FM Base Director of Football Game

Who Shall We Manage?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'd love to be involved, voted Swansea
Keep the opinions and votes coming and we'll get started later today
Keep the opinions and votes coming and we'll get started later today

when we gonna find out whos getting on the board mate ? Everton's joing to so far hope it gains more lol.
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when we gonna find out whos getting on the board mate ? Everton's joing to so far hope it gains more lol.
Later today. Going to give regulars more time to see the thread and volunteer
Can I have a place on the board, I think around three posts a day on my profile is a regular and I'm on every day.
By the way I voted Liverpool.
I would love to take part.

I voted for Swansea
voted for Swansea.. they where incredible this year ! :)
and if i can help, tell me W4NKER
could i please be a director, have played fm for o many years and play it daily, i also visit the site ALL THE TIME!
I'd be up for this is you still need board members, sounds good.
Quite a good bit of interest in this now! Swansea just in the lead atm!