Headaches from Pale Beer

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May 27, 2009
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Does anyone else get these? It never fails. If I drink half a bottle of any light/pale beer I'll get a mini hangover.

I can drink a ton of dark beers or even whiskey and have no problem.

Can't find anything definite with google on this.
Not many people (that I know of) drink Pale ale here. It’s rank! I tried some in Seattle and couldn’t finish it.

I know what you mean though, If I have 4-5 beers I’m half cut but can drink Jack D all night and don’t really feel too bad.
Same as Kris with with 4-5 beers thing, but I made the mistake of drinking wine as well on my last bar crawl, whiskey + beer and wine didn't go well.. felt the effects the morning after.
6 bottles of Bud...no problem. 3 cans of Stella...head feels like its being pounded by a hammer. And yeah, wine and whiskey with beer......disastrous lol
Pale beer as in Corona, Millers, Coors? I often drink Corona and it doesn't really give me a hangover, weirdly enough when I mix my drinks I tend not to be hungover the next day. However if I'm drinking Vodka, Whisky or Wine all night I am likely to be hungover the next morning.
It's from any light colored beer.

I can put down darker colored beers without a problem.

But give me one really blonde beer and bam, headache.

I've heard it could be due to quality, and I've heard I could be having a reaction to the beer.
Only wines (normal or fortified) give me hangovers.
If a bit dehydrated, then hot chocolates give me a mild migraine, which is pretty screwy for the post cycle beverage, but then one just has to liberally apply "The V"

aka Rule 5

look here: Velominati
I should hope not if it's only three beers.

Stop Trolling

I was making a point how drinking dark beer never gives me a problem. But if I drink one light beer, bam! headache, everytime.
Stop Trolling

I was making a point how drinking dark beer never gives me a problem. But if I drink one light beer, bam! headache, everytime.

I wouldn't call it trolling, mearly playful banter. Didn't mean to offend.
I always get a hangover, regardless of how much or how little I drink. Thank fully, that's where Resolve comes in to cure all my ailments
Best way to stop a hangover is to have a pint of water every couple of pints/bottles. Mates do it and they swear by it. Wish I'd remember to do it while I'm drinking
Best way to stop a hangover is to have a pint of water every couple of pints/bottles. Mates do it and they swear by it. Wish I'd remember to do it while I'm drinking

I just drink a ton of water before I go to sleep.
I just drink a ton of water before I go to sleep.

Tried that once-ended having to wake up all the time to go to the bog and ended being knackered next day lol.
'tis a small price to pay to avoid a hangover.

Yeah I guess. I fully expect one on Sunday morning-being dragged out by the missus for a halloween night out. How fun :S Which is bad because a) I'll be the only bloke there and 2) I'll get absolutely hammered beyond belief from drinking far too much out of boredom lol. So I guess I'll be drinkin plenty of mother natures finest when I get back.
I used to do the water thing, it works.

but I don't drink like that anymore.

Every once in a while I'll put down 2-3 beers.