GCSE Results

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Im only going into year 8, so I have to wait til next year to start my gcse's, for science :)

---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------

Well done, SATS are really important .

No sarcasm there :D
****** up my maths result by getting a C in the 50% paper was expected an A and got A, B and A in the other maths exams and got C in the 50% exam lowering my overall grade to a B and thats not good when your sister got an A on the same paper the same year :'(
ohh God help me lmao i have just gone into last year at school now and can't wait to leave!
but i need to get my head down now becuase throughout year 6,7,8,910 i have not exactly done the best i can becuase we all thing were clever not working ******* around having a laugh and yehh i admit it's great at the time but what about 5 years down the road. i need to get foucused and work this year definatley.
Did mine last year. Such a ******* effort.. but unfortunately they're getting easier and easier...
I got 3 As (Latin - don't ask..., Spanish, Physics - genuinely don't know how i did that.. i did no work at all, and my whole class ****** off my teacher every lesson, including calling a trainee teacher a paedo... miracle ;))
5Bs (Eng lit + lang, Biology, History, Maths)
And a further 2 Bs i shouldn't have got:
Art - I did almost literally no work, i didn't hand in one of my coursework books, and i filled out only half of my other one.. should probably have got a U)
Chemistry - I knew nothing.. my teacher predicted me a D...

Weren't grat, but straight B's and As was quite pleasing.
Got mine a year and a half ago..

English - E
Maths - E
IT - D
Geography - U
PE - D

Can't remember the others.. I did really **** at school as you can tell, but since I left I've been doing this Maths and English course, and I've managed to get my English and Maths to a C now, and knocked my IT up to a C, and I'm also going to College to do IT.

Should have really tried at school :)
Mine from a few years ago, didn't bother with revision as I didn't think they were worth it...

A* - Biology, Design & Technology, Maths (IGCSE), Physics
A - Chemistry, History, Spanish
B - Art, English Language
C - English Literature (didn't read the book)
your right there more or less giving them away now and you see i.c.t its not that im bad at it i just cann't be assed going through a task booklet of like 23 tasks creating boring leaflets and making 3 draft of them hmm.... also things like memo's and **** most boring **** ever and where supposed to best group in our section and in class below they do more exicting things like making webiste getting a maximum of a C i rather be doing that than doing this boring **** now trying to get a A as doing the funnier work will motivate you to do it and you will **** it and come out with a C. we needed the booklet completing by June and im on task 13 ........
got my results today...

I got 8 A*s (English lit/lang, Geaography, history, maths, biology, 2xICT
and 5 As (Stats, Chemistry, Physics, French and Spanish)

Was sooooooooooooooo pleased! 8-|
I got mine last year:

Maths: B
Physics: A
Biology: A
Chemistry: B
English Lang: A
English Lit: A
Economics: B
Geog: A

I was pretty happy to say I didn't revise for any of them at all, I thought they didn't matter and that I figured i'd do well enough anyway.. I was disappointed with myself for forgetting to tick a box on my economics exam so they didn't mark 1/4 of my paper :/

B- Maths (Should have done better)
B- History
B-Physics (i thought this was a joke, all i did in physics all year was **** off the ***** of a teacher, in my mocks i got U and now a B, i think it was marked wrong or something lol but wont complain)
C-Eng Lit.
C-Eng Lang.
C-Add Maths
C-Biology (**** coursework + ***** of a teacher = lucky to pass
C-French (Reccomend this for anyone strugling to think of what GCSE's to do, i did foundation and the 11+(a test you do at the end of primary school) was harder than this.)
C-Business Studies (Should have done better but my coursework was pure ****, spelt the title of it wrong thats how bad it was)

Happy that i didnt fail anything :D especially considering my attendance was **** and i didnt put enough effort in.

Considering doin Maths and Btec double award construction
Maths, ICT and History
Maths, ICT and Physics
Anyone done these and has any advice?

I do Maths and Physics, and took an AS in ICT in my GCSE year. If you like Maths/Physics and enjoy the challenge then they're really good interesting course, you need to put effort into learning your formulas and practice with them though, I absolutely hated my ICT course though, a lot of it was just health and safety, questions about why we use digital formats etc. - Boring!
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everyone was telling me how important my IGCSE's were, and now that there over they tell me they mean **** all :P
Science - B
Maths - C
English Lit - C
English Lang - A
Maths - C
Music - D
R.E - G (I don't think AQA accept Jedi as a religion) ;)
Business - A

Only opened them yesterday !
Since someone necro'd this thread...

Maths - A*
IT - A*
Chemistry - A*
German - A*
Statistics - A*
Physics - A*
Electronics - A*
English Language - A
English Literature - A
Biology - A
Economics - A
RE - A

i'm a nerd
lol, was on holiday for results day and felt like sharing them :P
Too late to worry now - it won't affect the results! If you did your best that's all you can do - hope you get what you deserve!