Dog Shot 40 times

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i hope they get the **** seeing this sort of stuff makes me very angry i hope star gets a lovely home deserve it after being treated in such a disgusting way.

We'll save the death penalty argument for another day haha. I made a thread on it a while ago and I still haven't made my mind up.

I think a human's life is far more important than that of a dog personally. I'm going to stick with my opinion so there's no point trying to change my mind. Does that mean you think the life of a rat/pigeon/worm/ant is as important as a human's? Obviously it's sad when a dog dies, but I find it much worse when humans die. Same with charities, I'd much rather donate to a charity helping humans rather than the animal cruelty ones. But maybe that's just me.

Ah, I am the opposite. Honestly speaking, when most charities come on the TV regarding people I'm just like /careface? While if a pet is involved I actually feel some form of sadness.
Ah, I am the opposite. Honestly speaking, when most charities come on the TV regarding people I'm just like /careface? While if a pet is involved I actually feel some form of sadness.

it's probably because the adverts for charities for children try to make you feel guilty about not donating whereas animal charities just tell it how it is, animals being abandoned and we need money to be able to look after them
Let the dog rape him. The dog gets half an hour of magic. And well the man; he loses his dignity, he probably gets some sort of terrible disease and he dies a slow, painful death.

Job done.
This is one of the most disgraceful act of disgracefullness ive ever seen.
What the **** was going through his mind at the time , however bad a thing a dog has done it doesnt deserve this.

I agree with people in here saying i feel a twinge of guilt and sadness. Like in films if a human dies its like ' HAHA ' if a dog dies its ' WTF YOU EVIL BASTARDS '.

If he really didnt want the dog he could of given it away nothing deserves to be put through this.
I Dont normally wish things on people but i genuinly hope this man is hung by his bollocks , gets his teeth ripped out and has a cucumber shobes up his ****** , i couldnt beleive this story when i saw it in the paper hope he rots in ****.
Hope they catch the scumbag who did this and **** his life over, what kind of insane idiot actaully does this kind of ****
Must be a slow news day if finding three dead dogs makes the news. As upsetting as it may be that sort of thing happens often, and not just in Malta.
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