Got An Ipad?

Apple can charge what they want because they're market leader.

If you have an iPhone, don't get it as they're very similar bar size. I know someone who had both a completely neglected there iPad. There probably the most conventional thing to have if you're moving around a lot like going to lectures or sitting on the train/bus.
Of course I understand that the point made was supposed to be on a bigger scale but it doesn't really work. Somebody who owns a BMW might not be able to afford a Bentley. Somebody who owns an android tablet is more than likely able to afford an Apple one, just because they choose against it does not mean they are settling for something cheaper and certainly doesn't mean that they don't deserve an iPad.

You'd think that with pretty much every other person owning an iPhone that they would stop with this elitist BS but instead they just have more backup in what is always an utterly boring and repetitive argument. I still have to hear how amazing the iPhone is from my friends that have them, how they can talk to it and whatever.. Which is cool if I lost the use of my fingers. It's getting old now. Also referring to your phone as an iPhone is an annoying thing that iPhone users do. Tbh, we've gone through years of listening to how amazing iPhone's are and how much my Blackberry is an inferior peice of **** I think it's about time they got some abuse back.

Like I said, I like Apple, think they've made some fantastic pieces of kit but I'm bored of it now. Just wish the whole fad thing would stop and people could chose to buy what they want without being judged by other people.

Maybe you just need new friends that don't give a **** about phones, rather than getting so aggravated about it. To be fair, my blackberry was awful, but I paid like £20 less a month for it than I do my iPhone. I suppose you didn't pay as much for your blackberry, as you would have if you have purchased an iPhone, I am not debating that you could have afforded one, but the fact that you consciously decided on the choice of the cheaper option kind of devalues your argument. You may argue that the iPhone isn't as good as a blackberry, and in some cases, it's not, but the general consensus of peoples opinion on the 'iPhone v Blackberry' is that the iPhone is superior, which would also be my personal opinion after owning both. So, given this, you would be paying more for the better product, which is the same in pretty much any product comparison. Do £120 Nike boots make you play better than £20 Diadoras? No. Does wearing a £300 leather jacket make you look cooler than a £50 faux leather jacket? Probably not.

People can buy what they like, if you judge someone else on the phone they use, like you seem to be doing with the whole 'iPhone users are all elitist *****', then you are also extremely shallow. I personally couldn't give a **** what phone my friends have, as long as they can text and call me, they could be using a 3310 for all I care. Also, sorry, but what are you on about with 'calling your phone an iPhone', that's it's name? Blackberry users call theirs a 'Blackberry'. In general conversation, I have never heard anyone refer to their iPhone as 'iPhone', but rather 'phone', compared to people that consistently call their blackberry a 'blackberry', which it is, so I am unsure why you have an issue with that, apart from the obvious prejudices you have towards people with an iPhone.
People can buy what they like, if you judge someone else on the phone they use, like you seem to be doing with the whole 'iPhone users are all elitist *****', then you are also extremely shallow. I personally couldn't give a **** what phone my friends have, as long as they can text and call me, they could be using a 3310 for all I care.


I'm an elitist **** :)
How can you compare a yacht or a bentley to an iPad? The iPad is not aimed at the rich and/or famous, it is aimed at pretty much anyone.. This "I'm superior because I have an iPhone" attitude that occur among a lot of Apple customers is what actually ****** people off.

I choose not to own an iPad, does this mean I do not deserve one? Does this make me poor and incapable of being able to afford one? No. If I go to somebody's house and they own an Apple product should I feel inferior? No. So how can you sit there and say otherwise.

People have a right to say the iPad is overpriced compared to it's market competitors in the same way people can buy Apple products because they feel it offers a quality you could not get elsewhere. So why can't people just be happy with what they've got and stop making out they've purchased a Jet or something that actually has value.

I know just as many people who you would consider 'lower class' that own as much if not more than those who you'd call 'middle or upper class', so why pretend otherwise. I just don't see why people have to go around with this elitist mentality, it's incredibly shallow.

Basically what I was saying about the overpriced etc. and the affording thing and the yatch vs phone but Dunc & Joel just shot me down for some reason but meh.
Basically what I was saying about the overpriced etc. and the affording thing and the yatch vs phone but Dunc & Joel just shot me down for some reason but meh.

Didn't 'shoot you down', just disagreed with your opinion, and discussed it. I highly doubt any of this thread will change anyones opinions on Apple, because no one would, or should, take the opinion of a faceless person on the internet as solid fact, or value their opinion above their own.
Didn't 'shoot you down', just disagreed with your opinion, and discussed it. I highly doubt any of this thread will change anyones opinions on Apple, because no one would, or should, take the opinion of a faceless person on the internet as solid fact, or value their opinion above their own.

True but then again, don't debate with him he's an idiot isn't exactly discussing it is it?
because no one would, or should, take the opinion of a faceless person on the internet as solid fact, or value their opinion above their own.

It should if your using Internet sorcery ;) ... you won't be thinking that for long ...
True but then again, don't debate with him he's an idiot isn't exactly discussing it is it?

You're reply of 'it's different' to every point made on IRC, from every person that made one, is what had deduced that you are in fact, an idiot, and debating with you would be about as productive as jamming your ***** in a Marmite jar, which is still a deduction that I stand by, and you have done nothing to change it, and probably never will.
Maybe you just need new friends that don't give a **** about phones, rather than getting so aggravated about it. To be fair, my blackberry was awful, but I paid like £20 less a month for it than I do my iPhone. I suppose you didn't pay as much for your blackberry, as you would have if you have purchased an iPhone, I am not debating that you could have afforded one, but the fact that you consciously decided on the choice of the cheaper option kind of devalues your argument. You may argue that the iPhone isn't as good as a blackberry, and in some cases, it's not, but the general consensus of peoples opinion on the 'iPhone v Blackberry' is that the iPhone is superior, which would also be my personal opinion after owning both. So, given this, you would be paying more for the better product, which is the same in pretty much any product comparison. Do £120 Nike boots make you play better than £20 Diadoras? No. Does wearing a £300 leather jacket make you look cooler than a £50 faux leather jacket? Probably not.
People can buy what they like, if you judge someone else on the phone they use, like you seem to be doing with the whole 'iPhone users are all elitist *****', then you are also extremely shallow. I personally couldn't give a **** what phone my friends have, as long as they can text and call me, they could be using a 3310 for all I care. Also, sorry, but what are you on about with 'calling your phone an iPhone', that's it's name? Blackberry users call theirs a 'Blackberry'. In general conversation, I have never heard anyone refer to their iPhone as 'iPhone', but rather 'phone', compared to people that consistently call their blackberry a 'blackberry', which it is, so I am unsure why you have an issue with that, apart from the obvious prejudices you have towards people with an iPhone.

I don't get aggravated about it. You were saying how people make jokes about how **** the iPhone is or whatever, I was just stating that it works both ways. Also, I have the Blackberry Torch, it was the same price as the iPhone 4 was when released and in fact cost around £600, it was certainly a retarded price, I obviously got it on contract. I decided not to get the iPhone because I preferred the Blackberry, a lot of reviews said it was a better phone than the iPhone too, so no, my argument is not devalued.

I'm not arguing that the BB is better, I never said that it was.. I said it's down to personal preference. In fact I'm pretty sure we were talking about tablets not phones anyway. You are taking my points and throwing them massively out of context, people choose to buy the "cheaper alternative", but it is not necessarily because it's cheaper. Android do not choose what price Apple out on their products (obviously) but just because they have priced there's £150 lower than Apple doesn't make it an inferior product. They are not aiming their product at people who are "lower class" or poor, that was the point I was making.

I never said iPhone users are all elitist *****? I said a lot of them are very elitist about the products they own, not all but a majority. That is coming from my own experiences with people I know and on the whole it's very true.. Certainly more so than people who own BB's, use Windows and have an Android tablet. I also couldn't give a **** what phone my friends have, I never said I did.

I have no prejudice towards anyone, in fact, I thought I was being particularly unbiased. I said it would be nice if people could just buy what they wanted to without A) Acting like an "elitist ****" B) Being referred too as "lower class" or cheap C) Being called an elitist ****. But it's swings and roundabouts really. My intention was not to turn this into a Apple v BB v Android thread and I have no idea why you have attacked me like I'm some sort of anti-apple freak when in fact I've been quite the opposite, just trying to give a genuine opinion of somebody on the opposite side of the fence from you without resorting to that rubbish cliche "YOU'RE PAYING TWICE THE PRICE FOR A PICTURE OF A HALF EATEN APPLE." But, maybe I shouldn't have bothered.
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You're reply of 'it's different' to every point made on IRC, from every person that made one, is what had deduced that you are in fact, an idiot, and debating with you would be about as productive as jamming your ***** in a Marmite jar, which is still a deduction that I stand by, and you have done nothing to change it, and probably never will.

I said that when you was comparing buying a phone to buying a 300k car ... tis a bit different no?
I don't get aggravated about it. You were saying how people make jokes about how **** the iPhone is or whatever, I was just stating that it works both ways. Also, I have the Blackberry Torch, it was the same price as the iPhone 4 was when released and in fact cost around £600, it was certainly a retarded price, I obviously got it on contract. I decided not to get the iPhone because I preferred the Blackberry, a lot of reviews said it was a better phone than the iPhone too, so no, my argument is not devalued.

I'm not arguing that the BB is better, I never said that it was.. I said it's down to personal preference. In fact I'm pretty sure we were talking about tablets not phones anyway. You are taking my points and throwing them massively out of context, people choose to buy the "cheaper alternative", but it is not necessarily because it's cheaper. Android do not choose what price Apple out on their products (obviously) but just because they have priced there's £150 lower than Apple doesn't make it an inferior product. They are not aiming their product at people who are "lower class" or poor, that was the point I was making.

I never said iPhone users are all elitist *****? I said a lot of them are very elitist about the products they own, not all but a majority. That is coming from my own experiences with people I know and on the whole it's very true.. Certainly more so than people who own BB's, use Windows and have an Android tablet. I also couldn't give a **** what phone my friends have, I never said I did.

I have no prejudice towards anyone, in fact, I thought I was being particularly unbiased. I said it would be nice if people could just buy what they wanted to without A) Acting like an "elitist ****" B) Being referred too as "lower class" or cheap C) Being called an elitist ****. But it's swings and roundabouts really. My intention was not to turn this into a Apple v BB v Android thread and I have no idea why you have attacked me like I'm some sort of anti-apple freak when in fact I've been quite the opposite, just trying to give a genuine opinion of somebody on the opposite side of the fence from you without resorting to that rubbish cliche "YOU'RE PAYING TWICE THE PRICE FOR A PICTURE OF A HALF EATEN APPLE." But, maybe I shouldn't have bothered.

I'm a bit confused.. you were slagging off, the apparent majority, of 'elitist' iPhone users and then suddenly 'I have no prejudice towards anyone, in fact, I thought I was being particularly unbiased.'... oO)

At the end of the day, I don't see why people have a problem with Apple, or iPhones in particular. If people want something and are willing to pay for it, good for them, I can't understand why people get so worked up over something as materialistic as a mobile phone, especially the 'branding and pricing'. People love Android, great, some people don't, some people prefer iOS, some people don't. Such is life. As stated earlier, I don't have any issue with any phone, people can do what they like, my Dad has a blackberry, my mum has an old **** Nokia, and my brother has some android phone. I don't hate them all, or treat them any different, and they don't give a **** if I have an iPhone, neither a positive or a negative opinion on my phone, because at the end of the day, you're the one that has to use it, use what your comfortable with, if other people have an issue with it, who cares. Maybe the fact that I have never come across anyone that actually has a massive issue with other peoples phone, rather than the odd 'Oh, you have an iPhone, you must be bent' kind of insult/jokes, hasn't given me the insight into 'elitist iPhone users', which I imagine could be infuriating, but that could be said to any kind of elitist mentality, like the kid at football who has the £200 boots and thinks he is Messi.

Anyway, the post I made wasn't supposed to be an attack on you. The start of the second paragraph was just a general statement, using your post as an example, which could be perceived as an 'attack', but rather a comment, as I wouldn't personally describe being shallow as an insult, but rather a personality trait which is apparent in most, if not all people, to some degree. The second half of the paragraph about the use of the term 'iPhone' and 'Blackberry', was because I found your point about people calling their phone 'iPhone' when referring to it rather odd, mainly due to the amount of people I hear referring to their phone as 'blackberry', on personal experience, I have very rarely heard people say 'iPhone', when they can simply say 'phone', maybe it's the difference in people we hang out with, which could be age/location/etc.

Either way, this has kind of turned into a cry-fest rather than a 'debate', on both sides. People won't agree on everything, and I suppose this is something we should just agree to disagree on. Feel free to reply, I probably will respond, but I imagine will will continue going around in circles.
I said that when you was comparing buying a phone to buying a 300k car ... tis a bit different no?

You said it to everything that was replied with, the principle is the same, similar to football boots. The only thing I got from your side of the debate was 'apple is over priced' and 'you're paying £200 for a half eaten apple', which while I appreciate what you are trying to say, you continue to use the same point when they have been countered and explained, rather than try and counter the counter, it seems a similar action to putting your fingers in your ears and shouting 'LAAA LAAA LAAA'.
To be fair, I don't really know where this is going.. It's gone wildly off-topic of my original point and let's be honest, neither of us actually give a **** about the other's opinion so this is just a pointless exercise.. There's no point in continuing, I will however clear a few things up:

I said in my experience people tend to act elitist when it comes to Apple products, be it iPad, Mac or iPhone. Of course everyone is different and I may just be around a lot of benders.. I do live in Oxford so it's probable. And, I agree people shouldn't have a problem with Apple, they make good products but they are hardly victims in this, go around acting like owning a piece of plastic makes you a God and people will **** on you.

A lot of people I know refer to their iPhones as an iPhone. I refer to my BB as a phone. I once called it a blackberry when talking to my boss and was utterly embarrassed as how retarded and nerdy it made me feel but everyone is different I guess. Hardly a big deal though, something that gets on my nerve is personal to me, others may consider it a completely normal thing to call it an iPhone in conversation but whatever.

I never said product elitism [a term I just created] is unique to anyone, it is exactly the same as the kid at football with the bright yellow £250 boots doing stepovers thinking he's CR7, he just get's kicked extra hard.. He doesn't make me feel poor or unworthy with my £50 black boots he just acts like a **** so he's treated like one.

So, yeah, whatever. (:
**** me didn't expect the thread to go like this! haha

Got my iPad in the post yesterday (quick delivery!) and got it set up. Was too tired to do much on it this morning or last night though.

Any of you elitist ***** want to reccommend me some apps? Games, news, funny stuff etc :)