Yeah, traditional forums had a sense of community. You got to know people, made some friends, made some enemies, it was normal human interaction, just online. These massive websites though, they're just toxic.
I have absolutely no clue on reddit, used it a few times but it seems terrible. I must be doing something wrong as it is popular. Give me a normal forum any day
If people from here, would like to join the FM-Base Discord Server: - If you join, and let me know you're from this thread, you can find me easier, as I often check it when I'm not at home, and we can talk more.
If you're interested in helping me with this project I'm TRYING to do, reach out and you can join me!
Is it possible to have Sub sections of the forum based on the game tab?
how do you mean?
Today, if i want to see check some training, i have to go to tactics section. Or if i want to check about how to boost morale of players, medical centre, etc? Where do i go here in the forum?
What if, the forum is divided by the most important sub sections of the game, like squad management, tactics, training, scouting, and of course a general section and also editing (pre and in game). Not to mention a new media section with links to discord, twitter, etc.
I know that this would change some things around here, but a more clear forum can bring more persons here and also make the navigation more easy for all.
Just a thought.
Ah gotcha, yeah' a split in the players section wouldnt be a bad idea.
Team & Player Management
- Transfers
- Wonderkids
- Shortlist Downloads
- Youtube scout reports
- Training
- New player coaching
- PPMs
- Best Staff
- Medical Centre
- Staff shortlists
- Player Happiness
- Agents etc
- Team Management
- Squad Harmony
- Motivation
- How to manage contracts and poach players?
- Team specfic sub thread
- Starting with Man U
- Starting with Man C
- Starting with ***
Plus tactic sharing and get the streamers to have a channel/section here, plus editing section for skins, custom DBs or scenarios.
Is it possible?