What was the runner-up bid to my Higuain one?
What was the runner-up bid to my Higuain one?
I'll add runner-ups after this round, if I have the timeBids sent,
+ runner up bids is nice if possible. I like to see who overspends the most
Dunc, **** off with your idiotic bidding.
Although, saying that, I am unsure why the bids are so low? With 300m to spend, surely you should be spending an average of just short of 20 mill per player, and if you want a player you bid a bit higher.. unsure how that renders my bidding idiotic when I have won players for around the average you should be spending, plus some higher bids on players that I actually want.I am sure I will pick up some cheaper players later in the auction, and I imagine Messi/Ronaldo will go for much more than the 35 mill or so I paid for Iniesta.