Chrissy Ross

Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
FourFourtwo - Rule Of Kiss

Ok I have a mini-revelation to make to you all. This tactic is not inspired by a need to recreate a real life scenario, a tactical concept I wish to try out, or even to create a wonder tactic. This tactic has been inspired by those that create the pre-set tactics for the game. To those responsible I salute you. I also, in all fairness have to credit you guys with any success this tactic gives.
Basically, I was wondering why my wonder so-called tactics or other tactics kept being beaten by the AI. I then logically assumed that the pre-set tactics must be similar to these. I then basically just thought "well they can't be that bad then, lets try them out with minimal tinkering".
This is the result. I have tried it out with 4-3-3, 4-5-1 etc with the same varying levels of success.
So don't thank me, thank SI.

Tactical Set Up

For this tactic, I have chosen the 4-4-2 as its the most recognisable UK tactic to us all, even if it is rarely played even at Sunday league level anymore. I have an almost nostalgic attachment to this formation.

Choice of player roles
I basically went with what the pre-set roles were for the formation. I have made zero changes to player instructions either.
With regards to filters for players etc. Use common sense.

Team Instructions
The amendments I have made to the team instructions are as follows.


How to use.
I basically watch the first 15 minutes of every game and make tweaks here and there depending on how well the game is so far going. Likewise at 30, 45 and 70mins. These tweaks are normally subbing players who are yellow carded or injured/tired.
Always use fit players. For really weaker teams, rotate the squad.
Holding onto a lead
When you want to hold onto a lead at the end of the game. Basically select "take a breather", "Much Slower Tempo", "retain possession" and "shorter passing".
You could create another tactic for this is you so wish for convienence. I have.
For those that wish to have a tactic that copes in the lower leagues I suggest the following. Get players that suit the positions, 2 in each position, then amend the team instructions to "work the ball into the box".
The lower down the leagues you go, the less the players will be able to perform to the tactic's remit. Thats the same of all tactics. If you are short odds or the underdog then just give it a go. I ahve palyed about with mentalities etc. I have seen no great benefit. If you want to win, attack.
Set Pieces
I have amended the set pieces in order that they are efficient. If you do not have a great FLC then amend the near post attacking corner to that of a DC.

Player selection
I have literally just let the assistant manager choose the team and select the sqaud. I also let the assistant manager do the team talks. This is due to having a good assistant manager.
I suggest if you do not have a good assistant manager you take these roles upon yourself. I will not be stating what I do as thats "how" you play the game and this is a tactical download, not a walkthrough. I don't think its my place to suggest "how" you play the game and plenty of guides can be found on here. I also feel it takes the fun out of it.
I am also very thoughtful of the fact when I play the game I let the assistant manager do these things, so to give you folks advice on it would be disingenuous to say the least. I always try and have a good assistant with good motivating, man management, discipline and tactical knowledge stats.
Player filters
Work out your own. Again, I am not playing this game for you and you'll find plenty of advice on these forums. Again, I plug and play this tactic and let the assistant manager deal with it.
Same goes for training etc. I just assign it to the assistant manger. By all means discuss this amoungst yourselves. Lots of great guides on here to help.

The tactic is weak through the middle. It will lose goals over the top, through the middle and crossed balls into the center. I am working on this.
I am not posting results on here because quite frankly they can be fraudulently claimed easily enough. The tactic works. See below as quick examples.


Its not a wonder tactic and you will not pump Man United with Yeovil town etc. Likewise, I won't be answering the 101 questions that seem to pop up about if this tactic will work with such and such. Try it, if it doesn't work, what have you lost. Ok a few games perhaps. Even better, give tactic creating a go yourself.
Too many folk post results on here and use them as a sales pitch. I think I have built up enough trust on here for folks to believe me when I say this works and when it doesn't.
If you wish to debate or chat about the tactic then please do amoungst yourselves as this will be my final input, aside from liking the odd post.
I can't contribute more time to this as FM14 has taken up way too much precious spare time of which I have little of. So enjoy the tactic. If it works for you, great, if it doesn't then fair enough.
If this tactic has taught me anything, its that SI have basically created really good pre-set tactics. Try doing what I have done and see how you get on.
Also, if anyone wants to bastardise, steal, amend "take the great bits that work from this one and add them to my own tactic without credit" etc etc, just do so. I am beyond bored getting arsey with such banter. Just at least be creative in the theft and don't rename the tactic "Fourfourtwo - the theory of hugs" of the like. The usual suspects are going to do it regardless. As the song goes "you know who you are"
Best of luck and thanks for reading.
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3 Games 3 wins for now but the interesting thing is that the AI team got red card in all 3 matches.
OOOhh.. and i was just off to bed., ok more house and cards and this,,,, :)
Best 4-4-2 for FM 2014 14.2.2 imo. Try, you will like it.
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Opponents creates very easily CCCs. Will this get better when tactic completely fluid?

*Dont blame the tactic, i know how difficult is to have good defense in this awfull ME version.
1st game with England, (slightly amended as usual)... England 7- Moldova 0, with 6 CCC's bagged :)
Ok so what are we thinking away fromn home counter? Plus would it work for lower league? Find attacking mentality is far too much away from home!
i use standard away from home and it works fine 1-0 , 2-0 wins and training defending positioning.
In home against easy/medium teams and away against easy teams I use just like it is, and away against big/medium teams i use Counter, dropp D-line and remove tighter marking, and i've got pretty good results.
Guys and gals, apologies for the pathetic opening post. I will edit it and have it up to speed hopefully tonight. Just had a lot on with work, the kid and gigs.

Tried and tested from EPL to Conf South, so it works fine.
Its a very simple but effective tactic.

In the meantime, if folks could post feedback, appreciated.

Only reason I uploaded without OP is to give you folks it early.

Its my best ever tactic. Taken weeks to tweak.
Oh and use common sense. This tactic is meant to be adapted via mentality for short odds. Start off balanced, watch first 5 mins then adapt to suit. I think this is the way ahead.
Its basically just a very good template. Adapt as suits your team folks.
Ach I am a novice compared to some around here. Jasser, Veez etc