From Grassroots(Vol.2)...

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Feb 15, 2009
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a Streaky25 story.

It was the last day of term and excited boys and girls were racing past me in the corridor. "Bye Mr Samuels " they were shouting as they made their way to the waiting mums and dads, dragging numerous items of clothing and bags along the floor. I picked up my coaching equipment, wished the teachers a nice break and walked to my car still hearing the happy childrens' voices in the distance, mixed with what plans were being made for the summer holidays by various parents deciding who's house to go for dinner, and pick up arrangements.
Being a sports coach I work everyday in various schools, teaching specialist P.E lessons, which I'm privilaged enough to say is my dream job. I'm extremely fortunate to say that, as sport was the only thing I was good at and interested in when I was at school, so having a full time job in this industry really was a dream. Alongside the PE curriculum work I'm also Football Development Coach for the company I work for and the majority of my role includes being sub-contracted to a local semi professional football team in Hampshire where I coach their under 7 academy, under 8s and right through to their under 18 youth team.

As you now know what my job is, let me tell you abit more about myself. My name is Andy Samuels, I'm 31 years old and was born in Plymouth, Devon. I live in Hampshire with my fiancee Louise, and I have fantastic parents and a brother Matt, who is my best friend. Although not great academically, I hold FA level 1 and 2 certificates and also have gained level 1 and 2 awards on the new FA Youth Module course.
My passion for the game has seen me go from a professional contract with Plymouth Argyle to playing regular semi pro football with AFC Totton, Bashley and Winchester City. After deciding to stop playing I set up and managed a local village adult team, leading them to three consecutive promotions, which has recently led to me being appointed Football Development Manager at RomseyTown Football Club. The role consists of not only coaching the various age groups, but also help educate and improve the standard of coaching throughtout the club working alongside the managers and coaches of each team.

And so another biography story begins..........


After last nights training session with the under 12s, I could finally look forward to a holiday and a couple of weeks off work. With bags packed and the car filled up with a tank of petrol, myself and Louise made our way down to Devon to see some of my family and spend a few days at one of our favourite places in England.
Two and a half hours later we pulled up outside my uncles' house, where my Nan was staying for the weekend, and stopped for lunch. Following all the catch up stories and latest plans for mine and Louise's wedding at the end of the year, we headed back out on the road towards our next destination.
Entering Dartmoor National Park we took the sign post towards Widecombe and started the look out for the cottage we would be staying in for a couple of nights. "There it is, up there on the left" said Louise, as she pointed at the luxury accommodation, which was set back from the road and surrounded by beautiful woodland. "Good afternoon, what's the names please?" quizzed the reception lady. After checking in, the lady showed us to our room, which over looked the National Park, explained the relevant information including when dinner and breakfast would be served and left us to take in the peaceful, picturesque setting.

The next morning at breakfast I noticed two men in deep discussion sat around a table in the corner of the room, one had a football tracksuit on and the other was smartly dressed in suit trousers and a grey v-neck jumper, with white shirt underneath. As I was trying to make out what was being said, I received a sharp pain in my shin, it was from Louise's right foot. "Stop it, you're making it obvious" she growled. "Can't you just not think about football for the rest of this week at least!!" added an annoyed Louise. After the telling off I received ,the two men left the room and headed out of the building towards the hilly open land and disappeared behind 'Saddle Tor', one of many famous landmarks situated on Dartmoor.
"Right, I'll square up the bill and then let's head out for a walk shall we?" I suggested, as I finished off typing my pin number into the card machine. With a hearty fried breakfast inside me and a healthy one inside Louise, we made our way across the damp empty fields that were in front of us and started our trek to burn off all the food we had eaten a short while ago.


We weren't the only ones heading across the barron land, as in the distance and getting closer was a group of men, all wearing the same clothes and carrying large rucksacks. As the pack got closer, I recognised the man leading them, he was the tracksuit man from breakfast. He broke from the orders he was bellowing, greeted us both with a "Morning" and then demanded his group stop, remove their heavy bags from their shoulders and get down and give him twenty press ups. On his every command the men responded with every exercise he threw at them, and they were completed with high precision. I was amazed at how everything was done silently and with a stone cold look on each face, as if they really wanted it to end, but by the sounds of things it was only the start of it. Bringing up the rear and some way behind the group, which had now started to move off, was the well dressed man from this morning. "Morning, I noticed you in the restaurant, you are staying at the same site as me. what's your name?" said the man in a well spoken accent. "Yes we are. I'm Andy and this is......" I turned to introduce Louise, and realised she was about a mile away from where I was standing. "Oh erm, that over their is Louise, she is very impatient and loves her exercise, that she doesn't like hanging around" I joked. "Ahh that's women for you" chuckled the small grey haired man before continuing "I'm Simon Baker, Chairman of Torquay United Football Club. I guess you were observing the squad on their pre-season training camp." I held my hand out and shook his hand. "A pleasure to meet you. Yes I enjoy watching teams train, as it gives me ideas to take back and use at the club I'm working at. I feel you are always learning and can never have enough ideas. Especially in my job, where I'm trying to re-shape the club with new concepts and ideas." I proudly stated.
"I like your way of thinking, it's something we need to improve on in this country in a big way. It sounds like you are very passionate about what you want to do and achieve and I like that. Let me take your number Andy and maybe one day I could get you involved with Torquay coaching at our academies." answered Mr Baker.

I sprinted over to where Louise had made her way too and explained what had happened. "Great one!" she replied. "Now please can we carry on with our holiday away from football, please!!." Now, Louise is one of these girls who say they aren't interested in football, but really when she is at a game or watching it on TV she gets heavily into it and ends up shouting more than me.
With numbers exchanged I carried on the rest of the walk with a huge smile etched on my face, though nothing had happened or may not ever come of it, just knowing there maybe a slim chance I could get involved at the next level up from where I currently am, is enough to help me keep my child hood dream going.


"Welcome to TalkSport sports news, I'm Ian Abrahams. Torquay United are on the hunt for a new manager after Martin Ling informed new Chairman Simon Baker of his desire to take on a more non-football role within the club. Ling, who along with Torquay's first team squad, has recently returned from the clubs' pre-season training camp in Devon, felt it's time for a change after only a year in charge. The 'Director of Football' role was offered to Ling on completion of the takeover by Simon Baker, but since deciding to stay on as manager, he now feels he has taken the club as far as he can and hopes a new man at the helm can achieve more success, allowing him to still be involved, but create more time to focus on off the field interests"
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Great start as usual :)
How do you centre all the text etc when writing about matches? The way you did it on the earlier story
After a nice long lay in, we packed up our belongings, got ready and checked out of our cottage where we had stayed the last two nights. I couldn't believe it was half way through our break already, but I did start to feel re-charged and after seeing the Torquay United squad put through their paces I was itching to get back out on the coaching field armed with various fitness and ball mastery sessions that I picked up from the hour or so watching the team train.
"Ring, Ring.....Ring, Ring." I pulled my mobile out of my pocket and answered. "Hello" "Hi, is that Andy? It's Simon Baker here. I met you down at Dartmoor yesterday. I was wondering if you'd be keen to pop by my office for a chat tomorrow?" I started to bounce up and down like an excited kid at Christmas. "Yes that would be great Simon. We are heading back to Hampshire then, but can make a short detour. See you then." I excitedly answered. "Ok, great. See you at 11'o'clock at the stadium." I hung up and gave Louise a big hug, "This could be it" I whispered as not to draw too much attention to ourselves.




Sky Sports sources understand that Torquay United have failed in an audacious swoop to bring back former manager Paul Buckle. Following Martin Ling's decision to move upstairs at the League Two club, Torquay chairman Simon Baker is believed to have made Buckle his first choice, but after the ex-Gulls boss declined the approach, it leaves the Devon based club in a race against time to fill the vacant managers seat before the start of the new season.

The following day we left my Nan's house and started the first part of our journey back home, by travelling towards Plainmoor, home of Torquay United. As we pulled into an empty parking space, I could see a small cluster of journalists gathering outside the main entrance. "I wonder why they are here, maybe they've appointed a new manager!" I thought. Before getting out the car, Louise straightened my tie, gave me a kiss and wished me luck. I felt nervous and excited as if it was my first day at a new school. " It's only a chat." I kept saying to myself, trying to keep the nerves under control. Upon arriving through the main entrance and past the chat of the waiting paparzzi, I was greeted by Simon Baker, who immediately showed me to his office.

Simon Baker: "Hi Andy, Thanks for coming at short notice. I'm sure you've heard the news regarding Martin Ling?"

Me: "Yes I have, heard it last night on the radio."

Simon Baker: "Ahh good, in that case I'm sure you'll also know we have been unsuccessful in an attempt to bring Paul Buckle to the club."

Me: "Erm no, that's the first I've heard of it."

Simon Baker: "Well thats what has happened. Anyway, since our brief chat we had out on the moors the other day, I keep going over how impressed I was with your views and approach you have on football. I have since spoken with the relevant people at Romsey Town and have reached an agreement, based on your acceptance, for you to become our new manager on a 1 year contract. Now I know you weren't our first choice, but with time running out I'm willing to take an almighty risk on you, hence why currently it's just a year contract. What do you think?"

Me: "Wow, I thought I was going to do the odd academy session here and there. Not in my wildest imagination did I expect to be presented with this opportunity. Yes, Mr Baker I would be delighted to accept the offer."

Simon Baker: "Excellent, I will get the paperwork sorted, all i need is for you to sign there and we are done. Upto you whether you want to commute down or stay in a paid for hotel, but I want you ready to start by next Monday after we officially unveil you. Good Luck."

To think this was potentially the break I'd been working so hard for was an unbelievable feeling, I thought to myself as I made my way outside the building and although I wasn't first choice, I would make sure I worked so hard to ensure that I was the right choice.
After telling Louise my fantastic news, the remainder of the journey home flew by, and before I knew it I was packing up a suitcase in preparation for the first day of my commute down to Torquay. Things had happened so fast, that Louise and I felt it best to let the current events of the last few days settle before making a final decision on where we would live. So for the time being I would make the two hour journey down on a Monday morning before returning late on a saturday night, something that long term would not be ideal.




Sky Sports News can confirm that Torquay United have appointed unknown Andy Samuels as their new manager for the start of the 2011/12 season. Thirty one year old Samuels has signed a one year deal worth an estimated £850 p/w and takes over from Martin Ling. After being rebuffed in his approach for former Torquay manager Paul Buckle, Chairman Simon Baker has acted swiftly to fill the hot seat at Plainmoor. Baker spoke to Sky Sports earlier on the appointment of his new manager. "I'm delighted Andy has agreed to becoming our manager. I understand that it's a huge risk employing someone with no managerial experience at this level, but after talking with Andy and hearing how passionate he is about the game and the new strategies he's going to introduce to the squad, I feel it's a risk worth taking." Samuels will be presented to the media on Monday, which can be seen live here on Sky Sports News.
Over the next few days while the formalities of my contract were being finalised, it gave me the opportunity to say farewell and thanks to all my previous employers and colleagues at the coaching company I worked for and also at Romsey Town where I worked each night and Saturday morning for the past year.


It was Monday morning and my alarm went off just after 06:45am. Slowly rubbing my tired eyes, I made my way to the bathroom to get showered. As the water ran over my head, which was helping wake me up, I started to plan my strategy for the barrage of questions I would be facing later in the morning at my official unveiling and also how I would approach the first get together with the Torquay squad, which would be my biggest chance to make a good first impression and put across my ideas and new concepts I wanted to introduce within the team on and off the pitch. I was confident that if the players
would buy into the fresh approach I was planning on, then it would result in a happy environment throughout the club, which should lead to many good performances during the season.

I arrived at the beautiful English Riviera and headed straight to the ground, where i was due to face the english media in front of the Sky Sports cameras. Due to my surprise appointment it has created a small frenzy throughout the world of football, and everyone seemed to be keen on how I would live up to expectations and the demands of professional football.



*** LIVE ***


Simon Thomas(in the studio): "Good Morning viewers, we are going straight to Plainmoor and the unveiling of Torquay United's new manager."

Simon Baker(Chairman): "Hello everyone and Thank you for being here to welcome our new manager Andy Samuels. You have about thirty minutes to ask questions to Andy before he goes off to meet the players and staff."

Reporter: "Welcome Andy. You have made your way up the various football levels and now you sit here as a manager of a professional team. How do you feel?"

Me: "I never thought I would be offered this role, it really is a dream come true. I met the Chairman whilst on holiday about a week ago and I originally thought I was going to be involved with the academy. But when I was presented with this opportunity, I couldn't turn it down."

Reporter: "You weren't first choice to take over and with only a short contract are you worried the Chairman doesn't have that much faith in you?"

Me: "Not at all, it's very sensible and it's down to me to prove to him, the fans, players and you guys that I am the right man for the job."

Reporter: "Are you going to make wholesale changes to the club?"

Me: "Well I won't be making lots of changes on the field, I will be giving all the playing staff a chance to prove they deserve the chance to be part of my plans. With regards to the non-playing staff I will be bringing in two or three new faces, to replace the staff that left at the end of last season."

Reporter: "Last season Torquay just missed out on promotion, is you aim to go one step further?"

Me: "I always aim to win everything, so yes it's my main focus. It will be a challenge and one I'm looking forward to immensely."

Simon Baker: "Ok Ladies and Gentlemen, that's the end of the press conference. Andy will be available for photos shortly out on the pitch."

Simon Thomas(back in Sky Sports studio): "That was the unveiling of unknown manager Andy Samuels, who has taken charge of League Two side Torquay United. I'm sure there will be more to come from him throughout the upcoming season."

Standing in front of the home dugout and after posing for numerous photos for the local paper, my mobile rang, it was current Assistant Manager Shaun Taylor. I felt it was necessary to keep Shaun involved at the club, due to his relationship with the players, and it would help me keep some continuity throughout my first season. "Hi Andy, it's Shaun. Just letting you know that the lads are on their way to the ground for training and also, after the chat we had last night regarding the new additions to the coaching team, I have managed to get the deals done on your behalf and they will also be present and ready to get started today. See you shortly."
"That's fantastic news Shaun, thanks I appreciate it. See you in a bit."
I responded happily. After hanging up and with the last of the reporters making their way out of the stadium, I began to set up for my first training session on the pitch. As the last cone was being put down I heard the noise of movement, coming from near the tunnel. I looked up and saw the players starting to congregate by the touchline, so I made my way over to introduce myself.
As soon as the meet and greet was over, the lads were put through their paces by our new Fitness Coach Duncan Russell, who took the warm up, whilst I spoke with new Attacking Coach John Murtagh who has joined along with Tactic and Technique Coach Malcolm Shotton.
Having overseen my first training session and now sat in my office contemplating where I needed to strengthen the team, I called new Scout Alan McLeary in and we went through the positions I felt needed improving, before sending him away to compile a list of potential targets. One of the main areas we needed extra options was in attack, and from what I saw in training it was only Rene Howe that impressed me and would be upto the standard I wanted. Also added to the list of requirements was a central defender, as I only had Brian Saah and Mark Ellis who could play there.
I spent the next few days with Shaun Taylor focusing on renewing the contracts of some of the key players that were in the current squad and also deliberating what formation would suit us best with the players at our disposal.



During an extra fitness training session on the beach, one of our attackers broke down in excruciating pain, it was Chris McPhee. He came over to where myself and Shaun Taylor were sat, accompanied by Physio Damian Davey. "It's not good boss, looks like a torn calf. At a guess I'd say he's going to be missing for 4 to 5 months." claimed Damian.
That wasn't the news I wanted to hear, it meant I was even more in need of reinforcements to bolster our attacking options, especially as we had friendlies coming up over the next two weeks.
Hi Guys,

This is my new story. I hope you will enjoy it. Please feel free to comment, positive and negative thoughts welcome.

Cheers. :D
"Hi gaffer, have got some news on Curtis Main and Callum McFadzean the two young lads you wanted me to look at. Both look decent, but aren't keen on leaving their current clubs presently. On a positive though I've been tipped off about Wes Fletcher, who is currently at Burnley and both player and club are keen on him leaving. I'm going to watch him in a trialist game tomorrow night. Will let you know my thoughts. Speak soon." informed my scout Alan McLeary via a voicemail on my mobile. I was dissapointed that neither Curtis or Callum were keen on joining as I felt either player would be a big boost for my attacking options. But that's how it goes in this game, I thought to myself, especially now I was plying my trade at a much higher level than before.
I switched my attention next on our first pre-season friendly, and aside from Chris McPhee who picked up a calf injury ruling him out for upto five months, I had a full squad to choose from.


Tiverton 0 - 3 Torquay
Ladysmead. Att: 334

In front of a very small crowd, we managed to put on a good performance and secure a nice win. Damon Lathorpe got the opener driving home a fine right footed effort from 25 yards. Then two goals in three second half minutes from Taiwo Atieno and Rene Howe sealed a comfortable victory.


We then had a week to recover before we faced three games in a week and a half and a chance for me to shuffle the starting line up around, allowing me to assess every player before the season starts. The next seven days will allow me to work very closely with the squad and start to introduce the new concepts and ideas I plan on bringing to the team, in the hope it will give us that extra bit more than the other teams in the division and allow us to achieve what the club missed out on last season.


Kidderminster 2 - 2 Torquay
Aggborough. Att: 569

Not a great performance this evening and we found ourselves two down very quickly as goals by Nick Wright and James Vincent fired the hosts into an early lead. The lads stepped it up shortly after the setback and Rene Howe pulled a goal back to half the deficit. It was Howe again, who grabbed the equaliser deep into injury time in the second half to keep our unbeaten run intact.

Ebbsfleet 0 - 1 Torquay
Stonebridge Road. Att: 398

Our good start continued today with a very disjointed victory. We were outplayed by our hosts for much of the game, but I put that down to the many changes I made. The only goal of the game, was an own goal, as Alex Chapman put through his own net.

Torquay 1 - 4 Wigan
Plainmoor. Att: 1,530

Not the ideal way to end pre-season, and we were well beaten by our Premiership opponents despite us taking the lead. An own goal by Steve Gohouri sent our fans wild, but when Franco Di Santo equalised nine minutes later, it was all one way traffic from then on. Di Santo grabbed his second just after half time and a Shaun Maloney brace consigned us to a heavy defeat.


During a meeting after the Wigan game between Shaun Taylor and myself to discuss our okay pre-season, we were interupted by the message tone on my mobile. It was from Scout Alan McLeary and read. "Hi boss, just watched Wes Fletcher, definately worth a look. Maybe a one month loan, then extend it if you are impressed. Keep me informed. Alan." Adding another attacker to my very small squad was high on my agenda, and having been rebuffed by my other targets, and with our first league game only six days away, Shaun and I felt it was risk worth taking bringing Wes in on a short term loan, and if it worked out then we would have an option to extend the deal and if it didn't we wouldn't of lost anything, so overall a win win situation. So i got on the phone to my Chairman and asked him to make an official approach to Burnley with a view to taking Wes Fletcher on an intial one month loan.
With a formal approach made for Wes Fletcher, Burnley Chairman Barry Kilby informed me that Wes was playing in a friendly against Birmingham City Reserves the following night and welcomed me to attend, so we could finalise the deal.

Having paid my £3 entry fee, I made my way towards where both sets of chairmen and directors were seated, they were surrounded by numerous scouts from other clubs keen on making a last ditch signing before the season started at the weekend.
Midway through the game, a tall, well built player caught my eye, his movement was good, he was fast and definately had an eye for goal. I checked the A4 piece of paper in my hand that had the team line ups on, and found the Birmingham number nine's name, he was Akwasi Asante, a Ghanaian who was eligible to play for the Netherlands. As half time approached and just after Asante grabbed his second of the game, I left my seat and found a quiet corner and called my Chairman. "Mr Baker, it's Andy. I've found the player I feel will help our attacking options. The only downside is it's not Wes Fletcher, it's Birmingham's Akwasi Asante, he is twice the player Fletcher is. Can you do a deal?" I enthused down my mobile, without wanting to attract any unwated attention from the nearby scouts. "No problem Andy, not ideal, but if you are sure I will sort it. Will be in contact soon." replied Simon Baker.
I made my way back towards my seat and noticed Barry Kilby on his phone, I assumed it was the call from Simon Baker, as Mr Kilby left soon after the call had ended. Within minutes of Mr Kilby leaving my mobile rang. "Andy, Fletcher deal off, and for the time being it's best we stay away from any Burnley players. On a positive I secured a two month loan for the Asante lad. If all goes well, we can extend it to a season long loan." explained Mr Baker. This was great news, and the thought of Rene Howe and Asante as my front pairing in a 442 formation got me very excited. With the deal in the bag, I jumped back in my car and made my way back down South and towards home.


We had a great training session on Friday and all the lads were introduced to new loan signing Akwasi Asante, who will wear the number 39 shirt. With training done and a near full strength squad, we boarded the coach to make our way towards Cheltenham for our first league game of the season. I'm hoping that each away game we will stay in a hotel the night before and prepare in the best possible way.


Cheltenham 0 - 2 Torquay
Whaddon Road. Att: 4,380

A great way to start the season with a good victory. Brian Saah grabbed the opener with a well placed header and we went into half time still in the lead. The win was confirmed late in the second half when debutant Akwasi Asante linked up well with Rene Howe, before rifling the ball into the roof of the net.

Following on from our first league game, we have been drawn against Championship side Reading in the League Cup first round. This would be a big test, especially due to our small squad and I have decisions to make whether I rotate a couple of positions or do I stick with the side that did so well against Cheltenham.


1st Round
Reading 2 - 1 Torquay
Madjeski Stadium. Att: 7,522

A battling performance this evening, especially as we had to play most of the second half with 10 men following Joe Oastler being sent off for two yellow cards. Reading took advantage of their extra man when Simon Church scored the opener six minutes into the second half. But we kept playing some good football and were rewarded by a sensational Akwasi Asante goal, he picked the ball up on the halfway line, took on three players and calmly placed the ball into the net to draw us level. With extra time looming, our hearts were broken as Hal Robson-Kanu broke free and scored the winner two minutes from time.

We were so close to an upset against Reading and as I played a near on full strength side, it mean't I gave the boys an extra days rest. I knew I would be missing Joe Oastler for our next game through suspension, so having had a day off I'm hoping that the team will be ready to perform in front of our home crowd on Saturday and then again for our midweek fixture.


Torquay 2 - 0 Crewe
Plainmoor. Att: 4,040

A nice victory, but we had to do it the hard way. We were reduced to ten men again as Mark Ellis was shown his marching orders very early in the game. Despite the setback, we took the lead when Danny Stevens latched onto a lovely through ball and finished with a well placed shot. Rene Howe grabbed our second just before half time to send us in at the break with a boost. Although Crewe had a few chances in the second half, we stayed strong and defended brilliantly to hold on.


Crawley 2 - 3 Torquay
Broadfield Stadium. Att: 3,038

It was a sensational first half performance that secured a fine, but nervy win. Karl Hawley put the home side in front with a scrappy goal after we failed to clear a corner. Rene Howe and Brian Saah grabbed a goal each to put us into the lead. Akwasi Asante then got our third with five minutes left of the first half to double the lead. Karl Hawley got his and Crawley's second from the penalty spot to pull the hosts back into the game. Crawley's hopes of a come back were dashed as Sean Murray was sent for an early bath after picking two yellow cards and he was followed later by Hope Akan who was shown a straight red for a professional foul.

I couldn't ask for more from our first three games in the league, as we took nine points out of nine. The only concern was the silly yellow cards we have been picking up and this is something I need to install into the players, as we don't want to ruin good work in games, by needlessly getting players sent off, especially with games coming thick and fast, having my best team available was crucial, as I have a very small and young squad to choose from that we would struggle to cope with injuries and suspensions at the same time.


Torquay 3 - 4 Burton
Plainmoor. Att: 3,947

A great game for the neutrals, but I was extremely disappointed with our defending and was alarmed by the way we surrendered the lead. Eunan O'Kane got the opener for us, with a piledriver which crashed in off the underside of the bar. Calvin Zola pulled Burton level shortly after, bundling the ball over the line from close range. Danny Stevens edged us in front with a fine half volley and Akwasi Asante doubled the lead with a simple header from a corner. Zola then scored his second just before half time to give the fans a first half to remember. Into the second half and both sides continued to attack. With ten minutes to go Danny Stevens had a great chance to extend our lead, but fired over from close range. From the resulting goal kick, the ball found it's way to Calvin Zola, who twist and turned inside the box and rifled in his third and levelled the scores. With three minutes held up by the fourth official and a draw on the cards, Justin Richards picked up a loose ball, beat the defender and squeezed the ball home from a tight angle to send the Burton fans wild.

Following the full time whistle I kept the players locked in the dressing room and told them exactly what I thought of the collapse I just witnessed. It was not the ideal preparation for a big local derby we had coming up, and I am confident the players took on board what was said and can produce a performance.
As I was preparing for our next game, I received news from our Physio that Eunan O'Kane and Rene Howe were both ruled out of contention, as both were struggling with flu. Not welcoming news, but a chance for some fringe players to show what they are capable of.


Plymouth 0 - 4 Torquay
Home Park. Att: 7,129

Superb reaction to our home defeat to Burton, as we thrashed our fierce rivals in front of their supporters. We didn't give Plymouth any time on the ball, and Akwasi Asante settled any nerves by putting us ahead. Next Taiwo Atieno, who was replacing Rene Howe, finished a fine move by scoring his first for the club. Plymouth were then awarded a dubious penalty, but Simon Walton blazed over. Asante then put us three up as he scored his second. Into the second half and Asante completed his hat trick with a fine turn and finish.

I gave the players another couple of days rest, as reward for such a fine performance after a dismal show the previous week, and by giving them the odd day or two off over the next couple of months, I feel it would benefit us in the long run, especially as I was finding it hard to add to the team presently, due to a lack of quality players available that I felt would strengthen us.


1st Round
Wycombe 2 - 1 Torquay
Adams Park. Att: 1,277

I was hoping for a good run in this cup, but those hopes were ruined after a dramatic late winner. Taiwo Atieno, who started again due to Rene Howe still missing, scored his second goal in two games to gives us the lead.
We held the lead well into the second half, before Stuart Beavon equalised with an easy tap in. We then had Lathaniel Rowe-Turner sent off for two bookable offences, which mean't a slight change in formation. With penalties on the horizon, Beavon nipped in at the back post to score the winner.

I was very disappointed that our run in the Johnstone's Paint Trophy came to an early end. Even though it was against a side from the division above, to lose so late was tough to take and like our poor discipline of late, this was another important area I wanted us to improve on over the coming weeks.
Over thenext few days I was deep in discussions with Akwasi Asante's agent to try and strike a deal to extend his loan until the end of the season. Even though his current deal still had three weeks left, I was hoping that with the loan transfer window closing shortly after his two months come to an end, I would have to act swiftly to complete the deal and stave off interest from other clubs. We managed to agree the deal with his parent club Birmingham City, but as Akwasi was away with the Dutch Under 19s, we had to put any further conversations on hold until he returned.

With games coming thick and fast it didn't help to lose our inform striker, who had scored already scored 6 goals in seven games, to international duty. Plus Rene Howe was still struggling with flu and Lloyd Macklin was feeling tired due to the recent schedule. I brought young Ray Spear into the first team squad to sit on the bench, and act as cover for Rene Howe as he wouldn't be able to complete the full ninety minutes.



Torquay 0 - 0 Bristol Rovers
Plainmoor. Att: 3,538

A dull bore draw with both sides more interested in fouling each other than trying to play football. The only positive was the introduction of Ray Spear who came on with ten minutes to go for his debut.


Hereford 0 - 2 Torquay
Edgar Street. Att: 2,588

It was a top of the table clash today as 1st place took on 2nd. Even though early in the season, we knew we'd have to beat the sides around us to challenge for promotion. The first half was very entertaining with both sides going close, but neither team could break the deadlock. The returning Akwasi Asante scored to put us in front with a nice side foot volley and Brian Saah secured a great win, when he powerfully headed home.


It was a good way to start the month of October, with four points from a possible six. The Hereford game proved even more to me how vital it would be to get Akwasi Asante signed up for the rest of the season, both him and Rene Howe have struck up a nice understanding which has been vital to leading us near the top of the table.
With three games coming up in a week and a half, I was becoming increasingly concerned that with the lack of cover in the squad, that we would not be able to compete for the full season and with a fantastic start already taking us to second, I had to make sure we kept this momentum going and one thing was apparent was I needed to bring in fresh faces, but finding the right characters were proving very difficult.
I spoke with scout Alan McLeary and provided him with the relevant information to look for in potential targets, and I got back to focusing on the personnel available to me as we prepared for a congested ten days.



Torquay 3 - 0 Oxford
Plainmoor. Att: 3,035

Another fine performance infront of our home fans. Brian Saah got us off to a fantastic start scoring a fine header from a Kevin Nicholson free kick. Jake Wright inadvertantly misplaced a back pass, with his goalkeeper still on the floor, to score an own goal and extend our lead. And the win was finalised when Michael Duberry deflected a Lee Mansell shot into his own net.


Aldershot 1 - 2 Torquay
The Recreation Ground. Att: 2,635

We got off to a perfect start very early in the first half, when Kevin Nicholson scored a penalty after Mark Ellis was bundled over in the box. Nicholson grabbed his second with a blistering free kick to double our advantage as we went into the break two up. Danny Hylton pulled one back for the hosts early in the second half, but we held on for the win.


Torquay 1 - 1 Port Vale
Plainmoor. Att: 3,389

A game we completely dominated, so to drop two points was a big blow. The inform Akwasi Asante, fired us into the lead with a well placed effort. Despite us creating chance after chance, we were left to rue our inability to add to our goal, as Bradden Inman equalised from long range with Port Vale's only effort on goal.


Despite us remaining unbeaten this month, I was less than impressed with our failure to get maximum points from the Port Vale game and I hope it won't come back to haunt us at the end of the season.
There was even more disappointing news as I received a phone call from Akwasi Asante's agent. "Hi Andy, we have a problem. Currently you can only extend my clients deal by one month, due to league rules. There is every chance you can extend it longer once the January window opens in three months. What would you like to do?"
This was not the answer I wanted, Asante has been key to our recent performances scoring eight goals in nine games, and I now had a hard decision to make. "Okay, I will have to get back to you, I need a day or two to chat things over with my assistant and see what we do." I answered.
Upon hearing the disappointment I wasted no time in calling a meeting with Shaun Taylor, my assistant, and scout Alan McLeary. We sat and discussed the next step to take with Asante, and after an hour of deliberation we decided that if we extended the deal, we would have to look for another striker to come in for a longer period, but if we let him return to his club, we could go back in January and attempt to loan him for the remainder of the season and have someone who we know was capable of performing at this level and would fit straight into our system, so we reluctantly let Akwasi return to the Midlands. It was a huge risk and I was regretting not asking for a season long loan during the discussions held at the start of the season. Following the big set back, scout Alan McLeary had handed me a list of names that could come in a fill the vacant spot left by Akwasi, so I got to work on finding another striker to carry on from where Akwasi left off.
Sitting in my study, I went through a couple of dvds that were sent to me via my scout, they were of Watford's Gavin Massey and Southampton's Sam Hoskins. Both players looked to have good potential, but I felt one of them could slot straight into the starting eleven, as he has similar attributes to Akwasi Asante. With decision made I called up our chairman, and asked him to work his magic again and do a deal to bring Gavin Massey to the club on loan.
Unfortunately the three month loan that was agreed didn't come through in time for Gavin to make his debut away at Macclesfield, meaning his first appearance would be at home the following week, so I invited him to travel up with the squad and watch the game from the stands alongside Mark Ellis who was struggling with a slight ankle knock, so Lathaniel Rowe-Turner came in for him at centre back and Taiwo Atieno continued up front partnering Rene Howe.


Macclesfield 0 - 2 Torquay
The Moss Rose. Att: 1,959

A comfortable win this afternoon, which was overshadowed by needless bookings throughout the game. Danny Stevens beat the keeper at his near post to put us one up and Rene Howe, ended a short spell without a goal, when he expertly volleyed into the net from the edge of the area.


Torquay 2 - 0 Accrington
Plainmoor. Att: 3,116

Our supporters gave debutant Gavin Massey a warm welcome as he stepped out for his debut and although he didnt score he had a hand in both goals. Firstly he won the corner that Mark Ellis rose highest to head into the net and then he laid the ball back for Damon Lathrope, who was replacing the suspended Eunan O'Kane, to strike a bending shot, which flew past the opposition keeper.


Bradford 1 - 1 Torquay
Valley Parade. Att: 9,525

On a wet pitch both sides had to settle for a draw, but again I feel it was two points. We lost our captain Lee Mansell early on through injury, but that didn't disrupt the pattern of play as we dominated first half proceedings. Just after the re-start Rene Howe pounced on a mistake by a defender and walked the ball into the net. We were then forced into another change as right back Joe Oastler pulled up and he was replaced by Daniel Leadbitter. With the three points looking secured, we allowed David Davis too much room on the edge of the box and he somehow managed to find the back of the net past an outstrectched Robert Olejnik.


After the game I couldn't believe it, for the third time this season we had conceeded deep in injury time to lose points again. To make matters worse I was told by our physio that Joe Oastler would be out for upto a month after pulling his hamstring, but on a slight positive the news about Lee Mansell was that he would only be missing for a week with a bruised rib.
I had a few players carrying some minor knocks after the game at Bradford and a couple out injured, so I made sure the weeks training sessions were very low impact work, in the hope of allowing the players to recover.

As I was leaving the training the ground late on Thursday, our physio Damien Davey approached, every time I've spoken to him recently he brought bad news and he had a similar look on his face. "Gaffer" he said in a nervous, trembling voice. "Robbie Olejnik has got a double hernia, he's been playing on it the last couple of weeks, but the pain is unbearable and needs it treated." he continued.
"WHAT!! How long is he out?" I questioned, hoping maybe for once I would receive a positive from Damien's mouth. "It's a long one, probably two months." he responded before hurrying away towards his treatment room. I couldn't believe the bad luck we have had lately with injuries, but as always I had to think of away around it and then I remembered a promising goalkeeper I had seen on one of the dvds I watched the other night.
We only had a day before our next match, so both myself and chairman Simon Baker worked around the clock, to try and bring young Watford keeper Jack Bonham in on an emergency loan. But like all transfers these things take time and we weren't able to get the paperwork signed in time for this weekend, but got Jack signed ready for his debut in seven days.



Torquay 3 - 2 Shrewsbury
Plainmoor. Att: 4,114

A great entertaining game for the neutrals, but our defending was extremely below standard. Ian Morris scored his first of the season, with a well placed left footed shot, but that was cancelled out by Terry Gornell, who took advantage of stand in keeper Martin Rice's indecisiveness to equalise. On the stroke of half time we went back infront thanks to a Mark Ellis header. Sean McAllister soon pulled the away side back on level terms for the second time when he scored from close range. With a quarter of the game left, Gavin Massey raced clear and slotted the ball under the keeper and into the net for the winner.


Barnet 0 - 1 Torquay
Underhill. Att: 1,739

Not a particularly exciting game, but I'll always take three points no matter how they come. Towards the end of a boring first half, Rene Howe was stretchered off and replaced by Taiwo Atieno. With not much to choose between the sides, it was going to take a mistake or a piece of brilliance to win the game, and it was the latter. Eunan O'Kane scored from 30 yards with a powerful drive which went in off the underside of the bar.


On the way back on the coach, it gave me some time to reflect on the game. Although not pretty at times, it's always a sign of a good side if you can scrape a win even when you are not at your best. As I was chatting to Eunan O'Kane about his wonder goal, I was interupted by a call on my mobile, and even without looking at the caller id, I knew who it was from. "Hi Damien, how is he?" I asked, as I enquired about the extent of the injury picked up by Rene Howe. "Not great boss, he's torn his hamstring. The doctors want him to stay in over night, but early signs say it will three months before he will be fit." explained Damien.
I made my way back to my seat and slumped back in the chair. Another major injury, I thought to myself. First Joe Oastler is out, and now Robbie and Rene have joined him long term. For the rest of the journey back, I closed my eyes and tried to take on board the injury jinx that has cursed us over the couple of weeks and how we would line up against Southend in two days time.



Torquay 2 - 1 Southend
Plainmoor. Att: 4,125

I handed Jack Bonham his home debut and was rewarded with a fine display from the young stopper. Lloyd Macklin got the opener, when he was quickest to react to his first attempt which bounced off the post, before slotting the ball into an empty net. Taiwo Atieno doubled our lead with a nice finish just before the break. Ryan Hall quickly pulled a goal back just after half time. We had alot to thank Jack Bonham for, as for the remaining part of the game he kept us in the game awith brilliant save after save.