FM24 - Delicious Zone



Going really strong here. Started with this tactic in 4th season after using similar tactic with wingers instead of 3 AMC.

My team is strong but not world class on all positions

All games instant result
FM24 Tactic Preview | 4231 Death Star Project New Moon | Plug and play Tactics

FM 24 Tactic's Preview | Spalletti 4231N | Plug&Play Tactics

Like the way this tactic plays however FM is so frustrating.....I have games where we play amazing. Then all of sudden we leak goals left-right & center!
Any help with what to do in these situations?

Also the Advanced Forward struggling to score? All of my strikers have had 2-3 goals in over 20 games :(
Great goals by the SS's though but would love to figure out the striker issue.

Great work Delicious :)
Like the way this tactic plays however FM is so frustrating.....I have games where we play amazing. Then all of sudden we leak goals left-right & center!
Any help with what to do in these situations?

Also the Advanced Forward struggling to score? All of my strikers have had 2-3 goals in over 20 games :(
Great goals by the SS's though but would love to figure out the striker issue.

Great work Delicious :)

That i can say is : Try to find your sweet spot, if you believe your team isn't good enough start with balanced, you can even go VA + the set pieces are doing crazy magic.

There are many ways to interact with the game. I will might soon do some streams to show literally what you lads should do to achieve normal runs and what to do when you face "hard situations".
FM24 Tactic Preview | Double D v2 Dopie x Delicious | Plug and play Tactics

FM24 Taktik Önlemesi | 4231 Ölüm Yıldızı Projesi Yeni Ay | Taktikleri Tak ve Çalıştır

ujpest bu taktikle 25 yıl aradan sonra duble yaparak şampiyon oldu!


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In the old tactic there was a defensive midfielder. There is no defensive player in this tactic. Won't it cause us problems?

The engine it self doesn't really like if you put too many "defensive" roles. But if you feel more "secure" you can pair a "HB/BWM/DM(D)" it's gonna perfom okay anyway. If you check on the web-site i tried multiple things and roles
FM 24 Tactic's Preview | Spalletti 4231N | Plug&Play Tactics

Great tactic on course to do the treble with Villa 1st season using this. It does score a lot of goals set mine to VA but does concede 2 or 3 at times is there anything I could try to stop the goals going in by changing some thing to make it better defensive wise?
Great work DS
The engine it self doesn't really like if you put too many "defensive" roles. But if you feel more "secure" you can pair a "HB/BWM/DM(D)" it's gonna perfom okay anyway. If you check on the web-site i tried multiple things and roles

Do you still think that's your best tactic? :)
FM24 Tips and trick | Ultimate Set Pieces V2 inside | Near Post | M.E.
