I can see where you're coming from but that happens in real life games too. It could just be a goal that's come against the run of play on a counter attack or a set piece or something.
I think he means the player taking the kick has hit the post and then put the rebound in which would be against the rules.
General consensus of noobs - If i cant win every match and competition convincingly it must be the match engine, it couldn't possibly be me and my lack of football knowledge, tactical knowledge and patience.
Follow up. The above game wasn't a fluke. Just played against Chelsea. Had 17 shots on target and only TWO went in! What in the world?? This match engine is messed up! Screenshot follows:![]()
I think it's the match engine mate. 20-40 shots per team is COMMONPLACE so far for me. And of the shots ON target about 10% go in. I think the problem is that the match engine generates too many shots, and the developers had to nerf the accuracy of the shooting so it wouldn't be goalfest. But it makes the game unrealistic. A higher percentage of shots should go in, but it should be much harder to even get off a shot in the first place. I think defense is broken so for now the shot accuracy nerf is a crutch to keep scores from going out of control.How many of those shots were long-shots?
I get no where near as many shots in my games,I usually get around 10-12 shots and 6-7 of them on goal.
What really matters is CCCs and if you only get loads of shots it's your tactic that needs tweaking.
Needed to take 40 shots to score 4 goals. LOL. Something is really weird. Out of those 40 shots only 10 were on target. I think the accuracy of shooters is just really bad right now so you need super inflated shot attempts/CC in order to even have a normal score game. Which is just not how it should work. What's defense? Tactic almost doesn't seem to matter!
Agreed. Very Frustrating right now! I can understand losing to powerhouse teams. But I almost lost to the 20th ranked relegation sniffing team when my starting side are like all 3-4 star players. And can anyone explain why stoke plays so well when all they have is tallest avg height/weight. Their best couple of players are 3 stars and most of them are in the 1.5 to 2.5 star range!I understand your frustration. i lost 3-2 at home to Southampton with Liverpool. They only had 3 shots total and i conceded from set pieces, penalty and an own goal. I can say there is no consistency in my team atm, sometimes they can easily score 5 goals, and then unable to score 1 goal against the other lesser opposition especially at home.
General consensus of noobs - If i cant win every match and competition convincingly it must be the match engine, it couldn't possibly be me and my lack of football knowledge, tactical knowledge and patience.
Complete opposite to this, I dont win every game & every competition and I enjoy the game for the challenge and working on tatics and roles and seeing them work in match. This match engine does not seem to work in this way making it pointless spending time on tactics and therefore pointless playing the game.
I realize to be good at this game you should have to be patient and have at least a little tactical knowledge but that does not seem to matter on FM14.