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So overall made a few tweaks recently that I'm still testing thoroughly hence why I haven't updated the Tactic yet!
  • Changed DLPde to DLPsu
  • Taken off player instruction move into channels for RPM
  • Removed Counter from In transition
  • Changed Mentality to Cautious (Still unsure if Positive is better tbh)
  • Can change Distribute to specific player just to Distribute to Centre backs (your choice - works very well too)
Still the same principles and how it performs in the ME. I removed Counter as De Zerbi's Brighton typically uses a S passing pattern and removing Counter seemed to recreate that a lot better. I will reiterate that the better players you have, the more likely it will perform better (obvious reasons)
It has been looking promising and the inspiration to create the S pattern passing better was because of a person on SI community doing a recreation so all credit to him - He recently reinvigorated and inspired me with his own suggestions for how to get it to work in the ME and also be as close as possible

Hope you guys are downloading and tweaking it with how you see fit/correct! Any questions please feel free to ask :)
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SavoLuke updated Roberto De Zerbi - Unbelievably Majestic with a new update entry:

Complete Revamp with more success and a lot closer to RDZ tactics!

So not being satisfied with how it played out I decided to give it one last go and mix all the knowledge I have and have picked up.

A complete revamp has been made to the tactic and quite frankly I would say that this is the closest I will personally get given the limitations of the ME.
The only thing that can be changed would be the IF's, I'm confident IWa would work but with the IF the runs they make, passing play and goals is just too good to change at this point.

This tactic definitely...

Read the rest of this update entry...
It looks like a great tactic, I mean you went 71 games without losing, fantastic. I would like to use it but first I just have a couple of questions:

1. Do you use any Opposition Instructions from game to game?
2. Is it plug and play or do you change something during matches like mentality or some instructions?
3. Also do you change anything specifically for the away matches?
4. And finally is it so greatly dependent on player traits or I can use it even if they are not the correct ones?
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It looks like a great tactic, I mean you went 71 games without losing, fantastic. I would like to use it but first I just have a couple of questions:

1. Do you use any Opposition Instructions from game to game?
2. Is it plug and play or do you change something during matches like mentality or some instructions?
3. Also do you change anything specifically for the away matches?
4. And finally is it so greatly dependent on player traits or I can use it even if they are not the correct ones?
I credit having a team as good as I did to the win streak and one accidental reload (savescum) but thank you for the kind words mate

1. No opposition Instructions are used however those aren't my strong points!
2. I would consider it plug n play, if you have a player that you would like to switch up their instructions to mix your own element, then of course do that. Once we're winning by 2 goals or 1 late on then I will move passing directness up 1 notch, take off work ball into box, lower line of engagement 1 notch and toggle on Be more disciplined and I also remove play out of defence
3. I usually dont change anything for the away matches. I rarely and I mean once in a blue moon change to Attacking mentality if we're playing a team as good or better than us to try catch them off guard.
4. If i'm being honest it can definitely work without the player traits, it takes away the replication of De Zerbi but still plays nice football but with some differences. Different traits of course will work too and they will add different elements that could improve the tactic but more so that its now your tactic and no longer De Zerbi's.

The traits that I've said work well are basically the fundamentals to the closest way of replicating RDZ style on FM23 Match engine.
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100+ goals and only 15 conceded, using no strikers and not even SS...Yeah.

Something doesnt sit right with this.
Could you share the player instructions for the updated version for console please
So overall made a few tweaks recently that I'm still testing thoroughly hence why I haven't updated the Tactic yet!
  • Changed DLPde to DLPsu
  • Taken off player instruction move into channels for RPM
  • Removed Counter from In transition
  • Changed Mentality to Cautious (Still unsure if Positive is better tbh)
  • Can change Distribute to specific player just to Distribute to Centre backs (your choice - works very well too)
Still the same principles and how it performs in the ME. I removed Counter as De Zerbi's Brighton typically uses a S passing pattern and removing Counter seemed to recreate that a lot better. I will reiterate that the better players you have, the more likely it will perform better (obvious reasons)
It has been looking promising and the inspiration to create the S pattern passing better was because of a person on SI community doing a recreation so all credit to him - He recently reinvigorated and inspired me with his own suggestions for how to get it to work in the ME and also be as close as possible

Hope you guys are downloading and tweaking it with how you see fit/correct! Any questions please feel free to ask :)
just counter not counter press aswell
Wow great tactic results after Aberdeen game i know it's Celtic but lets see how it performs in the Champions League.


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100+ goals and only 15 conceded, using no strikers and not even SS...Yeah.

Something doesnt sit right with this.
I've already said that I essentially had the perfect players suited to this style. The player traits are what really make this replication work to its best extent. Manage a great team and made smart transfers, it's not overly complex and also Strikerless tactics can work. Guido is a partial inspiration to get the strikerless going.
If you want something that'll work with a Striker then I'd suggest making your own or go on SI Community and look for recent RDZ attempts from them?
Wow great tactic results after Aberdeen game i know it's Celtic but lets see how it performs in the Champions League.
Good mate I'm glad you are/were enjoying and getting some good results with it. It flows much better once the familiarity is high.
Keep me updated with how it's playing and the results etc!
Also check the update as that's the newest version and it's much better. Give it a read to understand my decisions for Player Traits etc;)
I'm using this one no good in CL lost in knockout stages
Sorry to hear about that mate. Better luck next time ey! Looking back would you have changed anything to try and secure better results in the champions league?
Sorry to hear about that mate. Better luck next time ey! Looking back would you have changed anything to try and secure better results in the champions league?
Nothing against your tactic mate it is really good ,i'm just no good at changing things around when the result is not going my way I have not got a clue tbh.
Nothing against your tactic mate it is really good ,i'm just no good at changing things around when the result is not going my way I have not got a clue tbh.
I get that tbh mate, only dived into changing stuff when needed in past 2 FM's. And for this tactic but either way I'm glad you're enjoying it in general!
My team always lost goal because DM have loose ball from opponent FW pressing.
How to resolved this ?
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