I don't know your name,
I know your type. Downloading others successful tactics and then either trolling the game when you don't get a result, the worst the uploaders (at that point they are banned). More importantly, posting nothing but FM's incredibly simplistic final match stats to prove the game were "horrible/broken", like an endless loop. If those goals were scored from bugs, you'd have a point. If they aren't you don't. I'm usually not into flaming, so excuses for the tone, and I don't have any issue how you, or anybody plays this. Quite the opposite, we're all here to enjoy this in whichever way we want to. But if you can't answer the following: What are the strengths of this tactic? Where is the weakness? Why does it work as it does? What opposition formations may make it less effective? Then please stop trolling how the game were broken after every loss and enjoy that nice guys like TotalFootballFan do all the work for you every year. Thanks!