English Defence League

And there is this big myth about immigration as well, created by The Sun and The Daily Mail,sorry to burst the bubble but there is no issue with the numbers of immigrants coming into the UK, if it weren't for migration our population would be falling, which, economically would be a disaster as a falling population would likely result in a colossal pension deficit, but that's a different issue. The rate of immigration in the UK is 0.215%, that means that for every 1000 people in the UK, there are about 2 immigrants, you know which countries have the highest immigration rates in the world? Number 1: United Arab Emirates, Number 3: Kuwait. But wait, they're Islamic Arabic countries!
hold on lads, I think we are approaching the point of an intelligent conversation an internet forum! doesn't usually happen!

The EDL have started using stewards on thier marches to try and cut out a lot of racism.

And there is this big myth about immigration as well, created by The Sun and The Daily Mail,sorry to burst the bubble but there is no issue with the numbers of immigrants coming into the UK, if it weren't for migration our population would be falling, which, economically would be a disaster as a falling population would likely result in a colossal pension deficit, but that's a different issue. The rate of immigration in the UK is 0.215%, that means that for every 1000 people in the UK, there are about 2 immigrants, you know which countries have the highest immigration rates in the world? Number 1: United Arab Emirates, Number 3: Kuwait. But wait, they're Islamic Arabic countries!

i find those numbers hard to believe, especially when i go outside or into town and see the numbers of foreign people around, i have no problem with ones that come here to work and have a better life for them selves and their families. maybe there are just more illegal immagrants than legal ones.

last i herad new zealend had the highest immagration rates with about 30% born over sees.
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well the news papers make them out to be violent thugs. but that is not the case, they are simply want all of the foreign scum bags out of the country.

Right, and how do they want the "foreign scumbags" out? By throwing them out, beating them out, attacking them until they cannot stay any longer. So, they're not just violent thugs but racist as well.

Migrants that bring something to the country are no problem to them, its the lazy wasters that come over here and live off state benefits and the ones that come over to purely to insight racial hatred.
Wrong. I was there when they were marching through a shopping centre. Banners such as "all foreigners out" aren't being very tolerant, are they?

i say good luck to them, some of their methods may not be very good but they are doing it for a good cause, getting rid of people like those arabs that spat at the soldiers that paraded through a city( icant remember which) is vital to the integrity of this once fine country.
Bullshit of the highest degree. How the **** can you believe this?! How can humanity be moronic enough to believe something as monumentally, stratospherically ludicrous as this? They're trying to get rid of ALL foreigners, comprende? ALL foreigners. They say they're only trying to throw out extremist Muslims, but it is UTTER BOLLOCKS. If you had any idea about the "integrity" of "this once fine country", you'd know that half of what MAKES Britain great stems directly from immigration.

the media only seem to report on the bad side of things, and granted there have been some bad things involved with them. but there are always two sides to the story. like the BNP and UKIP they serve a good purpose, but the media curropts it and makes them look like racists even though there are black men in the EDL.
For *****... look, just because someone is black and they're in the EDL, it doesn't make them not racist. The media RIGHTLY report the bad side of things, in this case: we, as a nation and as a species, do not want these people walking the face of the Earth. We can't kill them - we're not criminals, we don't stoop to their level - so instead we ignore them. The BNP and UKIP are just laughably facist, and serve no purpose at all apart from reminding us all how stupid humans can get when they have little sense and a small amount of fear.

if being patriotic means your racists, then i guess i am a racist.
I hate this. I am a patriot. I support my country. This doesn't mean I go around trying to throw out honest, hard-working people just because they're a different race from me. You can be patriotic and tolerant, you know, the two don't go hand in hand. Lack of patriotism is a pathetic insult hurled at people with common sense by extremists such as the EDL, and it is utterly ridiculous.

if anyone is racist, it is the arabs that try to change our ways because they think they are so much better than us, as shown in the bbc documentary about the EDL
Hoo boy. You really are either hilariously stupid, utterly misguided or just a full-blown racist. I have never, and never will, meet an "arab" that tries to change "our ways". No "arab" thinks he's "so much better than us", you complete clot. This is a huge fabrication, very clever admittedly, but still a fabrication and a lie. It was created by racists, and its clever in the sense that it's very hard to disprove, and can thus be paraded around by people deaf to sense.

I'm sorry, but I feel very strongly about this subject. And let me tell you, I am a white teenager living in London, formerly in Birmingham. I have travelled the length and breadth of Britain, and I currently reside in the cultural melting-pot that is South-East London. Immigration has brought many great things to our country. Diversity, foods, whatever you name. To see people be so racist makes my blood boil.

Oh, and one more thing. If the BNP that you so defend were in power around 50 years ago, I wouldn't be here. My mother is an immigrant. So tread carefully.

i find those numbers hard to believe, especially when i go outside or into town and see the numbers of foreign people around, i have no problem with ones that come here to work and have a better life for them selves and their families. maybe there are just more illegal immagrants than legal ones.

Moron alert. Just because someone looks different from you doesn't mean they're foreign. They could be 5th generation, who knows? Stop judging on sight.
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^ I so agree with GodCubes if it weren't for my parents I wouldn't be here.
godcubed cant add anymore to that. totally utter bang on. ditto about immigration i wouldnt be here either
Right, and how do they want the "foreign scumbags" out? By throwing them out, beating them out, attacking them until they cannot stay any longer. So, they're not just violent thugs but racist as well.

Wrong. I was there when they were marching through a shopping centre. Banners such as "all foreigners out" aren't being very tolerant, are they?

Bullshit of the highest degree. How the **** can you believe this?! How can humanity be moronic enough to believe something as monumentally, stratospherically ludicrous as this? They're trying to get rid of ALL foreigners, comprende? ALL foreigners. They say they're only trying to throw out extremist Muslims, but it is UTTER BOLLOCKS. If you had any idea about the "integrity" of "this once fine country", you'd know that half of what MAKES Britain great stems directly from immigration.

For *****... look, just because someone is black and they're in the EDL, it doesn't make them not racist. The media RIGHTLY report the bad side of things, in this case: we, as a nation and as a species, do not want these people walking the face of the Earth. We can't kill them - we're not criminals, we don't stoop to their level - so instead we ignore them. The BNP and UKIP are just laughably facist, and serve no purpose at all apart from reminding us all how stupid humans can get when they have little sense and a small amount of fear.

I hate this. I am a patriot. I support my country. This doesn't mean I go around trying to throw out honest, hard-working people just because they're a different race from me. You can be patriotic and tolerant, you know, the two don't go hand in hand. Lack of patriotism is a pathetic insult hurled at people with common sense by extremists such as the EDL, and it is utterly ridiculous.

Hoo boy. You really are either hilariously stupid, utterly misguided or just a full-blown racist. I have never, and never will, meet an "arab" that tries to change "our ways". No "arab" thinks he's "so much better than us", you complete clot. This is a huge fabrication, very clever admittedly, but still a fabrication and a lie. It was created by racists, and its clever in the sense that it's very hard to disprove, and can thus be paraded around by people deaf to sense.

I'm sorry, but I feel very strongly about this subject. And let me tell you, I am a white teenager living in London, formerly in Birmingham. I have travelled the length and breadth of Britain, and I currently reside in the cultural melting-pot that is South-East London. Immigration has brought many great things to our country. Diversity, foods, whatever you name. To see people be so racist makes my blood boil.

Oh, and one more thing. If the BNP that you so defend were in power around 50 years ago, I wouldn't be here. My mother is an immigrant. So tread carefully.


Moron alert. Just because someone looks different from you doesn't mean they're foreign. They could be 5th generation, who knows? Stop judging on sight.

no need to be personally offensive, i my self have witnessed Arabs trying to convert people. just because you have not it does not mean it does not happen.
the bold bit obviously explains your little rant. Which is fair enough, but all i was trying to say was that i agree with some of their points.
Godcubed got it spot on. I was born in England but my parents weren't, does that mean the EDL want to kick my parents out but I'm allowed to stay? Doesn't make much sense to me.

---------- Post added at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM ----------

i my self have witnessed Arabs trying to convert people.

Yeah because Christians never try to convert anyone :P
Godcubed got it spot on. I was born in England but my parents weren't, does that mean the EDL want to kick my parents out but I'm allowed to stay? Doesn't make much sense to me.

---------- Post added at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM ----------

Yeah because Christians never try to convert anyone :P

Im not arguing that, it is **** annoying seeing all the Christian preachers around. But this country has been predominately Christian/catholic/CofE for hundreds of years
no need to be personally offensive, i my self have witnessed Arabs trying to convert people. just because you have not it does not mean it does not happen.
the bold bit obviously explains your little rant. Which is fair enough, but all i was trying to say was that i agree with some of their points.

Arabs trying to convert people to Islam? So what? At least the Islamic faith doesn't have denominations such as Jehovah's Witnesses, which are required by their law to try and convert you. The bolded bit explains about half my little rant. The other half is common sense that was knocked into me when I was a child.

But this country has been predominately Christian/catholic/CofE for hundreds of years

Ironic, then, that when the British Empire was at its height we tried to convert anyone we invaded. Yet I don't see the same racism in India or Burma as we have here: no, they've accepted what happened and MOVED ON, as we should accept that immigration brings pluses and negatives and move on.
Having done an AS level in politics, the has been plenty of light shed on them and what they stand for. Having watched the General Election very closely, there were 1.3 million people who are registered to vote in this country either voted either EDL or UKIP, and luckily (well in my opinion luckily) it wasn't enough to give any of them parties a seat.

I for one am not a patriot, but I don't mind if people are as long as they go about it in the right way, because I have no respect for racists and any abuse that comes from it because at the end of the day, people that live in this country whether they are legal or illegal or whatever, they do the jobs that we don't want to do and wouldn't do, yes some people may seem like its their fault because of the high amount of people who are unemployed at the moment but at the end of the day, there's still people out there who will reject a job because it isn't good enough for them, money's money and that's how you have to look at it. I'm sure if you look down the line somewhere in your family tree, most would have come to this country from somewhere.
Im not arguing that, it is **** annoying seeing all the Christian preachers around. But this country has been predominately Christian/catholic/CofE for hundreds of years

You can say this, but isn't catholicism orginally Roman? Not English, if so did you see the english defence league complaining about catholic preachers? Don't think so?
people quickly forget that this country and its former empire were built on cultural diversity
You can say this, but isn't catholicism orginally Roman? Not English, if so did you see the english defence league complaining about catholic preachers? Don't think so?

That is actually a good point. :D

If you want to start rejecting foreign religions, then we should all go back to listening to Druids and sacrificing animals. Hey, at least the arabs wouldn't be trying to convert us though, eh?
personally i dont mind the EDL they are just fighting for our countrys rights and they want our country back to normal they are nothing like NF or BNP they are infact against them and they are not racist those are just the wannabe EDL's they want to stop all imigrants coming over for example i got on the bus this morning and the bus driver was POLISH and i needed to know where to get off!! so thats my oppinion
personally i dont mind the EDL they are just fighting for our countrys rights and they want our country back to normal they are nothing like NF or BNP they are infact against them and they are not racist those are just the wannabe EDL's they want to stop all imigrants coming over for example i got on the bus this morning and the bus driver was POLISH and i needed to know where to get off!! so thats my oppinion
you know the country was built one diveristy and multiethnicity,? so what if the bus driver was polish? clearly you dont really know what the EDL stand for if you believe that

our armed forces are full of zimbabweans, kiwis, nepalese, south africans
Clearly you dont understand what im saying, i needed to get off at a bus stop but i didnt no where to get off and the bus driver hadnt got a clue what i was saying, so am i the only one that it dont **** off then?
Clearly you dont understand what im saying, i needed to get off at a bus stop but i didnt no where to get off and the bus driver hadnt got a clue what i was saying, so am i the only one that it dont **** off then?

Well, some Brit on welfare should've got off his lazy backside and got the job instead. How unqualified can you be that someone that doesn't speak English is better than you? In Oslo almost every single bus, metro and taxi driver are of Middle Eastern/Pakistani/Indian descent. Most of the people working with preparing fish, which is Norway's 2nd largest export, are Poles. Without them, we'd be shagged.
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yeah well thats there problem, they need to get off there lazy arses and do something about it while people like myself and others pay out while its go's to people on the dole it just really annoys me seeing my country sink im not mega patriotic but when you look at it into a certain point of perspective it does make you think, i wish i could do something about it but clearly not and thats how im gunna have to live with it really
Clearly you dont understand what im saying, i needed to get off at a bus stop but i didnt no where to get off and the bus driver hadnt got a clue what i was saying, so am i the only one that it dont **** off then?

The bus driver probably thought, what the **** was he saying because of your accent? I know a lot of polish people around our area and they can understand us completely fine, not being disrespectful or anything here but they can probably speak our language, but our accents are ridiculously hard to get hold off. E.g. Liverpudlian, Brummy, Geordie. Again no offense meant but we hardly help them with the way we speak?
They arent racists - They are patriotic with the countrys best interests at heart!