Deleted member 79730
i agree with 24, prison break cancelled because it was repeatitive, though outside the abc studio there was a massive protest in new york, heroes i am bored of sylar i wish he would die already, and thats the whole idea of lost, if all the questions were answered no one would watch itLost - went on way too long, too many questions not enough answers. Lost interest when the writers strike was on.
Prison Break - cancelled so obviously not fantastic? Get out of jail, go back in jail, get out of jail, go back in jail. Season 1 was great, season 2 was worse but still ok, from then on it was daft.
24 - Seasons 1-4 were pretty good, season 5 wasn't as good and season 6 I don't think I watched all of as I lost interest. Heard season 7 was decent but no motivation to watch.
Heroes - Again, went on too long. Started brilliant, got worse, got worse. Sick of people getting introduced, lost my way a lot with it. Missed a few episodes and was never motivated to get back into it. Sylar was fantastic though.