Fallout New Vegas

Popped the game in last night for a quick 45 minutes and was promoted for a patch. I've not had one bug playing today for around 3-4 hours. It's a really good game and being so busy I'm annoyed I don't have time to play it. :'(
Proberbly won't be buying it as i didn't enjoy fallout 3 and i'll proberbly just play fifa, cod and fm11 all the time (H)
My game has just developed some crazy shooting bug for some reason, was playing fine and now if I jump/ exit pip boy/ change weapon / end speaking to someone the gun will automatically fire a round which can't do you any favours if you're entering new territory.. I changed to a melee weapon and it just constantly swings it... I've not updated it online yet so hopefully there's a quick fix for this.
played it completed the main storyline yes mans way and the game ended started up an evil and good save now and just raided vault 34 on my good guy got lots of weapons but had to use like 15 rad away... how annoying
Wanting this game but have to pay £39.99 &£15 For the actuall game book As in fallout 3 i always got lost and only completed the first couple of missons
isit good though?
Nearing the end of my first playthrough on Hard mode.

Planning to restart a Hardcore character, and this time, avoid the exp glitch so I don't end up level-capped within 2 hours.
It's great. But on the console version the bugs can't be fixed. Luckily... I haven't come across that many. But the game freezes every so often so you have to save regularly.

The one that has annoyed me though is The Strip has just randomly locked. Anyone know how to fix it?
Having now finished this game twice (once fully, once using cheats to skip boring parts i couldnt be arsed to do all over again), and still exploring and finding new locations/ quests besides the main plotline, I fully recommend this game to any previous fans of the Elder Scrolls or especially the Fallout series.

From what I gather it has a lot more call backs to pre-fo3 (though I didnt play them myself, I spend a lot of time on the Fallout wiki), however it certainly has its share of bugs. I think it was summed up best here at 1UP.com :

"On one hand it feels like I can recommend this to any fan of the Fallout series. I single these fans out because they're willing to forgive silly bugs like meeting characters who walk into walls or occasionally float in mid-air. These fans realize that the game as a whole is greater than the sum of minor graphical anomalies. On the other hand, I simply can't ignore or forgive the game for crashing on me when I walk around the Mojave Wasteland; or for quests that simply can't be completed because of a game glitch; or for making my companions disappear when I need them the most during a battle. These are some of the most frustrating bugs I have ever encountered with any game, especially when attached to a series that I deeply enjoy."
Keep getting raped by Legion assasins lol, helped the NCR take Nipton and had Legion on my *** ever since. Loving this game so far and I can forgive the bugs because of how fun it is, but it does need another patch sooner rather than later.

I just wish I had more time to play it. :'(
Keep getting raped by Legion assasins lol, helped the NCR take Nipton and had Legion on my *** ever since. Loving this game so far and I can forgive the bugs because of how fun it is, but it does need another patch sooner rather than later.

I just wish I had more time to play it. :'(

I'm having the total opposite as you, the NCR shoot me on site for some reason and I've never done anything to them, not from what I remember anyway haha... but I encountered a few Legion members killing some Rangers and they didn't bat an eyelid at me, I was left alone to loot everything in sight whilst they shot each other up..
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Completed my first playthrough yesterday. Wasn't really good or evil as such, I just did what I wanted, when I wanted, and ended up with slightly good karma.

This time around, I'm rolling hardcore, and sticking to only a couple of weapons so the ammo weight doesn't stop me dead.
Best companion on the game - Boone.

Its amaazing spotting someone late just to watch Boone pick them off from miles away.
Best companion on the game - Boone.

Its amaazing spotting someone late just to watch Boone pick them off from miles away.

Agree I've just got Boone as a companion and he's a beast with the rifle.. I entered the wasteland near Helios One and the music came on when there's an enemy near by but before I could get a look in he'd blasted three radscorpions..
Games of this size always have bugs, I've just fired it up and I like what I see so far :)

Unfortunately there are plenty. Its about appreciating the game on a bigger scale I think, the sheer number of choices/ outcomes is insane
I had Boone as my companion from Novac until the end of the game on my first character.

Going to be playing with a different companion this time on my Hardcore guy, purely because he made it far, far too easy.
Got this a few days ago, can't say I'm as amazed as the other guys on here, the story is dull and just as repetitive as FO3. Hopefully as the story progresses it gets a bit better, although I'm not that bothered, only really keeping it until GT5 comes out as I've rented it from lovefilm before I bought it (which I'm no longer going to do).

Am I the only one who thinks this game is identical to FO3 in every way? I mean I know technically it's a sequel but they've had long enough to change the game-play a little bit.. Doesn't feel like it's evolved at all and definitely isn't worth £40 of my money.
Got this a few days ago, can't say I'm as amazed as the other guys on here, the story is dull and just as repetitive as FO3. Hopefully as the story progresses it gets a bit better, although I'm not that bothered, only really keeping it until GT5 comes out as I've rented it from lovefilm before I bought it (which I'm no longer going to do).

Am I the only one who thinks this game is identical to FO3 in every way? I mean I know technically it's a sequel but they've had long enough to change the game-play a little bit.. Doesn't feel like it's evolved at all and definitely isn't worth £40 of my money.

It's not a game I would pay for either. ^^)

They used the same engine as Fallout 3, which is outdated now, so there was only so much they could do with the game. They added an entirely new map, a bunch of new enemies, lots of new weaponry, both melee and ranged, and completely different quest-lines with much more emphasis on your morality.

Not sure what you expected from it, since you must have been aware the engine was the same.
Thinking about rolling a Melee/Unarmed/repair build for a hardcore playthrough, wouldn't have to worry about ammo then. Could start by going up to Chases grave for the unique knife and craft repair kits to keep it in good condition, and when it becomes available, a shishkebab + Pyromaniac perk looks like a good idea.

If that doesn't work then a sneak-crit gunslinger, but I'm sort of doing that now anyway. :S

Thinking abit too far ahead though, not even entered the strip yet lol, side quests keep me side tracked.
The Ballistic Fist is a pretty amazing piece of unarmed/melee weaponry. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find one earlier than the Legion camp.
The only way I know of getting good melee weapons early is by getting the Legion assasins after you at the start of the game, they are much stronger than you and that's how I got the Shish and 12.7mm pistol anyway.

The only problem is surviving an assassin attack so early on as health regens instead of instant recovery and limbs cripple so easily. Maybe get boone around and call for NCR Ranger support before I **** off Legion?