promotions, or do you start out in a league in the top division that doesn't have a lot of money and then how do you build a team. I will try to work on some differences for you for different leagues, but don't have the time right now.