Definition of 'Friend'

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a friend is someone you can get on with, speak to occasionally and maybe do things outside of education/work occasionally too.

most people here are describing what id class as a true friend, or close friend - theres a difference between a friend and a close friend...
Suddenly i realised. I don't have any friends :(

No, seriously, i gotta agree with you there, thumbs up!
I find it quite sad that you have put certain things they have to do to be your friend..

A friend to me is someone i get a long with and know, talk to a lot. My close friends are people i know and hang around with but i have friends in different parts of the country and other countries who i talk to but i have moved away or they have and we cant meet as often, that doesn't mean there not my friend though!
Theres a difference between a friend and a mate, I'd say.

A friend is someone who you see occasionally and just hang around with, have banter with etc.

A mate is someone you can trust with absolutely everything, whos there for you/youre there for them etc, and who'll go out their way to help you out and youd do the same for them, with banter and all the other stuff.

For example i have a few friends who i see a few times, and i have a laugh with them, but the people who i call my mates are the people i hang around with most of the time or who i live with, and i can trust them with everything i say to them. Mates are the kind of people youd want to go on a night out with, cos you know its gonna be class, rather than going with just friends cos it might be a bit boring due to how well you know eachother.
Now Id say it was the otherway round! But pretty much similar definitions!
Um I'd count a true friend as someone you can always rely on and can tell everything too, someone who can always make you laugh and be there for you when things are bad and i don't have to talk to them everyday to know that we'll always be friends. Unfortunately i only have like 1 or 2 proper friends. :( ...the rest are just sort of 'friends'.. people i speak to on a regular basis but don't qualify in my catagory! haha.

Well **** you then.

What he said.

Removed from my list.
A friend is someone I can text 'F*** You 'too and get away with it cos there is a wink on the end of the text :)
I overuse the word friend (or pal), but I prelude the word with another word.


Marske pals - Pals who live around abouts where I live, that i've known since school or college.
Uni Friends - friends I met at university
Internet pals - people I know (and like) from the internet only (Gregor/Jack)
Best pals - Sean, Lee, Kris, Jake, Becky :wub:
Other pals - People who don't fall into the above category, but that I enjoy the company of on the odd occasion.

And you picked Jack.
but seriously I think friends can be anyone you hang out with even occasionally but I would have closer friends etc
Anybody who likes my posts on here.
*Cough, cough*

Try to stay on topic, please! (Not aimed at you Nixon)
I can't trust many of my 'friends' as they like to mess around/nick stuff, etc. So I guess I have no friends :(!
I have 4 close friends, had 5 but 1 was a ****. Have hundreds of other people I know, and like to an extent who I regard as friends though.
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