Got An Ipad?

iPad is cool, but it depends what you wanna do with it. It's quite handy to browse something fast, or take a quick look at your mail. Also you can have fun with it when you travel, like when you take the bus in the morning or simply want to kill time at home. It's great and you can have it in your bag everywhere. I use it a lot when I am on vacations to read and play and check facebook or news. My parrents were in New York about a month after it was released, so I was one of the first in my country to get an iPad and I've been very satisfied with the product.

To those who think it is overpriced, they are simply wrong. Apple is a brand and has certain standards. You are simply not buying some random product. You are buying a quality item. You are buying a luxury product. Apple does not appeal to the lower class, it appeals to the middle class and upper class. Basically, if you have the money you also deserves to play with shiny Apple stuff, if you do not, then you better save your money or waste it on something else.

Just to point out, why you don't wanna buy anything Android.

The companies simply never updates the software on their devices, like Apple do.

Source: Latest Android distribution numbers show Android 4.0 with less than one percent of the market | Android and Me
To those who think it is overpriced, they are simply wrong. Apple is a brand and has certain standards. You are simply not buying some random product. You are buying a quality item. You are buying a luxury product. Apple does not appeal to the lower class, it appeals to the middle class and upper class. Basically, if you have the money you also deserves to play with shiny Apple stuff, if you do not, then you better save your money or waste it on something else.

Just want to address this incredibly bigoted statement

1) You pay about £200 quid for the apple on the back, which quite frankly, is already half eaten. Your telling me other smartphones/computers/tablets don't have the same capabilities or better than the Ipod/Iphone/Ipad/Mac. Well if you are your simply deluded.

2) So wait, your actually cuntish enough to say 'lower class' or less well off people don't deserve to have an expensive piece of technology... WOW.

Also re. updates. To update the a new iOS, or what not it called, you need to buy a new device. The new softwares cant run on the other ones because its too slow, so pffft.
Just want to address this incredibly bigoted statement

1) You pay about £200 quid for the apple on the back, which quite frankly, is already half eaten. Your telling me other smartphones/computers/tablets don't have the same capabilities or better than the Ipod/Iphone/Ipad/Mac. Well if you are your simply deluded.

2) So wait, your actually cuntish enough to say 'lower class' or less well off people don't deserve to have an expensive piece of technology... WOW.

Also re. updates. To update the a new iOS, or what not it called, you need to buy a new device. The new softwares cant run on the other ones because its too slow, so pffft.

I have the Ipad 1 do you are telling me I cannot download this iOS and basically now can download hardly any apps etc? If so what a ******* pisstake I am not happy at all.
Just want to address this incredibly bigoted statement

1) You pay about £200 quid for the apple on the back, which quite frankly, is already half eaten. Your telling me other smartphones/computers/tablets don't have the same capabilities or better than the Ipod/Iphone/Ipad/Mac. Well if you are your simply deluded.

2) So wait, your actually cuntish enough to say 'lower class' or less well off people don't deserve to have an expensive piece of technology... WOW.

Also re. updates. To update the a new iOS, or what not it called, you need to buy a new device. The new softwares cant run on the other ones because its too slow, so pffft.
not sure I've ever agreed with anything you've said so much haha. Fish Hunter, Ipad not overpriced?
To those who think it is overpriced, they are simply wrong. Apple is a brand and has certain standards. You are simply not buying some random product. You are buying a quality item. You are buying a luxury product. Apple does not appeal to the lower class, it appeals to the middle class and upper class. Basically, if you have the money you also deserves to play with shiny Apple stuff, if you do not, then you better save your money or waste it on something else.

Yes, brands cost more.. But, generally it is because the quality you receive is better and/ or there is something that makes the product unique.. If you are honestly admitting to buying an Apple product purely because "you're rich and deserve it" then you're a complete idiot who just paid £500 for a picture of an apple.

Also, you cannot update the Android OS no, but you cannot update your iPhone or iPad OS either. Android do update software though, in the same way I would imagine Apple release updates for the OS you are running.
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Just want to address this incredibly bigoted statement

1) You pay about £200 quid for the apple on the back, which quite frankly, is already half eaten. Your telling me other smartphones/computers/tablets don't have the same capabilities or better than the Ipod/Iphone/Ipad/Mac. Well if you are your simply deluded.

2) So wait, your actually cuntish enough to say 'lower class' or less well off people don't deserve to have an expensive piece of technology... WOW.

Also re. updates. To update the a new iOS, or what not it called, you need to buy a new device. The new softwares cant run on the other ones because its too slow, so pffft.

It's Apple's right and choice to price whatever they want. People are obviously willing to pay, and they obviously maximise their profit at their price points. Who are you to judge them on the price? The price is part of selling it as a premium product, whether you think it's worth it or not, who are you to judge someone who thinks it is worth it?

Judging someone for paying more for something YOU don't value is just as bad as him judging someone else for being 'lower class'.

You said that you can get non-Apple technology for half the price for the same capabilities, so your 2nd argument is dumb. If they can't afford the lower cost, they can't afford the tech. so why are you only judging apple? Of course they don't deserve expensive technology if they can't afford it. Do we all deserves yachts and Bentleys, even though we can't afford it?
It's Apple's right and choice to price whatever they want. People are obviously willing to pay, and they obviously maximise their profit at their price points. Who are you to judge them on the price? The price is part of selling it as a premium product, whether you think it's worth it or not, who are you to judge someone who thinks it is worth it?

Judging someone for paying more for something YOU don't value is just as bad as him judging someone else for being 'lower class'.

You said that you can get non-Apple technology for half the price for the same capabilities, so your 2nd argument is dumb. If they can't afford the lower cost, they can't afford the tech. so why are you only judging apple? Of course they don't deserve expensive technology if they can't afford it. Do we all deserves yachts and Bentleys, even though we can't afford it?

I'm not judging for buying the product what I'm saying is that its overpriced. And yeah obviously it's their right to price it duuh but you cant really deny that £200 quid of that price isn't for that picture of an apple. Also ... I'm not talking about being able to afford something. And saying you cant deserve something is different from affording it. Deserving it is basing it someones character not their wallet.
I don't intend to get an Iphone, just through choice. But tbh, I hardly think Apple are doing what any other company is doing when it comes to setting a price.

Return train ticket London to Manchester £246
Apple IPhone - round about £200

Hardly think Apple are ripping people off. Just saying that there's other products/services that are far more excessively priced, but excessive as you're not always guaranteed as high quality product/service. If it came between the above, I'd rather purchase an Apple product, and have a quality product, compared to something else that will not be as high quality.

Hopefully someone can see the point I'm making regarding pricing.
I'm not judging for buying the product what I'm saying is that its overpriced. And yeah obviously it's their right to price it duuh but you cant really deny that £200 quid of that price isn't for that picture of an apple.
You've clearly never owned an Apple product. Some people prefer the OS. Some people prefer the aesthetic. Some people prefer the apps and control. The Apple customer support is second to none. The Apple brand is renowned for producing quality, polished products. People feel safe in knowing their purchase is going to be high quality. In the same way someone can produce a kit car that goes equally as fast as a Ferrari for a tenth of the price, but if you had the money, which would you buy? All of the factors I just listed add value to a product.
Also ... I'm not talking about being able to afford something. And saying you cant deserve something is different from affording it. Deserving it is basing it someones character not their wallet.

The most fundamental function of price is that it rations scarce goods. If EVERYONE deserved something, and it wasn't decided by their wallet, how are Apple a) Expected to produce so many products and b) Why should they bother if they don't profit? Who are you to judge someone's character? Why does A deserve something more than B? You can't. That is why we have prices and money in the first place.
Joel, don't even try and debate it with him, he has the mental capacity of a goldfish. A very slow goldfish.
Oh god what did I start here!

To be fair I have a HTC Desire so have Android on there. Its my birthday on the 19th (ask for my adress and you may send gifts and money, no dog **** please) so I've ordered myself a 16 gig now. They are alot of money but wtf, only live once and all that cliche bollocks :)
I dont, they are fantastic pieces of hardware and I turned one down at work! I got the Samsung Galaxy SII! Its all I need!
How can you compare a yacht or a bentley to an iPad? The iPad is not aimed at the rich and/or famous, it is aimed at pretty much anyone.. This "I'm superior because I have an iPhone" attitude that occur among a lot of Apple customers is what actually ****** people off.

I choose not to own an iPad, does this mean I do not deserve one? Does this make me poor and incapable of being able to afford one? No. If I go to somebody's house and they own an Apple product should I feel inferior? No. So how can you sit there and say otherwise.

People have a right to say the iPad is overpriced compared to it's market competitors in the same way people can buy Apple products because they feel it offers a quality you could not get elsewhere. So why can't people just be happy with what they've got and stop making out they've purchased a Jet or something that actually has value.

I know just as many people who you would consider 'lower class' that own as much if not more than those who you'd call 'middle or upper class', so why pretend otherwise. I just don't see why people have to go around with this elitist mentality, it's incredibly shallow.
Oh shut up Aaannddy just beacause your jealous I've just ordered one!! Now swtich off your dial up internet, close down windows 94 and take a nap

;) ;)

To be fair I probably would have bought an Android tablet as they're cheaper but I already have a HTC Desire that runs on Android, fancied the best of both :)
Oh shut up Aaannddy just beacause your jealous I've just ordered one!! Now swtich off your dial up internet, close down windows 94 and take a nap

;) ;)

To be fair I probably would have bought an Android tablet as they're cheaper but I already have a HTC Desire that runs on Android, fancied the best of both :)

I don't think I was coming across as jealous was I? I have no problem with Apple products, I think they're a wonderful piece of hardware and without Apple we probably wouldn't have developed a lot of technology as fast as we have done. Just wish a few people would open their eyes and see that we aren't jealous because you own that stuff we just choice not to buy it. So stop thinking we're all poor people who sit at home crying watching Apple adverts.

Also, I think you mean Windows 95. (:
I don't think I was coming across as jealous was I? I have no problem with Apple products, I think they're a wonderful piece of hardware and without Apple we probably wouldn't have developed a lot of technology as fast as we have done. Just wish a few people would open their eyes and see that we aren't jealous because you own that stuff we just choice not to buy it. So stop thinking we're all poor people who sit at home crying watching Apple adverts. Also, I think you mean Windows 95. (:
Noooooo! Humour/sarcasm/joke detector offline today mate!?? lol I was agreeing with you, I tried to make my joke pretty ridiculous (windows 94, dial up etc + the two winks! ;) )I know quite a few people that look down their noses as they have an Iphone and I have HTC Desire (which i prefer!) until I show them the screen as I'm playing old megadrive and NES games lol
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How can you compare a yacht or a bentley to an iPad? The iPad is not aimed at the rich and/or famous, it is aimed at pretty much anyone.. This "I'm superior because I have an iPhone" attitude that occur among a lot of Apple customers is what actually ****** people off.

I choose not to own an iPad, does this mean I do not deserve one? Does this make me poor and incapable of being able to afford one? No. If I go to somebody's house and they own an Apple product should I feel inferior? No. So how can you sit there and say otherwise.

People have a right to say the iPad is overpriced compared to it's market competitors in the same way people can buy Apple products because they feel it offers a quality you could not get elsewhere. So why can't people just be happy with what they've got and stop making out they've purchased a Jet or something that actually has value.

I know just as many people who you would consider 'lower class' that own as much if not more than those who you'd call 'middle or upper class', so why pretend otherwise. I just don't see why people have to go around with this elitist mentality, it's incredibly shallow.

I think the point Joel made might have been worded in way differently to how I would have said it. More along the lines of, you can buy a BMW with the same size engine as a similar specced Bentley, yet have would have to pay £100k more. It's down to personal choice if you want to pay more for one due to the name or design, where as they still 'perform' in a similar way, they are still very much different. This is basically the same concept as the argument between iPads and other tablets. Granted, the iPad might well be 'overpriced' compared to a tablet of a similar spec from a different company, but the brand is well known and trusted, with good customer support, compared to some of the companies I have had to contact in the past, Apple are by far one the of the easiest I have had to complain to/ask help from.

Also, I think the amount of people that have iPhones these days has rather negated the whole 'I have an iPhone so I am amazing' mentality, if anything I get a lot of abuse/jokes at my expense for having an iPhone, compared to when I had a blackberry, which in my opinion was a far inferior phone. I think most of my close friends have iPhones, and no one makes a big deal about it, the only people that do make a big deal out of it, are the people that don't have iPhones, and feel the need to point out that 'they are ****'.
Don't own one, enjoy to use them, entertainment wise and seem to be handy dandy to use at lectures too.

I would buy one if I had the cash around me atm, got Formal/Prom next month, holidays and some music festivals to pay for too ( :'( ). I like Apple, products are expensive but you are paying for what you get, quality product, customer support, updates are good, good music facilities (and E-Reader capability thingys) and it is only going to go forward from here for them.

I may, however, be getting a Macbook for uni when I go there next year (Here's hoping), and should nothing else come up, get myself one with Birthday money/saved wages etc. when the time comes.
Noooooo! Humour/sarcasm/joke detector offline today mate!?? lol I was agreeing with you, I tried to make my joke pretty ridiculous (windows 94, dial up etc + the two winks! ;) )
I know quite a few people that look down their noses as they have an Iphone and I have HTC Desire (which i prefer!) until I show them the screen as I'm playing old megadrive and NES games lol

I thought you were joking I just didn't want to come across as a bitter loser who can't afford an iPad. (;
Yeah, at the end of the day it's each to their own.. Would just be nice if people could be happy with owning something and not having to show it off like it's a grand achievement.

I think the point Joel made might have been worded in way differently to how I would have said it. More along the lines of, you can buy a BMW with the same size engine as a similar specced Bentley, yet have would have to pay £100k more. It's down to personal choice if you want to pay more for one due to the name or design, where as they still 'perform' in a similar way, they are still very much different. This is basically the same concept as the argument between iPads and other tablets. Granted, the iPad might well be 'overpriced' compared to a tablet of a similar spec from a different company, but the brand is well known and trusted, with good customer support, compared to some of the companies I have had to contact in the past, Apple are by far one the of the easiest I have had to complain to/ask help from.
Also, I think the amount of people that have iPhones these days has rather negated the whole 'I have an iPhone so I am amazing' mentality, if anything I get a lot of abuse/jokes at my expense for having an iPhone, compared to when I had a blackberry, which in my opinion was a far inferior phone. I think most of my close friends have iPhones, and no one makes a big deal about it, the only people that do make a big deal out of it, are the people that don't have iPhones, and feel the need to point out that 'they are ****'.

Of course I understand that the point made was supposed to be on a bigger scale but it doesn't really work. Somebody who owns a BMW might not be able to afford a Bentley. Somebody who owns an android tablet is more than likely able to afford an Apple one, just because they choose against it does not mean they are settling for something cheaper and certainly doesn't mean that they don't deserve an iPad.

You'd think that with pretty much every other person owning an iPhone that they would stop with this elitist BS but instead they just have more backup in what is always an utterly boring and repetitive argument. I still have to hear how amazing the iPhone is from my friends that have them, how they can talk to it and whatever.. Which is cool if I lost the use of my fingers. It's getting old now. Also referring to your phone as an iPhone is an annoying thing that iPhone users do. Tbh, we've gone through years of listening to how amazing iPhone's are and how much my Blackberry is an inferior peice of **** I think it's about time they got some abuse back.

Like I said, I like Apple, think they've made some fantastic pieces of kit but I'm bored of it now. Just wish the whole fad thing would stop and people could chose to buy what they want without being judged by other people.