Just because you're the typical FM fan that ignores all the bugs the game ships with every single year and writes them off as "features" doesn't mean they don't exist and irritate those of us that don't have our tinted glasses on.

So yes it is like playing a beta in a lot of ways and in several months when they've finally patched a bunch of times it'll play completely differently. That's just what happens when crappy companies like SI rush unfinished games to market and use the consumers as guinea pigs.

Haha mate. For the past three months my JOB has been to find and register every bug with the game that I could find. Not sure how you think I 'ignore' them. I can write you a list of every bug in this game and why it's not perfect, but that still doesn't mean it's unplayable or 'a beta' or some such bollocks.

It is nothing like playing a beta. I'd know, I played the actual beta. That thing was constantly broken and at times, actually LITERALLY unplayable. As for calling SI crappy, you really just don't know what you're talking about, do you? Like I said in another thread, the fact that a company of the size of SI can create such a huge and complex game like this year on year and have it come out as good quality is astounding. SI even saw off the behemoth of resources and money that is EA, that's how good they are. As for 'rushing it out', it's a yearly game. There's an enforced schedule. It HAS to be out year on year. That's how it works.

Finally, the customers are not guinea pigs. They have people like me to do that. If you had any idea how bad the game has been at stages of development you'd understand that, but as usual it's the people who don't actually know anything that are spouting rubbish,
This thread shows why these threads are a bad idea. Some will say "YES it's worth it!", others will say "NO! It's unplayzables".

Play the Demo. It's free and you can make up your own mind.

Oh and well said GC.
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This thread shows why these threads are a bad idea. Some will say "YES it's worth it!", others will say "NO! It's unplayzables".

Play the Demo. It's free and you can make up your own mind.

Oh and well sad GC.

Exactly. There's a demo for a reason. Try it, see if you like it, buy it if you do and overlook it if you don't. Ain't rocket surgery.
How can some of you even complain about the game this year? I think it's brilliant. Yes, there are some issues to iron out, but the beta this year was far more enjoyable than last years' beta. I can clearly remember yelling at my computer because of the completely ridiculous own-goals.
****, I honestly think that FM 16 and 17 might even be worth a go.
Try the demo out!

It's a fun game. It has its issues (UI is horrible and very clunky to navigate around) but the ME has improved a lot (although crosses are OP) and they need to patch injuries. They are so frequent and players are injured months at a time, it's annoying.

But yeah, try the demo out. If you don't like it then just don't bother.
Meh. People complain about injuries every single year. There's no problem.
Give the UI some time. Some love it, others hate it, but I bet either way you'll get used to it after a couple of weeks.
im finding the ppl who say the game is actually still a beta are the ones that dont like to put the time and effort into the game it takes to become a good manager, yes their is bugs but i do not regret for 1 second the money i spent, in fact i have already played 30 more hrs on fm 15 than fm 14
I've a long way to go considering i put in 1150+ hours into FM14 ahaha
This thread shows why these threads are a bad idea. Some will say "YES it's worth it!", others will say "NO! It's unplayzables".

Play the Demo. It's free and you can make up your own mind.

Oh and well said GC.

They aren't bad ideas people just find it as an easy way to vent I suppose, and I know the severity of the problem if it's something like too many injuries :p

I have played the demo and it does seem worth it, a lot more to do and get stuck into but is good fun, thanks all for the opinions :)
FM15 is like Madden, FIFA, NBA, and the other sports series. Every year, a new version comes out. In the same token, every year people complain, and they all ask the same question: should I buy it? If you love the game as much as the fans do (I buy FM, Madden, and FIFA every year) then yes, the game is worth it, no matter if it's better or worse than the previous. Simply because it's newer and more updated, even though there might be things that take a step back. So yeah, FM15 is worth it. Already logged about 100 hours into it, managing Philadelphia and Los Angeles XD
In my opinion, FM 15 is awesome and I find it waaaay better than 14.
FM will be the same every year. Full of bugs until the 3rd patch. The real question is whether you prefer the more polished version from the previous year or if you are happy to play through the bugs until that 3rd patch around Feb/March.