FM-Base Fifa 10 League (PS3)

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I am a biased ****.
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Hi, I have decided to set up a league for the people of FM-Base who play the PS3. There is 8 teams in the league, they will play each-other twice. So, I need 7 committed players who fancy having a bit of fun on Fifa :) It is called the FM Base League.

Players so far:
Neall MFC-Neall11//Chelsea

You can pick any team you want to go, as long as it is a default team, not a custom one with the best players
If one player doesn't turn up for a scheduled match, the 3 points go to the opposition team it will be counted as a 1-0 loss
If both parties don't turn up it will be counted as a 0-0 draw
If connection is lost at 0-0 the game will be replayed

The league will be 8 teams, 2 legs, 14 games.
The top 2 will play each-other over 2 legs with away goals to see who the champion is!
We will do 2 games per week per person.

Fixtures for this week:
This Sunday: Ben V Parkin90 8.30 PM//2-4
Monday: DMF V Redrup 8.30 PM//1-2
Tuesday: Neill11 V fatshit 9.00 PM
Wednesday: Smoop V FoxyCFC 8.30 PM

Thursday: Redrup V Neill11 9.00 PM//4-1
Friday: Parkin90 V Smoop 8.30 PM//2-2
Saturday: FoxyCFC V Ben 7.00 PM
Saturday: fatshit V DMF 8.30 PM//0-1
Tell me if you have any problems with the fixtures.
Who ever is at home will be the host.
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ill play mate but what time will we play??
Not sure tbh yet mate, I will cross that bridge when I get to it, probably whatever time suits you guys, I have no preferences, but not Fridays or Saturdays.
I'm up for this, though I am adapting to my new large HD TV so might not be quite as good as usual. :p

PSN: Redrup
I'm up for this, though I am adapting to my new large HD TV so might not be quite as good as usual. :p

PSN: Redrup

Haha I have only just got my PS3 back so I will also be rusty after not playing it for over a year.
Definately up for this..

Great stuff, only a few more needed now. Btw when does everyone want to start? And what times?
kk well ill join wen we found out days but so far im in

not turned my ps3 on in a week so better get practising:p
Can usually play anyday after 5 :)
Don't mind when we start.
I'm not great at FIFA but sounds like fun :p

PSN: Smoop
Start anytime really. I can play practically any time through the week.
id start now but i can do it tomoro

on thursdays and tuesdays after 8:30 and monday after 7:30 all other days after 5 =D
Cool, if we get enough people, want to start tomorrow? About 3:00 PM?
I usually would be fine for then but I'll be on my way to Anfield :p
Haha, forgot about the match :O A bit later then, say 6?
Maybe 7?
Got football until 6, and I'll need a shower afterwards etc
Yeah ok, 7 is fine with me.
Ugh going to sound like a pain here, sorry, but I'm from Birmingham so getting to and from Liverpool takes me a while so I won't be back until later tommorrow, as I say practically any other day I'd be fine for most times but not so much tomorrow, sorry to be a pain.
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