Games with longetivity


Dec 30, 2009
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Hey guys, im looking for a few suggestions for a game that i can play for weeks on end and wont get bored of.
Im looking for suggestions on Xbox as i may be moving away for the summer and will have no pc or internet.

All suggestions welcome. Also feel free to mention games on other platforms that you find that you cant put down.

L.A Noire seems pretty awesome. About to say Heavy Rain but wait, can't get on XBOX ;)
I've found Mortal Kombat to be extremely addictive, and it has surprising longevity with a fairly long story mode and ladder challenges. Fifa is surely a must too.
I like fifa but get bored of it after a few hours... Whatrs red dead redemption about??? Have heard about LA Noire,think ill be getting it but seems repeditive. I have trouble sticking to one game for a long time. Just wondering if theres any out there???
I like fifa but get bored of it after a few hours... Whatrs red dead redemption about??? Have heard about LA Noire,think ill be getting it but seems repeditive. I have trouble sticking to one game for a long time. Just wondering if theres any out there???

basically GTA but in the wild west. RDR was an absoloutly amazing game, I couldn't recommend it more. Great graphics, great story, great gameplay and loads to do. You can complete the main story (which is long enough!) and still have loads of side quests and stuff. Would be my recommendation for a long term game. During GCSEs last year my mate got it and his parents wouldn't let him out to make him 'revise'. He instead clocked up over 100 hours of it XD
I thoroughy enjoyed both Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic games. Thoroughly engrossed by them, and spent hours playing them. But only if you like RPG type games.
Oblivion. RDR is easily completable. Oblivion has loads to do!! I've never even completed it.
Read Dead Redemption, GTA 4, Oblivion, Dragon Age I & II, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 are all quality games that can last for weeks/months each and I've enjoyed every single one of them.
Rainbow Six Vegas. A little old, super awesome though. Dunno if it's on Xbox, as i don't have one.
1) Infamous (about 20 hrs of gameplay)
2) Mass Effect series
3) Dragon Age: Origins
4) Star Wars KotOR (1 or 2)
5) Alan Wake (never played it but heard it was good)
6) Demon Souls (think its Ps3 only though)
7) Metal Gear Solid 4 (same as above)
8) Dead Space 2
9) Two Worlds 2
10) The Witcher (original, brilliant game) and now the Witcher 2 :)

thats all I can think of now :)
Read Dead redemption is finished pretty quiclky and gest boring after that. GTA 4 is more fun online with friends, but definately fifa is the best, never gets boring because there always happen strange things in matches if you play against friens. But it is mostly your own taste of games that decides this
Final Fantasy xiii is a long game. I love it. Amazing graphics and story line. I completed it after 50 hours of gameplay on my first playthough and I'm still not bored of it. There's just pme thing. the fighting gets extremely repetitive and it's hard to get into at first.
L.A. Noire.. 3 discs - says it all! I bought it yesterday and was on it for hours and I've still only completed 10%. To add to that, there are a load of different outcomes to the cases you do so you can go back and do them again, then there are side missions that you can attend. People saying it's repetative, it isn't at all. I just love interviewing people to try and see in their face whether they are lying or not. So far I suck at it but I'm getting better XD.
Hey guys, im looking for a few suggestions for a game that i can play for weeks on end and wont get bored of.
Im looking for suggestions on Xbox as i may be moving away for the summer and will have no pc or internet.

All suggestions welcome. Also feel free to mention games on other platforms that you find that you cant put down.


Mass Effect 1&2. Can easily play them over and over as there are so many ways the game can go/end.

I've found Mortal Kombat to be extremely addictive, and it has surprising longevity with a fairly long story mode and ladder challenges. Fifa is surely a must too.

MK? Really? I was going to get it but didn't want to waste £40 on a game where I'll have a few fights then get bored.
Craven already said it but oblivion that game is quality, so much you can do on that game I don't know anyone who has completed it, I'm not sure if it's possible lol.
MK? Really? I was going to get it but didn't want to waste £40 on a game where I'll have a few fights then get bored.

Well it's much more fun playing MK with someone else, but there are quite a few challenges for a single player story mode on a fighting game. Some of the challenges are fairly tough, and I am one of those competitive types that hates to be beaten by a game.

In terms of a game that I have played from start to finish without ever getting bored, there is only one: Metal Gear Solid 4. The story is fantastic and I was just drawn into the game. I have played games like Dragoin Age, and enjoyed them to an extent, but have always found them a little repetitive. I've never played ME or KOTOR, but they are the sort of game that I am sure I could get into.