Guardiola 3-4-3


If you truly believe as you said, "that in the modern Barcelona, they start with 3 narrow strikers and then move down the channels, and no one is hugging the touchline 24/7" then I rest my case because I don't know which Barca you have been watching mate and we might be talking about a different Barca.

But just before I go, I leave you with a heat map from Alexis Sanchez in one of last season Barca's 3-4-3 .
The red square contains the darkest dot.
The darker the dots means majority of time in there; now, look at it and tell me if you can see any starting position as a narrow striker moving down the channels.
You don't need to be angry mate, I was just giving you some insight in Barca's methodology and one of the main pillars of the system; wingers/inside forwards starting position hugging the touchline.

Take care and be happy

View attachment 261357
Thats one screenshot, is it even reputable?? what statistics package was used?? look at some reputable football analysis screenshots :) im talking about not just one game but the majority of games that barcelona play! an average of their positions not just in one game but spanning minimum 5-10 league games. you watch football and gawp at when players are on the wing stretching play but in the majority of cases they start narrow and drift out!! good luck to youl lad and if you ever get some free time do the hard yards and you will see what im talking about!
Heres one ss of Barca
View attachment 261399
oh look all pretty central! sure Cuenca is a bit wider then the rest!! however he is hardly hugging the touchline!! pedro is also wider than the three amcs but still not hugging the touchline!
On the point once again that my formation doesnt resemble peps youve been disproven again!!
Clearly three defenders 14- mascherano, 5- puyol, 21-adriano.
Deep lying midfielder 16- busquets
Three amcs 6,8,9 xavi, iniesta, sanchez!
three strikers pedro messi and cuenca!!
before you post again do yourself a favour and actually look at barca and once again dont fabricate a formation or tactic you have dreamt about. trust me use a statistical package like gamebreaker etc..

lots of luck....

Ps. maybe youve been watching Barcelona B buddy as you sure havent been watching the first team!!
Well this appears to be a 'who knows most about Barcelona' slagging match. It matters not who is right or wrong as the thread is about the tactics. How is the test season coming on? Are you having the success you hoped for? Are the away performances matching up to the performances at home? Have you worked out a way to make it stronger away from home? What is the highest amount of passes achieved by one player in a match? What is the highest amount of possession achieved with your team over a single match? What are the results like with the other teams you have tested with? West Ham, Ajax and Swansea?
to the dude at the bottom of the 2nd page of this thread! where did you get that screen from
I take it that every/most positions have been changed from how TC would set them up?
The tactic looks promising. But did it produce results with West Ham and Swansea?