English Defence League

There was a brilliant BBC Three documentary on these guys - I'd recommend watching it before judging the group on a webpage, as it gives an in-depth look at the guys involved in it's formation.

One of them is the stereotypical racist, with the whole, "I can't be racist, my (adopted) child is half-black" defence. Because you never supported the BNP, or the National Front, you plonk?

EDIT: Why in the football section???
That kind of half-baked hate based nonsense has been banded around for years. It reminds me of that film This Is England - which is a quality film (can't wait for the C4 series). I think it's that whole idea of a 'quiet invasion' and it generally comes from ignorant people who remember the fictional 'golden age' of Britain. It's the cowards who would shout down a mum with a pram (I have seen it myself) but wouldn't dare say anything to anyone who could actually defend themselves.

EDIT: Also why in the football section?
lol, they marched through Luton at the start of July and about a week ago
There was a brilliant BBC Three documentary on these guys - I'd recommend watching it before judging the group on a webpage, as it gives an in-depth look at the guys involved in it's formation.

One of them is the stereotypical racist, with the whole, "I can't be racist, my (adopted) child is half-black" defence. Because you never supported the BNP, or the National Front, you plonk?

EDIT: Why in the football section???

'Cause they're a bunch of hooligans with a common cause?
Made in Luton and that plonk with a half black daughter isn't actually a racist happens to be one of my dads best friends, all of the older men that march like 30's + are doing it for the soldiers and the extremists the younger ones are just there to fight and be racist.
moving this to general section.

my view, your standard racist scumbags, they clashed with unite against facism in manchester

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 PM ----------

Made in Luton and that plonk with a half black daughter isn't actually a racist happens to be one of my dads best friends, all of the older men that march like 30's + are doing it for the soldiers and the extremists the younger ones are just there to fight and be racist.
they're not doing for the soldiers, no soldier that ive met ( and ive met a fair few through my OTC stint at uni) wants to represented that way. if they wanna help the soldier, help the charites like help for heroes
Taken from a Brentford Forum .....

The best description of the EDL I've heard is: "It's where people who want a fight go now they can't really fight at football". I think their 'politics' can be summed up as 'going into a area with a lot of Muslims and hoping for a punch up.' Which makes the BNP look pretty sophisticated.

"From the footage I've seen, I believe their main policy is protecting the right to walk through busy shopping centres on Saturday Afternoons chanting "Ing-ER-Lund!"
Taken from a Brentford Forum .....

The best description of the EDL I've heard is: "It's where people who want a fight go now they can't really fight at football". I think their 'politics' can be summed up as 'going into a area with a lot of Muslims and hoping for a punch up.' Which makes the BNP look pretty sophisticated.

"From the footage I've seen, I believe their main policy is protecting the right to walk through busy shopping centres on Saturday Afternoons chanting "Ing-ER-Lund!"
dead on mate. thats exactly what they did in manchester
Just a bunch of ignorant thugs, walk around cities with a moderately high ethnic population moaning about how "They tuk awwr jobs".
well the news papers make them out to be violent thugs. but that is not the case, they are simply want all of the foreign scum bags out of the country. Migrants that bring something to the country are no problem to them, its the lazy wasters that come over here and live off state benefits and the ones that come over to purely to insight racial hatred. there are enough lazy English scum bags as i t is it does not need topping up buy foreign ones as well.
i say good luck to them, some of their methods may not be very good but they are doing it for a good cause, getting rid of people like those arabs that spat at the soldiers that paraded through a city( icant remember which) is vital to the integrity of this once fine country.

the media only seem to report on the bad side of things, and granted there have been some bad things involved with them. but there are always two sides to the story. like the BNP and UKIP they serve a good purpose, but the media curropts it and makes them look like racists even though there are black men in the EDL.

if being patriotic means your racists, then i guess i am a racist.

Granted a lot of them are probably just in it for a scrap, but that is not what it was meant to be about.

if anyone is racist, it is the arabs that try to change our ways because they think they are so much better than us, as shown in the bbc documentary about the EDL
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well the news papers make them out to be violent thugs. but that is not the case, they are simply want all of the foreign scum bags out of the country. Migrants that bring something to the country are no problem to them, its the lazy wasters that come over here and live off state benefits and the ones that come over to purely to insight racial hatred. there are enough lazy English scum bags as i t is it does not need topping up buy foreign ones as well.
i say good luck to them, some of their methods may not be very good but they are doing it for a good cause, getting rid of people like those arabs that spat at the soldiers that paraded through a city( icant remember which) is vital to the integrity of this once fine country.

the media only seem to report on the bad side of things, and granted there have been some bad things involved with them. but there are always two sides to the story. like the BNP and UKIP they serve a good purpose, but the media curropts it and makes them look like racists.

if being patriotic means your racists, then i guess i am a racist.

a lot of them are probably just in it for a scrap, but that is not what it was meant to be about.
have you ever seen them in action? i have first hand they are violent thugs. and to be honest you are either misguied or a thug yourself if you think that they reprensent anything else. they are the on inciting racial hatred my friend. they dont want "foreign scumbags out", they just want confrontation with minorites, why else would try and march through rushholme in manchester?, or through bradford? or tower hamlets?
have you ever seen them in action? i have first hand they are violent thugs. and to be honest you are either misguied or a thug yourself if you think that they reprensent anything else. they are the on inciting racial hatred my friend. they dont want "foreign scumbags out", they just want confrontation with minorites, why else would try and march through rushholme in manchester?, or through bradford? or tower hamlets?

well said
confrontation like this doesnt not solve the problem of migrants who are "sponging off the system", it just creates massive divides in our nation, and if anything leads to just more extremism, from those it alienates
have you ever seen them in action? i have first hand they are violent thugs. and to be honest you are either misguied or a thug yourself if you think that they reprensent anything else. they are the on inciting racial hatred my friend. they dont want "foreign scumbags out", they just want confrontation with minorites, why else would try and march through rushholme in manchester?, or through bradford? or tower hamlets?

Yeah i have seen them in action, and i know a lot of them do it just for a scrap, which just makes them look like a gang of thugs, but for some of them, the cause is just, they march through places like that because the minority in them places are now the English with the majority being foreign. i dont condone the violence that usually occurs when they are about, but i do agree with the principles they claim to march for. i may be misguided, and maybe you are right that they are just football hooligans under a different name, but i do think there are some people that march to the purpose.
Yeah i have seen them in action, and i know a lot of them do it just for a scrap, which just makes them look like a gang of thugs, but for some of them, the cause is just, they march through places like that because the minority in them places are now the English with the majority being foreign. i dont condone the violence that usually occurs when they are about, but i do agree with the principles they claim to march for. i may be misguided, and maybe you are right that they are just football hooligans under a different name, but i do think there are some people that march to the purpose.
i understand the ideas you talk about, but the way of the EDL is just about the worst way (remember the bradford riots, now imagine that across flashpoints all across the country)

because the minority in them places are now the English with the majority being foreign.

wheres the problem with that? the way immigration was in england in the 50's and 60's the goverment encouraged them to setlte together in their communities and thats how its been since, ie rusholme
Personally i think that they do have some sense. there arnt enough houses, university places ,benifits etc for our own population never mind the thousands of immigrants that arrive every year, in that respect i agree with them, but i dont like the way they go about it attacking muslim places of worship


they are fundamentally right, we cant handle any more people coming in at the present time but again they are giving nationalists a bad name

im a nationalist my house has the union jack on a wee pole in the garden, i dont attack mosques im not racist, not all nationalists are racist i just want whats best for the country
The thing about the EDL is that they claim to be only against militant Islam, yet to anyone who has seen their rallies or read any reports on them it is clear as day that they are just anti-islam, they are a typical case of saying one thing in press releases etc to make themselves seem legitimate but all the evidence indicates them to be against all aspects of Islamic culture.
Personally i think that they do have some sense. there arnt enough houses, university places ,benifits etc for our own population never mind the thousands of immigrants that arrive every year, in that respect i agree with them, but i dont like the way they go about it attacking muslim places of worship


they are fundamentally right, we cant handle any more people coming in at the present time but again they are giving nationalists a bad name

im a nationalist my house has the union jack on a wee pole in the garden, i dont attack mosques im not racist, not all nationalists are racist i just want whats best for the country
again nothing particularly wrong with that, i defintely agree we need to change our immigration policy, ie only bring in skilled immigrants who can benefit the country as a whole. but the EDL are essentially using that nationalism to mask their racist tones