FM Base Director of Football Game

Who Shall We Manage?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Oct 4, 2011
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Welcome. In this career save I want you, the FM base members, to help me manage my club. As the title suggests we will all oversee the management of an as yet unnamed club in a sort of Director of Football role.

We'll have a say over various aspects of the running of our club - from pre-season tours, feeder clubs, press conferences, coaching staff and, most importantly, transfers.

The general day-to-day running of the club will be left to our manager (the in-game assistant manager). If results are going poorly we can opt to sack him and replace him with someone else.

When key decisions have to be made eg. sackings or the buying/selling of players, I'll post up screenshots of possible outcomes and scenarios and you, FMB members can decide what we should do.

This will be done by a majority rules.

Appointing a Board of Directors.

Ideally, I would like a few FM-Basers to join the Board that will run the club. These people will be regular/daily posters on FM Base to insure there is continual input into the running of the club. These board members will have extra votes in determining club policy.

For example, say if 5 people volunteer and join the Board, each person will have 2 votes. Come a transfer window and we are offered Andy Carroll for £10m, the Board can vote on whether we pursue the transfer or not.
In such a scenario the board has a maximum 10 votes. BUT if 11 other FMB members vote (by posting in the thread) and say, no don't sign Andy Carroll, get Demba Ba instead then I (as Director of Football) will attempt to sign Ba instead.

Similarly this system can be used to hire or fire our manager and so on.

Board Members

Mike (i think your 20,000 post covers it
Toon Army 13
Gogogo Golem
The Ultime FM God

Each board member get 2 votes when decisions have to be. People following the thread and who post get 1 vote. Decision made on a majority rules basis.

This is a new idea (I think; haven't noticed anything like it) so bare with me and hopefully it works out. Any other ideas and suggestions are greatly welcome.
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I don't understand how it would run but I would be interested in being a director.
I don't understand how it would run but I would be interested in being a director.
We as a group would control everything outside of the matches. Our manager will talk charge of the matches and team talks. If results are poor we can decide to sack him and hire someone else.

During transfer windows I'll post up screens of our transfer and wage budget and a list of interested players and we can all decide as a group which players to sign or sell and so on
We as a group would control everything outside of the matches. Our manager will talk charge of the matches and team talks. If results are poor we can decide to sack him and hire someone else.

During transfer windows I'll post up screens of our transfer and wage budget and a list of interested players and we can all decide as a group which players to sign or sell and so on

I get it now. Can I be a director?
i would put my name into the hat for being on the board.
Cheers for volunteering. I'll give the thread a while to get noticed and bump it every so often. I'm looking for the Board members to be regular posters and visitors on FMBase and your profile says you only have made 2 posts
I get it now. Can I be a director?
I dont see why not. Your a premium member with over 2000 posts. Hopefully more regulars put their name forward as the thread gets more exposure.

I'll add a poll to see who we manage first. I'm thinking keeping it to an English Premier League club will be best for the meantime
Can I be a director mate, I know not many posts, but I regularly look on the forum
I voted for Everton, Think they're a team with massive potential but always come short.
I voted for Everton, Think they're a team with massive potential but always come short.
Yea. Also one of the few remaining steam achievement unlocks I need is the new stadium one so the likes of Everton or Spurs can help me achieve that
Yea. Also one of the few remaining steam achievement unlocks I need is the new stadium one so the likes of Everton or Spurs can help me achieve that

They're just a team destined for success and with the right people behind the scenes it is possible.
Could I be a board member. Not many posts as only joined in the past few weeks. But go on here everyday!

Also, I had a previous account under a different name. Maybe you remember me taking over Russia last month in the international challenge you hosted?
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Can I be on the board please....I check the site daily so will check regularly :) (voted for newcastle :) )
Very Interested, can I become a board member?

EDIT- voted for Fulham!
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