Football. ****** ****!

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Twas jokin btw lol

Though it's doubtful there'll be an update this weekend. Mates birthday saturday and mine Sunday. Depends what state I'm in lol
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Eyes of the world are watching....well, in Gateshead anyway

Well that's just ****** typical! I thought to myself. I stepped off the usual bus into a torrential downpour-lightning flashed, and thunder exploded like an unwordly gun going off. I was absolutely drenched after a matter of seconds. Typical British summertime weather. It had been like this since the early hours, nearly every half hour. Nothing but thundery showers-but I had to say, they were amazing to watch. On my way to the office I glanced up briefly-to see a thoroughly waterlogged pitch. The sound of me saying "You've got to be damwell kidding me!" was completely drowned out by a huge clap of thunder from above. This was a major setback. I wanted to get the players back in the training routine and and start working on fitness.

I hurried inside the office, and turned-standing in the doorway. Though the sun was breaking through in some places-everywhere else was as black as night. It was quite un-nerving. Nothing but lightning everywhere. Though I enjoyed watching a good thunderstorm or two-this wasn't the time to be having one. Well, the training would have to be put off just for today. Was pointless. It was obvious the ball would not be moving on the pitch-****, the pitch was just basically useless. I'd have to work on doing something else.

I put my suit jacket on the back of my chair and sat down, thinking about what had to be done. Press conference and meet the players. Suppose could use the day to get to know the players better I suppose. Didn't want the day to be a total washout. I glanced at my watch. A journo from BBC Look North would be arriving very shortly. There would be various journalists: BBC Look North, The Non-League Paper, The Northern Echo, Evening Chronicle, and Pitchero Non-League. Be strange seeing my mug on the Beeb. I chuckled. Then my assistant manager Chris walked in. Like me drenched to the bone-and swearing violently. He took a breath.

"Bad news-press conference has been scaled back. It's just going to be Look North now, and at some point later the Evening Chronicle." Bummer. Oh well. Still had the Beeb and Chronicle. No bad thing-they were major media outlets for the region.

"Any particulr reason why?" I asked curiously. Chris shook his head.

"Apparently something came up. Probably didn't want the rain mucking up their hair or something." he said with a chuckle. I nodded with a smile. I got up from my seat and peered through the window. Once again the sky was black-thunder was already rumbling loudly. I exhaled a deep breath.

"Mother nature can be a **** sometimes." I said turning to him. He nodded in agreement.

"Must be time of the month." he said with a wink. We both chuckled. "So what's the plan for today then, seeing that we're pretty much screwed match preparation wise?" he asked. I looked at him and leant against the wall with hands in pockets.

"Well, all I can do is get to know the team better. In a way, it'll give me more time to go over what we're going to be doing during the season formation and tactic wise-that sort of thing. Let them know what's what. Maybe go over footage DVD's or something too." Chris nodded. We both knew we couldn't do anything more than that. It was a blow. I was desperate to get started properly today. Was pumped up and full of adrenalin. It was a day lost in preparation-a day we couldn't afford to lose. But it wouldn't be a total waste. The door swung open. It was the chairman Malcom James-with a woman. It was Dawn Thewlis from BBC Look North.

"Hi Andrew." said Malcolm cheerfully. "This is Dawn, from BBC Look North for the interview." I smiled at her.

"Hi Dawn." I said smiling. "I'm ready when you are." She smiled. "Great. It's just going to be a basic interview, like why you took the job, what you hope to accomplish...that sort of thing. Then it'll be on the television later." I nodded. On the box already! I thought excitedly. A short while later, the interview took place.

Dawn: "So, Andrew-congratulations on the appointment. How does it feel to have your very first managerial post?"

Myself: "It's great-very exciting. Had dreams of doing this sort of thing when I was a kid playing games on my old-well, ancient computer. And I cannot express how extremely grateful I am to the chairman for giving me this chance."

Dawn: "Some tabloids have been linking you to other, higher profile clubs like Plymouth, Doncaster, Hartlepool....amongst others. What made you apply for the vacancy of Dunston?"

Myself: "Well, if you really want to be a manager-you'll take any job regardless of who they are. Some choose to wait around, then dive headlong into the league itself, whereas myself I just take what I can get. Plus it helps that I know the area very well as I used to live about a mile down the road a few years ago, and I know a bit about the club too which also helps. And on top of that, I have a family to consider too. We're all settled, all happy and I didn't want to just suddenly make them up sticks and go somewhere else, just to fulful an ambition of mine. Wouldn't have been fair on them."

Dawn: "The fans are already talking about you, mentioning you have taken the time to meet them, and get to know them on a personal level. Do you feel that is a necessary thing to do?"

Myself: "I feel that at times, the connection between some clubs and it's fans has in fact over the years, become fractured-in some cases non-existant. Especially between players and fans too. I feel it's essential to maintain that communication as it makes the fans feel valued by the club, not just for the support they give, but also because the majority of the time they are the ones who pay the players wages. If the fans feel isolated, the support drops and you have a downward spiral-it's like a domino effect. So I like to communicate with the fans, let them know what's going on-that sort of thing. And if we have a successful season, I'd like in fact, to be able to share that success with the fans. After all-they are the ones who show up in all weathers to watch the players. And with all the negative press associated with football these days, it's nice to put a smile on the fans faces."

Dawn: "Last season, the club narrowly missed out on promotion. Do you think it can be achieved this time round?"

Myself: "Well, rest assured we will be trying our utmost to take that big step. There's a good bunch of lads here who want that promotion, and I'll be bringing in a new style of football to....hopefully.....get us up there at the end of the season. But I'm quitely confident we can do it."

Dawn: "And finally, what about the future? What do you want for Dunston UTS?"

Myself: "I want to do my best for this club. It's a good old community club, with loyal fans and a good bunch of lads and a very supportive chairman who loves the club. I want to take them as high I possibly can. The area hasn't had the best of times lately, what with jobs being cut everywhere, and people having a rough ride. I'd like to make this club successful, so it can at least help people take their minds off what's happening out there for a bit, and give them something to cheer about and help put a smile on their face. Given everything that's happened in the region lately, it's the least they deserve."

Dawn: "Andrew, again congratulations on your appointment, and I'd like to wish you the best of luck for the season. And thankyou very much for your time."

After they packed up the equipment, thanked me and then left, Chris came in.

"How did it go?" he asked. I got up, again looking through the window-still torrential out there. No surprise really.

"Very well." I replied. "Very straight forward interview to be honest. Wish all interviews could be that easy." I looked at my watch. Fast approaching three o'clock. I paused and looked at Chris.

"Tell the players not to bother coming in." I told him. "It's pointless now. The weathers set to improve soon. So what we'll do is get them in tomorrow morning, and do the meeting then make a start on the training afterwards. Time went by quicker than I thought it would so it's pointless doing it now." Chris nodded.

"Fair point. I'll get on it now then."

"Cheers Chris. You may aswell get yourself away too once you've done that. I'll stay behind and look at these scouting reports a bit more. Need a hand regarding the contracts though tomorrow-we need to have some wages reduced so we go back under budget." He nodded.

"No problem boss. Look forward to seeing you on TV tonight too-like a good laugh!" he said with a wink and chuckle. No doubt I'll be getting some ribbing off the missus later tonight too. If all interviews were that easy, I wouldnt' have a problem at all. It was then I realised that the Evening Chronicle journo didn't show up. Tough **** I thought. If you can't be bothered to show up not my problem. Unless there was a genuine reason of course. Though a quick phone call would've helped. Another niggly problem to sort out.

It was odd. I'd only been here a couple of days, but I was already enjoying being here. Maybe it was lack of expectations that helped ease off any pressure. Maybe it was because of the sense of bonding between myself and the fans that was happening already, aswell as the club. It's a shame that some clubs view fans as a disposable commodity. Because they are basically the heart and soul of the club. A club without fans is like a club without a soul. Just an empty shell. And the fans I had been meeting were great, and kept wishing me the best.

It was pretty much all the motivation I needed..............

Apologies for lack of pictures-struggled to find some decent ones for some reason :S
dont worry bout it mate it still a quality update really get immersed in the story
Well this is going to be awkward. Just realised that throughout the entire league structure of the database-there are no reserve teams whatsoever. So if there's any mistakes-apologies in advance. Didn't realise until now :$
This is class :o

Thanks. Would've been better if I had realised that there isn't a team in the database with a reserve squad-even in the Premiership. Going to make things harder and thats for sure lol
LOL well done (sarcasm) for the database screw up :P

Well done (sincere) for the story, really immersive.
Just read through it all mate. My other game corrupted to and i have now started a new story :) but my word this is the shiz!
Congratulations on the award my fellow champion ;)
Cheers guy-typing up an update right now :)
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Informal introductions.........

What a complete contrast to yesterday morning. 24 hours ago, there was lightning everywhere, thunder was crashing around me, torrential rain...... This morning, birds singing, gorgeous sunshine, light wind-it was a perfect summer morning. As I walked toward the office I noted that a lot of the surface water on the pitch had evaporated-no surprise given the heat and sunshine. It meant we could actually get things underway. This is what I'd been waiting for and had been so desperate to get underway yesterday.

Chris was waiting outside for me. He'd been organising the club lounge so I could hold the team meeting with the players and do the formalities. But before anything, I needed to have a word with him.

"Morning boss." he said cheerily. "Great day isn't it compared to yesterday?" I nodded with a smile.

"Tell me about it. Glad to see the pitch isn't as bad as it was yesterday." We both walked into the club lounge. And there the players were. Having a quiet chat amongst themselves until they saw me-then a tense hush descended. Then I began what would be my first team meeting. Chris broke the ice for me.

"Morning lads. Everyone okay today?" There were a few nods and yeah's and okay's. Chris smiled. "Good good. I'm now handing over to your new gaffer." I stood up from the table I sat on and thrust my hands in my pockets-I was actually a bit nervous. And excited too. I cleared my throat.

"Hi guys. Firstly, you can all just call me Andy. Just Andy-no need for mister's or anything. I'm your new boss. But I want to stress something important. I might be your new manager, but I'm not going to tear everything up at once just for the sake of it. That's not going to achieve anything. Each and everyone of you will have a chance to prove yourselves on the pitch. To dispose of anyone without giving you a chance is unfair on you. So you can relax a bit there. Okay lads?" I heard some sighs of relief and a few smiles. Good start.

"Also, if you have any concerns, any pressing issues....anything that has you worried outside of football you can come and see me about it okay? Anything at all. We're all human so we need advice, help or whatever at some point. But at the same time, I would expect you to respect me as your gaffer-and in return I'll give you that respect back. I'm entrusting you with a role in this club-and I expect you to repay the faith with total commitment and hard work-that's my minimum demand. And also to respect each other and yourselves. Is that clear?" Again more nods. I was now totally relaxed. Wasn't expecting it to be this smooth.

"I'm not the sort of guy who runs around screaming and waving arms needlessly when things go bad, shouting in your face close-up. That's not my style. But if I think you're not good enough to be here-well, I will let you go. But like I said-you will be given that chance to prove yourself. Which leads me to another thing I hold in high regard-honesty on the pitch. Things I can't stand in football? Diving-or cheating. Players trying to take out other players by intentionally hurting them, swearing at the ref-you get the picture. I simply will not tolerate those type of things when I'm around. If I see, or find out you're doing it-that's when I will come down hard on you. Is that understood? I simply will not stand for it."
I could tell they got the picture. I wanted honesty on the pitch from the players and didn't want the club dragged through the mud, because of the actions from a player or bunch of players. I nodded.

"Good. What you'll find is, I'm not a bad guy-just honest. I want you guys to succeed this season-but succeed the right way. That's how you earn respect. Last season didn't go how you wanted-well I want to put it right this time around. I want you guys to make yourselves, the club and the fans proud. Put smiles back on their faces, and yours. If it doesn't go right-I'd rather it didn't go right the honest way. That's why your chairman has brought me in here-to try to turn things around. And from what I've heard we have the right type of players to do just that." The players smiled at each other-I afforded myself a smile too.

"Right then. Too work......." I described what the tactical approach would be for the match. 4-4-2. We were to aim for an attacking mentality, using short passes, and drilling the crosses in. I would ask the players to hassle the opponents too and regain possession when lost as quickly as possible. So with that in hindsight, it was going to be important to work on players stamina and fitness. Nearly an hour later I was done. So I got the players onto the pitch to begin warmups, but told them to take it easy. It had become much warmer now and I didn't want anyone becoming victims of the heat.

I stood in the centre circle watching them with Chris. It went smoothly with no problems to speak of. Then we got them to do an 11-a-side to get an idea of weaknesses of players, and spot any chinks in player linkup plays. All seemed to be going smoothly. However, it slowly became obvious that the passing-was attrocious. The tackling-well, safe to say the referees would have a field day dishing out cards. How anyone was still walking or running was beyond me. I lost track of the number of times, that myself and Chris had to tell them to calm down. The season hadn't even started and they were going in full-blooded. Last thing I wanted was the nightmare scenario of a lengthy injury list. I had to watch through my fingers at time with a major wince.

It was obvious it was going to take a while to get used to this style of play for the players. Due to the lack of coaching staff, it was going to take longer I had hoped for-that was for all to see. But they were trying that was the important thing. They had heeded what I had said. And some of the players had arrived from clubs that had a totally different mindset and tactical approach. I was just relieved I wasn't on the recieving end of one of those challenges.

After the training had been done and dusted, I sat with Chris in the office.

"What do you think?" I asked him. "Have I asked too much of them with the approach?" He leant forward.

"Not really to be honest." he said slowly, shaking his head. "But we do have to be patient. We're not the best coaching staff after all if I'm honest. And we are understaffed-but that's not the fault of the club. We just have to do what we can, and be patient with them. I know them well and they will come good. They're hardworking and they always give their best. You can be sure of that." I nodded and smiled.

But deep down I wondered worriedly if that would be enough. Time would tell..............

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A slight hiccup.....

The following day was not a good day at all. There were 5 friendlies to be played-and they had all been cancelled. Due to "simply not having the time". Only Brechin City wouldn't give a reason for their cancellation. So we were down to a "friendly" between the first team and the reserves, and a friendy againt Ryton reserves in 3 days time. That's just fricking great! I murmured angrily to myself. Hardly ideal preparation for the upcoming season.

I kissed goodbye to the other half, and began my journey to the ground. I would ask Chris if he could arrange some friendlies for me when he had the chance whilst I prepared for the workout this afternoon. It would be a straightforward 90-minute match between the first team and reserves. A chance for the players to begin staking a claim for a chance in the first team. At least there would be a another match in a few days-against the reserves of Ryton. So I guess that was something. Just needed matches for the next month or so I thought.

As I got off the bus in Gateshead to change buses, a downpour began and a thin fog began to form. Now this is more like a north-east summer I thought with a smile. At least it wouldn't put the pitch out of action this time around. Would make sure the players didn't go over the top with the tackling though. Although it wasn't a heavy downpour, it was still enough to make the surface slippery enough for the players to slide about into each other while tackling.

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Steve Pickering

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Club captain Ben Cattanach

When I reached the ground some of the players had already begun a light warm-up and were doing stretches. Chris appeared a few seconds later.

"Alright boss. How goes it?" he asked, cheerful as usual. He was to be in charge of the reserve opposition.

"Good, good." I replied-playfully punching him on the arm. "Looking forward to kicking your ****!" He feigned fear then returned the punch.

"Oooohhhh fight talking eh? I like a good duel!" We walked down the touchline.

"Any word on the friendlies yet?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nothing yet so I'm going to ask some other small clubs outside the area. Will try again locally in a few days time too." I nodded.

"Cheers Chris. Well-see you in a few minutes for the upcoming battle." I winked and headed toward the first team squad.

"Prepare to be humliated!" he shouted back and headed to his squad. When I reached the players I beckoned them around.

"Okay lads, this is primarily a match to work on your fitness and get you in shape." I briefly looked at each player. "However, it's also an oppurtunity to stake a claim in the first team-a fight for you places." They were now totally focused, some more fired up than others. "But remember there's more than one friendly, so even if you screw up today, you'll get more chances. But make no mistake-if you perform poorly in all of them, you will be dropped. So today-fitness THEN performance. Relax a bit and play your natural game. But do not do any heavy tackling. The surface is very slippy and if you go a bit mental someone WILL get injured. And that's the last thing we need. Everyone got it?" Assertive nods of heads.

"Okay, game plan keep the ball. We're going to attack. No showboating-you could easily lose the ball. Keep the passing short-basically don't give it to them. If they have it-keep hassling them until you win it back then build up an attack. Keep the tempo fairly quick. Keep pressing and don't give them a second to think. Apart from that-you know what to do. Okay?" More nods of heads. They were itching to get on the pitch. The reserves were already out there. "Okay lads, do your best. But don't do anything stupid. Remember what I said." And with that said, the game began.

It started slowly which was no surprise. They were rusty and finding their football feet again. As the first half wore on, I was impressed. There was some nice movement, especially from central midfield. The passing was good too, and the tackling was a bit firm, but they had remembered the instruction to not go overboard. Each time they lost the ball, they had it back pretty quickly. They were working very hard. When half time came around it was 0-0-with no injuries.

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Right Back Michael Robson

The second half began as the first had began. Hard work, good performances. Then disaster struck on the 65th minute. Our right back Michael Robson cried out in pain shortly after making a tackle. It wasn't even a firm tackle. I froze and watched as he was carried off by our physio. I rushed over.

"What happened?" I asked urgently. Andrew Patterson, the club physio, looked at me grim faced.

"Saw what happened boss. He just broke down-looks like it's a bad hip injury I'm afraid." I kicked the turf angrily.

"Okay get him seen to and keep me posted." I said patting Andrew on the shoulder. He nodded and walked off. So I returned to the match. On the 67th minute, central midfielder Steven Shaw fed a lovely pass through to striker Michael Chilton, who smashed it home into the top right corner. 1-0. It was a tremondous strike that was struck with real venom. I looked over at Chris and raised my fist mockingly-we both laughed. Then the match restarted. For about 10 minutes there was no real action. We were very comfortable in possession.

On the 75th minute, another injury. Our left back Martin Lake took a blow to the head and had to leave the field. I couldn't believe this. Players were barely tackling firmly-and still we were getting injuries. But 1 minute later I was happy again. A corner was whipped in from the right by midfielder Steve Pickering. Chilton struck it first time but it smashed off the crossbar into the air. The centre back and skipper Ben Cattanach leapt into the air and headed the ball into the back off the net. 2-0. It was a fully deserved lead for us. And before I knew it the match was over. Chris came over and shook my hand.

"You jammy *******!" he laughed. I jokingly pushed him away.

"What's that chant....o yeah. YOU'RE **** AND YOU KNOW YOU ARE! YOU'RE **** AND YOU KNOW YOU ARE!" I retorted with laughter. Then the physio came over to deliver the bad news which stopped the laughter.

Our best right back Michael Robson, an important player, would be out for around 3 months. Season hadn't even kicked off yet and already I had my first major headache ......................

Apologies for the delay. Spent much time editing the database to sort out reserve squads and putting in the correct players. Was a royal pain in the backside. But done now thankfully :)

Edit-sorting out database as in by not cheating-not using FMRTE. Just sorting out reserves and players. Only problem was that I lost the original starting friendly fixtures when I fired up a new game, so I had to improvise a bit-hence the "cancelled" friendlies. Apart from that it's as close to realistic as I can possibly be.
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With every negative there's a positive

The following morning I sat on the couch with a coffee, thinking about the problem right back area. With Robson now recieving specialist treatment for around 2-3 months, I'd have to reshuffle the pack. I didn't seem as much of a problem any more. We had talented players at the club so I'd have to delve into the reserves-or the youth squad. So it didn't seem as bad as first thought. I switched on the laptop and had a look at the transfer rumours circulating. There were "strong" rumours flying around everywhere. Had a feeling I'd be watching Sky Sports News a **** of a lot. And I also had a feeling that my club Everton wouldn't be bringing in new faces. No surprise.

Chelsea had given up the chase for Luka Modric. Manchester United were linked with Samir Nasri, but there were reports that Manchester City had already agreed a £23 million fee with Arsenal for him. And Manchester City had also made an approach for Sergio Aguero, following the record £400m stadium sponsorship deal with Etihad airways. That would be a **** of a lineup-Aguero and Tevez. I sat back. Was amazing how a while that a transfer deal of £2 million would be a record purchase. Now fees like £16 million for someone less than 20 years old-nobody bats an eyelid. I polished off the rest of breakfast and headed off to the club for another day.

When I reached the ground I headed for the office and took a seat and looked through various bits of paperwork-and one item in particular caught my eye. It was a scouting report for a 16 year attacking midfielder who played for Whitehaven. And he was very highly rated. Clubs like Gateshead, Torquay, Rochdale.....they were after him. I thought very carefully. I had already seen footage of him playing and he was definately talented. Thing is, would he chose a club of Dunstons stature other clubs like Rochdale, Gateshead etc. It would be tough.

But next day, he would be wearing a Dunston Uts shirt. I had got my first transfer target in-chuffed to bits was putting it politely!

He was also a nice lad. Down to earth, balanced and knew he wouldn't be getting games straight away. He was prepared to work hard for his place. And the wage budget wouldn't be pushed over the limit-it was only £5 a week youth contract, set to go to £6 a week the following season. Absolute steal in my eyes. But I wasn't going to stop here. If this guy was around, there'd be other diamonds at other clubs. We'd just have to work hard at the scouting and find them. I wanted the perfect blend of youth and experience so I could build for the future. Now that had been sorted, I could now fix my attention on the match tomorrow against Ryton Reserves.

The next day was perfect weather for the game. Sunny, dry and mild. When the players were ready, I began the talk.

"Right guys. With regards to other friendlies, we're still trying to sort them out. It's proving to be harder than thought. It will get sorted out-it's just proving harder than expected due to the other team's commitments. But as for today, focus on performance above the fitness. From today, you'll be playing for your places. This won't be easy-they have good players. If we do lose, I'd rather we did it trying. It won't be easy so just give it your best shot okay? It'll be the same plan as before. Don't give them time on the ball. Hassle them. Keep the ball. Short passing, nothing fancy, stick to your positions. Work hard. Things go bad don't give up. So go out there and do your best-impress me and fight for your places. Good luck lads!"

When the full time whistle went and the dust settled, I was shell shocked. I expected a very close scoreline, and expected at least a draw. But to win 9-1 was just............I was over the moon. And Ryton are a good side with good players.

I followed the players into the dressing room with Chris and closed the door. They were high-fiving, punching each other playfully. Obviously overjoyed. They saw me and slowly hushed.

"That was an absolutely fantastic performance. Absolutely outstanding. You excelled yourselves on the pitch, and can't fault any one of you whatsoever. You worked very hard, and worked very hard for each other. Even when you were 6-1 up at half time you wanted more-that's exactly what I'm looking for. Utmost commitment and proffesionalism. If you play like that during the season it's not a question of if we go up, but when we go up. I may aswell just end the talk now, because I cannot criticise anybody who was on that pitch.
Fantastic work out there guys-simply fantastic!"

As I walked out I could hear more cheering and backslapping and celebrating. Chris caught up with me.

"Well I certainly wasn't expecting that scoreline." he admitted. "Looks like you've got the strategy bang on. Tactically, everything just fell into place from kickoff. Amazing stuff." I nodded in agreement.

"I'm staggered too. I was expecting a much closer scoreline. Think we've got the formation and tactics right to get the best from them. Couldn't fault one thing from the players." Chris nodded in agreement.

"And I guess we don't have a problem in the right back area after all. Looks like Robbo is going to have competition for his place." I looked at him.

"Competition is a good thing. Will make the players work harder and can bring the best out of them. Keeps them on their toes. Now we just need some more friendlies. Sooner we get them the better."

When I got back to the office, my smile slowly disappeared. Three clubs-Newcastle Benfield, South Shields and Bedlington Terriers had made a bid for our hot prospect Wayne Vincent. He could play either a left sided attacking midfield role or striker. There was no way he'd be leaving-not a chance. He was talented and I did not want to lose a prospect to league rivals. The downside of being a manager, was keeping the vultures away from your talented youth players.

But my smile slowly returned. It had been a great start to my first time in management. But in the back of my mind, I was hoping it wasn't going to be a false dawn..................

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Progress at last

The next day, I walked into the office to see Chris writing furiously whilst on the phone. I left him alone to finish and poured myself a coffee taking a seat. There was a good atmosphere following the 9-1 mauling of Ryton Reserves a couple of days ago. Training was lively and there was good banter between everyone. I even found myself getting involved in a bit of a 5-a-side myself. Though I paid the price afterwards-safe to say I wasn't the fittest bloke on the planet. Chris put the phone down.

"Good news boss. 3 confirmed friendlies. 15th July will be against Bardon Hill of the East Midlands Counties Football League, then on the 19th July we have Lambourn Sports of Hellinic Football League Division 1 East, and final confirmed friendly is 23rd July, and we'll be playing against Brandon United of Northern League Division 2. Just waiting for a response from MK Dons." I nodded with a smile.

"Great job Chris. They may not be fancy, but we just need the practice. If we got MK Dons though-that would be great for the club." For a club like Dunston UTS, when it comes to getting friendlies, you take what you can get. For clubs at this level, home games provide vital income. It's a situation where literally every penny counts. And if we did get Dons at home, it would be a major boost income wise. Chris return to the computer and began typing.

"Definately. If it fell through I'm going to try-" He was cut short by the phone. 30 seconds later he replaced the handset. "No Dons I'm afraid boss." Shame that. I thought to myself.

"Oh well. Can't be helped. Important thing is we have friendlies now and that's what matters most." I walked outside. The sun was beaming down and it was very warm. Proper beer garden weather I thought. But I'd rather be doing this than wasting time in a beer garden. Much more enjoyable-and no hangover to suffer from. I walked back inside.

"Great news boss. I managed to set up a home friendly against Scottish side Gretna 2008. That alone could give the club at least £1000 in cash." That indeed was great news. It would definately reduce the pressure financially. Things were going incredibly well right now. Is it really meant to be this smooth? I asked myself. I guess I would find out with the remainder of the friendlies.

Friendly Results

Dunston UTS 4 Bardon Hill 1
Dunston UTS 8 Lambourn Sports 0
Brandon Utd 0 Dunston UTS 5
Dunston UTS 5 Gretna 2008 1

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Safe to say, the pre-season went absolutely great. The money came in, and the results were excellent, as were the performances. And to cap it all off, we brought in another player. 27 year old left back Matt Thomson from Bovey Tracey for nothing:

He was as good as our other left back Martin Lake, so now we were solid in that position. So not only did we have a great pre-season results wise, but the squad was being strengthened in key areas. It was very nicely balanced. The only way we could struggle would be courtesy of a catastrophic run of injuries-which isn't unheard of. Everton and Arsenal were prone to these nightmare scenarios. No club is exempt from this situation. But we'd cross that bridge when we came to it if it did happen. Anything can happen in football. You just have to have a contingency plan in place for when it does.

Myself and Chris sat in the office. Pre-season was done and dusted. Our first game would be in 5 days time, and we'd be kicking things off with a home tie against West Auckland. And I couldn't wait.

"So, how you feeling then? Getting excited? Nervous?" I pondered the question.

"Excited to be honest. The way the lads played during pre-season has made me very confident of having a good season. But I'm not going to be complacent. We've got a good sized squad, and a strong squad. I have a feeling we could actually be up there." Chris raised his eyebrows.

"Woah. You are confident aren't you? Don't blame you though. The lads exceeded themselves against strong opposition in those games. You've got your tactics spot on too. Really impressed seeing as it's your first managers job." I smiled. Guess playing Football Manager paid off I told myself with a grin. I stood up from my chair.

"Well, the real work starts now. Few days to go and we'll see if we can carry this form through the season. And judging by their character, I have a feeling they will. I've been really impressed by everyones efforts." I was very happy that they paid attention in the very first team meeting. The players were a credit to themselves. Every player had played a part, no matter how small. As had the backroom staff. I was vey hopeful for the season.

I left later to head home, and I was ambushed by a fan while waiting for the bus.

"Hey there." she said. I turned and smiled.

"Hello." I replied with a smile.

"Just want to wish you luck. Been watching the matches and was really impressed with what you've done. I think we're going up with you in charge. Got a good bunch of players there and you've bought some good ones too. Can't wait for the kick-off." I smiled broadly.

"Thankyou." I replied. Wasn't expecting praise so soon. "But the players do the hard work not me. We'll do our best. I'm hopeful this season-have a feeling it will be a good one." She turned to head off.

"Good luck. Always nice when a manager has time for the fans." And then she walked away. It wasn't the first time I'd had this sort of response. While I appreciated the praise, I felt the players deserved it more. Now I had to ensure I didn't let the fans down.................

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