god is real becuz....

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the big bang casue a rapid expansion of all the mass that ever existed. (science has proved that we are still moving away from he central point, where the ''explosion'' happened)

over millions of years the mass that was moving away rapidly has slowed dramtically, collided and fused and some of it haas formed into planets.

on the planet nnow known as earth there was just the right mixture of elements and chemicals to support life. and during its volatile infancy, earth was basically one huge chemistry set, all the elements and chemicals bubbling around reacting with one another. as i said before scientists recently created full functioning sperm from chemciclas and elements so its not that big a step to imagine the 'big chemistry set' and the trillions of reactions that must have occured every second eventually creating single celled organisms.

over millions of years these single celled organisms have evolved and diversified into the many species we see today. humans have been around for the blink of an eye compared to life on earth, which is why evidence of human evolution is ahrd to stop.

evolution from single cell organisms is the reason why you share 94% of your dna with a leek.
scientists cant make feelings ur right kris bill gates cant make something have feelings so u guys believe a big bang did.

and no you moron we dont beleive that a big bang happened and all of a sudden everything was there. Evolution has happened over billions of years...read what we are saying
But they knew what they had to make didn't they?

yes they knew wat they had to mnake but its not hard to envisage the earth (which during its early life was a huge chemcial reactions with elements, chemiclas and compound all reacting and re-reacting millions of times every second) randomly throwing up a single cell organism.
i never understand this argument where religous people claim there must be a god because the human brain and eye and other stuff is so amazingly good at what they do so god must have made them.

what about people born blind, people with mental illness was god having a bad day at the office when he made them?
Who created god exactly? God is just an answer to a question mankind doesn't understand,that of where we come from.

I suggest you watch less of the gospel and Christianity channel and more of the Discovery and national Geographic channel.

If your looking for a God to worship as Creator and giver of life then worship the Sun,thats the reason your here,not some mythical being.The Sun is giver of life and ultimately will be the taker of life as we know it.
how can one explotion make animals if big bang is real tat means u all believe in magic cuz a bang can not made animals and trees and stuff

If that's what you think then I hope that you are only about 6 years old and don't understand BASIC science.
The laws of science go some way to explaining all this...

Then, evolution made us who we are

---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 PM ----------

... and, wow... can't believe i've just read this...
i'm undecided either way.
but aparntly we are evolvin still because people are getting taller all the time. not massively but they are.
just look at the grannies they are mainly smaller than your average 15 year old
thought i would input that evolution in human beings becomes less necassary over time since evolution is a change in which a creatue adapts to it's environment, however humans no longer adapt to their environment but rather adapt the environment itself, we are beyond physical evolution per say

FMGEEK's argument is paper thin, most creatures use the same brain functions- hence why we can test on rats as their brain function is similar but on a much smaller scale. our ability for higher brain function is an evolution itself, it is an adaptation for our survival so successful it has carried on and on
It should be noted that there is nothing remotely to say that God does not exist. He could easily exist, denying that we are here because of science and evolution is just crazy though. The two are not mutually exclusive
god is bs if he cared about the things (us) he made why would we die?
why are their diseases like swine flu tell ur god to shove his story up his *** and give us a cure if hes real
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god is bs if he cared about the things (us) he made why would we die?
why are their diseases like swine flu tell ur god to shove his story up his *** and give us a cure if hes real
i agree with god not existing but your first point is bs. if nobody died the planet would be massively overpopulated by now and their would be widespread starvation but as we can't die it would last for longer. unless you want him to cure hunger and move us to another planet but that would be retarded.
people made up god because they weren't as advanced as we are now (technologically (sp) wise). and plus, if for arguments sake god wasnt real (which i believe), that means life wouldn't have a purpose. and if life didn't have a purpose, people could just go around and do whatever they wanted. so in theory, people had to create a god.

---------- Post added at 05:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 PM ----------

the day god comes down infront of me and says ive just shagged a horse, then i'll believe his real
no the day god comes down and say he shags horses, soz it was a grammar mistake