I always get myself confused when creating myself a tactic, especially with the option to tick 'counter attack' and also the target man ball/feet thing.
Now when i think of counter attacking, i think defending deep & narrow & springing on the break, but most tactics i've downloaded are attacking tactics with the box ticked.
So i want to create a tactic for myself with AC Milan & i usually like a possesion/short passing style which is similar to them in real life (not an overkill on possesion like Barcelona) so with a short/slow & i guess narrow game, would you tick the counter attacking option?
Again it always throws me off when creating tactics, the only time when i know to use it is if i'm managing a poor team.
Now when i think of counter attacking, i think defending deep & narrow & springing on the break, but most tactics i've downloaded are attacking tactics with the box ticked.
So i want to create a tactic for myself with AC Milan & i usually like a possesion/short passing style which is similar to them in real life (not an overkill on possesion like Barcelona) so with a short/slow & i guess narrow game, would you tick the counter attacking option?
Again it always throws me off when creating tactics, the only time when i know to use it is if i'm managing a poor team.