FM-Base Premier League

My round 3 match was played quite late as Matt was away, hopefully can finish my game v joe this weekend and play my round 4 game so I go into round 5 level on games with everyone else

I'm your R4 opponent. :P
  1. Everything that could have went wrong, went wrong. Got destroyed in open play and from set pieces. Every transition from defence to attack got intercepted and my team missed so many passes. His team reminded me of Bayern Munich during the 2012/13 S
Agreed - a bad start ruined the match for you!
And thanks for the comparison :-)
Holy **** mate, when was the last time you were beaten like that?
Come on Milan! ;)

Hopefully Conor is free for a game tonight to replay our match he had troubles with

(and I sent our previous match file to Brendn because I wasn't sure on the rules on replays. Just sent it so he could at least see we had a game)
Any games on tomorrow? or today :-)

Hoping to play David tomorrow...
kick off @ 18.00
rjp666 vs Davidh 4-0
Match is emailed!

Any other matches played today or yesterday?