FM-Base Will Be Down For 48 Hours

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wish you did this thursday night instead but oh well
If it makes the site better, I think everyone will be fine with it.
Are these people Moderators/Donators?

What Lee said.

I have to change where the FM-Base url points to. Some ISP providers update it quicker than others.
Will the site look different, or will it all be the same.?
Will the site look different, or will it all be the same.?

Will be the same. But once I have everything on the new server I want to start making some changes to the appearance of FM-Base.
Why are people acting so disappointed? It'll just be like usual, except this time the 48 hours downtime will be planned!

Said in jest Sean, don't ban me. :(
Will be the same. But once I have everything on the new server I want to start making some changes to the appearance of FM-Base.

Hope it's nothing to major, i like the way it looks now.
A little change would be good, shake things up a bit.
will the whos online thing come back? i like that, now when im looking for someone i have to search friends of friends
The online user list makes the site go slower I think, since Sean took it off it's been loading a lot quicker on threads.
You are right Max, but then I think we need a more accessible User List
but it is for the good of the site then its ok with me
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