English Defence League

The countries best interests? Well I'm English, and i welcome foreigners to our country, most of them do the jobs we won't because we've got our heads so far up our arses that we think we're better than them jobs! I think the countries interests are abolishing racism? Not provoking it.
I have got no problems with forigners coming to England, as long as
a) they learn our language
b) they have good manners
c) they respect our culture
See this is where ppl need 2 keep oppinions to themselves on subjects like this cuz in birmingham ppl dont take kindly to this but some people like me are open minded to this stuff thats why it ****** me off!!!!
All religion is bad. Christianity and Islam has been the cause of more wars than any other cause. Why should we tolerate Islam when they class woman as second class citizens and are allowed to treat them with no respect by hitting them.
See this is where ppl need 2 keep oppinions to themselves on subjects like this cuz in birmingham ppl dont take kindly to this but some people like me are open minded to this stuff thats why it ****** me off!!!!
opened minded towards what? my opinion of the EDL is not based on their website, nor is it based on the media articles that attack them my views are based on what i have actually seen repeatedly, first hand and up close. the EDL dont give a **** about the country, only their version of the country, as well as looking for a scrap. go back and study the rise of britain and its empire, the commonwealth, immigration in the 50's and 60's and you'll understand why the EDL talks nonsense because they dont even realise the country was partially built on the very diversity it seeks to undermine