Football. ****** ****!

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tht is pretty awesome mate you should keep us updated on how ur badges goes and remember fm base guys when u end up managing a big team ;)

Well, here's the update. Completed two of the online courses. Currently awaiting certificate from the first part to be delivered. Completed second part (which is about the laws of the game etc) and scores and progress did not save-and still will not save :@. E-mailed the FA 3 days ago and still haven't a reply yet. Customer service is not their strong point it must be said :S
Well, here's the update. Completed two of the online courses. Currently awaiting certificate from the first part to be delivered. Completed second part (which is about the laws of the game etc) and scores and progress did not save-and still will not save :@. E-mailed the FA 3 days ago and still haven't a reply yet. Customer service is not their strong point it must be said :S
no i cant imagine it would be lol bt well done on wat u have done so far nd hopefully they get bk to you with help bt awouldnt hold ur breath lol mite takesum time
no i cant imagine it would be lol bt well done on wat u have done so far nd hopefully they get bk to you with help bt awouldnt hold ur breath lol mite takesum time

Well, if worse comes to worse I can register for the lvl 1 course in september as it's where i used to live in Northumberland, and just do all the practical stuff hands on. Might be better as you actually get to be involved in the coaching side for a bit-keep me busy all week too lol.
Well, if worse comes to worse I can register for the lvl 1 course in september as it's where i used to live in Northumberland, and just do all the practical stuff hands on. Might be better as you actually get to be involved in the coaching side for a bit-keep me busy all week too lol.

tht dont sound too bad mate keep you occupied downside mite keep u off fm fo a while lol
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A sorry state of affairs.........

The day before the FA Cup match, I decided to watch a local match, down in the Teams area. I used to watch the youngsters playing across from where I used to live on a local playing field. It was enjoyable to see kids enjoying themselves. When you're 9, 12 or 13 it's a great time to play. No pressure or anything. You play because you want to have fun, and want to learn. It's also a great way to make friends and learn team work. However, today showed the unpleasant side.


A youngster was running into the box after being given the ball and was through 1-on-1 with the keeper. He took his shot but it went well wide. Poor lad looked gutted but his coach did the right thing by applauding him.

"Unlucky Sean!" he yelled still clapping. The lad turned and smiled. "Don't worry about it okay lad? You did well to get there. Keep it up and you'll get a goal!" The youngster ran back into the fray enthusiastically. His father however, was less than impressed.

"What the **** was that?!" he yelled furiously. "You keep doing that you'll never play football properly! ******* embarassing!" I spun round. He was red with rage. It wasn't his son that was the embarassment. The coach and the referee gave him a warning look. I was distracted by the shrill tone of the referee's whistle. He had awarded a penalty after an opposing player was brought down by a shove from another player. Again, the same father bellowed.

"**** off ref!" he barked again. "That was a soft pen! Never a pen! You're lucky I haven't planted one on you yet you useless *******!" Everyone was looking uneasy. His son looked nervous. I couldn't take it anymore.


"You should watch what you're saying." I said walking over. The coach looked nervous and the referee was watching closely. The father looked at me with a furious scowl. "There's other kids on that pitch-you shouldn't be saying stuff like that. Show a bit of respect eh?" He folded his arms.

"And who the **** are you? Eh?" I folded my arms. This was going to have a bad ending I suspected.

"Someone who isn't as disrespectful as you. Just calm yourself down for gods sake." I looked me up and down.

"I don't know who the **** you are but just keep out of it. How's my son meant to improve when he's missing chances like that? It was embarassing. And that ref is ***** too. The player went down like a pansy! You know sod all about football so just shut your mouth!" This guy was just unbelievable. But it wasn't the first time I'd seen something like this.

"Let me tell you something you ****!" I was on the verge of being right in his face. "I do know something about football, a lot more than you ever will. You know why? I'm a manager. Manager of Dunston UTS!" The fury in his face suddenly began to dissipate-he realised he was about to meet his match. "And let me tell you something else. Do you know why your son is playing football?" He backed away a step.

"He wants to play football obviously." he replied a bit quieter. I folded my arms again.

"Yeah that's right. He wants to play football. But he also wants to LEARN to play football. Kids LEARN to play football, by making mistakes-like every other player. Every player you've worshipped who's played for your club has learnt by making mistakes. There should be no pressure on them at all. Only one person should tell them what to do-the manager or the coach. If you shout and bawl and abuse the ref, how do you think he feels? He'll be embarassed and nervous. Kids football is about having fun, making friends and learning. Not by embarassing them and scaring them, and the other kids, with your behaviour. How dare you ruin it for everyone else! Instead of saying what you did to him, how about encouraging him! Jesus people like you really **** me off!" I'd had enough, and turned to storm away. As I stormed away, I recieved quiet applause from some of the parents.

If there's one thing I cannot stand, it's abusive parents at kids football. It's not necessary. When they're 12 years old, and hear the dad giving them instructions, talking over the coach, how the **** are they supposed to learn? By all means encourage the child, but in no way should they interfere with what the coach tells them. And under no circumstances, should they abuse the ref. The parent is the childs role model, and if they see the parent do that, more than likely, they'll follow in their footsteps and do it in the future. Refs are going to make mistakes at some point-they aren't ****** robots.

If all the parent does to the young player is criticise, and constantly point out faults, and try to make them something they are not-that child will hate playing. They'll stop before long, and never realise a dream they always had. Football for kids should be about enjoyment. Learning. Making friends. Learning teamwork. Making mistakes. Exercise. Every youngster that drops out of a local club, could potentially be one less talented player for the future. And it's a real shame.

I decided to walk back to the town. Half way across the Tyne bridge, I stopped and leant on the side railing, smoking a cigarette and gazed into the River Tyne, lost in thought. I thought about what I had said. In a way, I was a bit hypocritical. The amount of times I had shouted abuse at a ref, during a match on tv-I'd lose count. On hindsight-I embarassed myself. They're paid to enforce rules, as set out by the governing bodies. They're just doing what they're told. So for me to shout what I did was quite frankly disgraceful. They're only human-mistakes will happen. They have to enforce the rules-or face losing their jobs. And that's what it is-a job. Answering to their superiors, being constantly analysed, not just by governing bodies, but also the press and TV pundits.


As I walked toward the Eldon Square bus station, I had calmed down-but was deeply saddened by what I had experienced in that match. Had it always been like that for kids football? Or had it only just recently got worse? Maybe the parents were trying too hard, to mould the kids themselves into something they weren't at a ridiculously young age. Like the new young Lionel Messi, or John Terry or the new Wayne Rooney. That sort of pressure at such a young age can switch off their interest-just like that. It's destructive. Pride also comes into it. They want to see the child make THEM proud, and not the child. When the child should be the one recieving praise, and have the parent make THEM feel proud for what they have achieved on the pitch. I feared for the future of childrens football. With the dropout number increasing yearly, it faced an uncertain future.


I shook my head sadly, and extinguished the cigarette under my boot. Then slowly walked to the bus station and headed home.....

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The FA Cup


It was a day I was tremondously excited about. The FA Cup. My first cup match in charge in the FA Cup 2nd Qualifying Round against Bethnal Green. And I couldn't wait for it. I loved the FA Cup. It had such a rich vein of history and prestige and was well known around the world. Some people would dismiss this stage. Understandable I suppose. If you support a club like Tottenham or Aston Villa you wouldn't pay much attention to it, and would rather concentrate on your own club-especially if things are going badly or well.

But I get anything I can from the opening stages. There could be a team from the very bottom of the pyramid that can cause a shock and end up going on a run-and end up in the first round. And maybe the seond and third round. Which makes this competition so fantastic-anything can happen and there's always
a fairytale for a small club at some point, which makes it even more enjoyable. And the money can be a godsend to keep grassroots clubs going. Some people underestimate the importance of these clubs. If it wasn't for them in the past there would never have been a league. It's where it all began.

Six in the morning, and I decided to have a huge fried breakfast with copious amounts of coffee. For once I wasn't nervous-just very excited. Simply because for the first time in my life I was involved in the greatest cup tournament. And for all I knew, we could go on a fairytale run of our own. The board wanted me to get at least the first round-but I wanted more. Wanted to go as far was we possibly could. But I calmed down-I didn't want to get ahead of myself.


It was a glorious day for the match too. Crystal clear sky, sunshine, warm with a slight breeze. Absolutely perfect. I decided to take the dog for a walk, and just clear my head totally. It was deathly quiet. Only the sound of a aircraft taking off from the nearby aircraft broke the silence. I picked up a newspaper from the shop, took it back and went straight to the backpages. We were firm favourites for the game, being given odds of 1-8 to go through. But I had to make sure players didn't become complacent. Something that I was still to see.

When the time for kickoff approached, and the players were changed and ready, I kept the team talk as simple as I possibly could. There was no need to change anything-we were on a fantastic run, and it would have been foolhardy to change anything. If it ain't broke-don't fix it. So it was a case of just doing what we have been doing. And by the time the match had finished-we had reaped the rewards big time.


To say it was comfortable win would have been an understatement. The football was sublime, the passing absolutely spot on. I couldn't have wished for a more perfect start to a cup run. As usual every single player worked their backsides off. Even when seven up, they wanted more. It actually got to the point where I actually felt sorry for Bethnal's players. They were being played off the park. But in football, you save the sentiment until the final whistle goes. I hugged every single player after the match, and basically couldn't praise them any more. Now we just had to see who we would get in the next qualifying round.


We were to play Black Country Rangers, of West Midlands League Premier, in 7 days time
, again at home. The more home ties the better-which was obvious. Over 850 people had seen the Bethnal Green match which was a great figure for the club. If we kept this run up for a good while, there could be tickets being sold out on the day they come out. I smiled. I felt proud of the start we had. I had come in, brought with me new ideas, shuffled things around a bit-and the players and backroom staff did the rest. We were all playing a part in the clubs recent success.

And the run continued-though it was a much tougher game. Though it did help when one of their players was sent off in the first minute for a more than cynical foul. It may have been a much lower scoreline, but a win is a win. And to be fair to Rangers, they defended superbly. They couldn't get the ball off us, couldn't make anything but every one of their players stepped up to the plate.

We soon found out our next cup opponents. We were to play Pegasus Juniors of the West Midlands League Premier, after they dispatched Stafford Town. If we won that, we would have met the expectations of making it to the first round proper. I smiled with excitement. First Round of the FA Cup. It would be a very proud moment for me should we make it. But I knew the players and backroom staff deserved the credit for the extremely hard work they had done. But before that we had a match against Ashington Football Club to play, away at Woodhorn Lane.

Ash AFC logo.jpg

It was weird returning to Ashington-it was yet another place I used to live, and still have friends who live there too. Nice area, nice people, quiet town. But crippled by the recession. They had been hit hard. Things were hard before, but now they were incredibly bad. And you could tell. Shops closed down, jobcentre overflowing with "customers", pubs was sad to see. At least the football would provide a distraction.


Unfortunately for them, they were to be on the recieving end of a royal spanking from us. The final score of 7-0 didn't flatter us. Ashington are a good side, so I instructed the players to run at the defence and hassle the opponents and it paid dividens. It was a strange match though. Ashington were playing well in the first half up until around the half hour mark. But for some reason-they just imploded, and recieved numerous yellow cards. And two injuries didn't help matters either.

But my boys again-superb performance. Sublime flowing movement, crisp accurate passing and lethal finishing were the order of the day, with Andrew Bulford scoring a superb hatrick. And it was superb.

So things were going tremondously well. Now we had Pegasus Juniors standing between us, and the first round of the FA Cup........

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Not sure if I can continue with this. Noticed a flaw with the FA Cup in the database, so did a holiday to test it out-and at the moment I'm in the draw for round nine (see pic below). And Premiership teams have not been entered the draw until this round (drawn against Swansea), and as a result finances are going through the roof-which is obviously totally unrealistic. Do readers want me to continue this or would you start again? It is an interesting little difference but for me it's just so unrealistic which is a real shame as I was enjoying it til now.

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do another story or start again

Yeah have a feeling I will be. Probably continue the save and see what happens, but will have to start all over with another save for a different story. Annoying though as it'll be the 3rd one now due to the 1st corrupting lol.
can i give you a team to play

It's ok ta. More than likely going to start with a local club that plays in level 14 tier. Going to test the database just to make sure there's nothing wrong this time lol
Right-abandoning this one for obvious reasons and starting a new one. Since I've had nothing but problems with databases just going to stick with the proper league structure.

But thanks for all the kind words during this one and apologies for stopping.
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